
huánɡ jīn shì chǎnɡ
  • gold market
  1. 目前黄金市场的形势使许多经济学家迷惑不解。

    The present situation of the gold market has puzzled many economists .

  2. 前言:面对加入“WTO”和开放黄金市场,各矿山生产的黄金必须提纯精炼才能出售。

    Along joining to WTO and opening of gold market , the gold can sell by refine with the gold mine .

  3. 数百年来,英国央行(bankofengland)一直支持着黄金市场的发展,最早于1717年确立了金本位制。

    The Bank of England had for centuries supported the development of the bullion market ; the first gold standard was set in 1717 .

  4. 基于半参数GARCH模型的中国黄金市场波动性研究

    Semi-parametric GARCH Modeling of the Volatility of China Gold Market

  5. “这对于黄金市场是一个积极的信号,”汇丰(hsbc)在纽约的贵金属策略师詹姆斯斯蒂尔(jamessteel)表示。

    " This is a positive sign for the gold market , " said James steel , precious metals strategist at HSBC in New York .

  6. 瑞银(UBS)的约翰里德(JohnReade)表示,对黄金市场而言,这是一个重要因素。

    John Reade of UBS said that this was an important factor for the gold market .

  7. 基于GARCH模型的风险价值在现货黄金市场的比较研究

    Comparative studies of the value at risk based on GARCH family model in spot gold market

  8. 中国国内实物黄金市场极为活跃,但至今没有一只以贵金属为基础资产的ETF。

    China already has a very active physical gold market , but no exchange-traded funds for any precious metals .

  9. 文章强调,国内黄金市场的建立以及加入WTO后,对黄金企业来说,最大的问题出在市场竞争能力不强上,出在中国黄金工业的国际竞争力不高上。

    After establishment of the domestic gold market and entering WTO , the paper emphases , the biggest problem for gold enterprise will be lack of strong enough market competition ability and weak international competition ability .

  10. gfms称,黄金市场正站在十字路口。

    GFMS said the gold market stood at a crossroads .

  11. 本周于蒙特利尔召开的伦敦金银市场协会(londonbullionmarketassociation)年会上,中央银行在黄金市场的角色将成为辩论的中心议题。

    The role of central banks in the gold market will be a central topic of debate at the annual London Bullion Market Association conference , the largest gathering of the gold industry , in Montreal this week .

  12. 巴克莱资本驻伦敦的贵金属分析师索奇库珀(SukiCooper)表示,黄金市场的人气仍然非常乐观。

    Suki Cooper , a precious metals analysts at Barclays Capital in London , said that sentiment remained very positive towards gold .

  13. 尽管中行参与伦敦黄金市场已有数十年之久,但此前黄金定价一直由几家西方银行完成,这一安排起始于1919年,过去在英国投行洛希尔(NMRothschild)的场所进行。

    While the bank has participated in the London gold market for decades , the fix has been run by western banks since it started in 1919 , and used to take place on the premises of NM Rothschild .

  14. gfms的克拉普维克表示:“如果我们用通常的标准来看待黄金市场,并看看相对于首饰行业基本需求的投资者购买规模,我们就可以看到,市场已走向极端。”

    Mr Klapwijk , of GFMS , says : " if we use usual metrics to look at the gold market and we look at the scale of investor buying relative to the bread-and-butter demand from jewellery , we can see a market that is at some extremes . "

  15. 黄金市场供需格局与金价走势

    The supply-demand structure of gold market and trend of gold price

  16. 中港黄金市场消费模式比较

    Model comparison of gold consuming market between Hong Kong and China

  17. 放而能收&设计中国黄金市场的一种思路

    Flexible , a concept to design a gold market in China

  18. 诚然,黄金市场中还没有什么人在高叫“熊来了”。

    Admittedly , few are screaming bear in the gold market .

  19. 那么,世界黄金市场对此又将怎样反应呢?

    How would the gold market react to such a policy ?

  20. 以商业银行为核心构筑中国黄金市场

    Build Chinese gold market based on commercial bank as the cores

  21. 黄金市场过去10年的表现非常强劲。

    Gold has enjoyed a stellar run over the past decade .

  22. 研究黄金市场,优化风险管理;

    Study the gold market and optimize the risk managment ;

  23. 此外,实物黄金市场一直波澜不惊。

    Moreover , the physical gold market has been quiet .

  24. 中国黄金市场的理性探索&1999年中国黄金市场理论研究概览

    Chinese Market Chinese Market A rational study on the Chinese gold market

  25. 黄金市场交易不怎么活跃。

    There is not quite so much activity in the gold market .

  26. 中国黄金市场的现状及发展趋势分析

    Analysis on the Current Situation and the Trend of China Gold Market

  27. 中国黄金市场开放政策初探

    Preliminary Research on the Opening Policy of Chinese Gold Market

  28. 近代上海黄金市场研究(1921~1935年)

    Study on modern Shanghai gold market ( from 1921 to 1935 )

  29. 外汇和黄金市场已经表现出对未来通胀的担忧了。

    Already , currency and gold markets are worried about future inflation .

  30. 充分发挥商业银行在中国黄金市场中的作用

    Making full use of commercial banks in domestic gold market