
huáng dào
  • ecliptic
黄道 [huáng dào]
  • [ecliptic] 太阳每年在恒星之间的视轨迹,即地球轨道面与天球的相交线

黄道[huáng dào]
  1. NASA行星科学部门负责人吉姆·格林(JimGreen)称,这一现象之所以成为可能,是因为五颗行星罕见地沿其轨道的“黄道”面排列成了一条线。

    The display is made possible by the uncommon alignment of all five planets along what is called the " ecliptic " plane of their orbits according to Jim Green , the planetary science division director at NASA .

  2. 后一周期与前一周期中的同一年号在“黄道(ecliptic)”上的起止点只差2秒。比现在的“格里历”要精1600倍。

    The difference in the starting and finishing points in the ecliptic between the later cycle and the former cycle of the same year is only 2 seconds , which is 1 600 times more accurate than the Gregorian Calendar in current use .

  3. 本文利用行星际起伏通过激波后的变化的MHD模型,具体讨论了地球磁鞘中磁场起伏特性在黄道面内的分布。

    The distributions of the magnetic field fluctuation characteristics near the ecliptic plane in the magnetosheath are discussed by using the MHD model for describing variations of the interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations across a shock wave .

  4. SLR和卫星测高的潮汐解被用来计算月球轨道根数相对黄道坐标系的长期变化和地球自转速率的长期变化。

    The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon 's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system .

  5. 结果表明,背景太阳风速度和ICME渡越时间并没有明显的相关性,在考虑了磁云通量管轴相对黄道面夹角的影响后相关性仍然不明显。

    The results show that the ambient solar wind speed and the ICME transit time errors show little correlation , even after taking into account the angle of magnetic cloud flux tube to the ecliptic plane the correlation is still not obvious .

  6. 莫西沙星治疗沙眼衣原体宫颈炎的疗效分析双子宫天文学上的黄道第三宫

    Clinical Observation on Moxifloxacin for the Treatment of Chlamydia Trachomatis Cervicitis

  7. 同样的法则对黄道十二星座以及恒星同样适用。

    The same applies to the zodiacal signs and the stars .

  8. 黄道带被分成的个相等区域中的任意一个。

    One of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided .

  9. 古代天文学家把黄道带分为12等分。

    The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments .

  10. 你或许是黄道带中最具品味的星座。

    You are probably the most truly tasteful people of the zodiac .

  11. 月日或月日,太阳在黄道上最北的一点时。

    June 21 , when the sun is at its northernmost point .

  12. 这是非基督教所改制的黄道十二宫的十字架。

    It is a Pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac .

  13. 黄道的倾角是季节的基本成因。

    The obliquity of the ecliptic is the fundamental cause of the seasons .

  14. 处女:你或许是黄道带中最具品味的星座。

    VIRGO You are probably the most truly tasteful people of the zodiac .

  15. 给我朗诵一下黄道十二宫。

    Recite for me the12 signs of the zodiac .

  16. 中国的黄道十二宫12生肖一轮回。

    The Chinese zodiac operates on a rotation of12 different signs , or animals .

  17. 因为双子座人是在整个黄道带里最富好奇心的星座。

    Gemini 's love variety and are the most curious Signs of the Zodiac .

  18. 表示黄道的图形成图解。

    A diagram or figure representing the zodiac .

  19. 黄道光指的是在黄道平面上漫散射的太阳光。

    The zodiacal glow refers to the diffuse scattered sunlight on the ecliptic plane .

  20. 这个倾斜同样使你对黄道的视野产生歪斜,改变角度。

    This lean also skews your view of the Ecliptic , changing the angle .

  21. 气候演变的周期性与黄道倾斜的关系地质时期的黄赤交角

    Obliquity of the ecliptic in the geological time

  22. 黄道是一圈看似环绕地球的星座带。

    The zodiac is a band of stars that appears to encircle the earth .

  23. 但无论如何,它正在沿黄道面朝那个大致方向望出去。

    Nevertheless , he was looking out along the Ecliptic , in that general direction .

  24. 是黄道12宫里最稳定最努力工作的星座。

    Here is a stabilizing force , one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac .

  25. 月球通常所在的黄道,出现了混乱。

    A turmoil , mostly present at the Ecliptic , which the Moon normally rides .

  26. 你和鱼儿是黄道带里最敏感的2个星座。

    You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac .

  27. 它与天球相交处形成一个大圆&黄道。

    Its intersection with the celestial sphere will be a great circle & the ecliptic .

  28. (占星术)展现黄道十二宫和它们的迹象的一种循环图。

    ( astrology ) a circular diagram representing the 12 zodiacal constellations and showing their signs .

  29. 赤道和黄道的另一个相交点叫作秋分点。

    The other point of intersection of equator and the ecliptic is called the Autumnal Equinox .

  30. 黄道第十二宫是双鱼座,它被认为是善解人意的、有同情心的。

    Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac and associated with human emotions .