
  • 网络the golden ratio;The Golden Mean;Golden Rato
  1. 该人脸检测算法是基于眼睛检测以及修正黄金比率(MGR),最后获取人脸。

    The face detection algorithm is based on the eye detection and Modified Golden Ratio ( MGR ) .

  2. 这个名字可以与神圣几何学的黄金比率相联系呢?

    Could that name also be linked to the Phi Ratio of Sacred Geometry ?

  3. 如果道琼斯工业平均指数(dowjonesindustrialaverage)与黄金的比率保持在2:1的水平,那将是表明黄金牛市运行良好的一个良好迹象。

    A Dow Jones industrial average / gold ratio of 2:1 would be a good sign the bull market in gold is getting well advanced .

  4. 由于人们能够完全掌握人类遗传形态基因,人脸也将朝人们普遍认为具有吸引力的特征方向发展:强壮、高贵的线条、笔直的鼻子、炯炯有神的眼睛,还有让左右两边完全对称的黄金分割比率。

    As man achieves total mastery over human morphological genetics , the human face will become heavily biased towards features that humans find fundamentally appealing : strong , regal lines , straight nose , intense eyes , and placement of facial features that adhere to the golden ratio and left / right perfect symmetry .

  5. III.–信贷机制的建立,它超出了黄金兑货币比率的严格限制。

    III. - the establishment of credit beyond the limits imposed by any strict ratio of gold to currency .

  6. 所以说,如果只根据黄金对石油的比率来计算,金价也有理由升高。

    The point is , gold is also poised to go higher just based on this gold to oil relationship .

  7. 中央银行是黄金供应(除了可能由国库持有的部分)的保管机构,并负责严格按照黄金比率发行该国的货币。

    This central bank is the custodian of the gold supply ( except what part might be held by the Treasury ) and issues the country 's currency , governed strictly by the gold ratio .