
  • 网络London gold market;LMBA;Lbm
  1. 尽管中行参与伦敦黄金市场已有数十年之久,但此前黄金定价一直由几家西方银行完成,这一安排起始于1919年,过去在英国投行洛希尔(NMRothschild)的场所进行。

    While the bank has participated in the London gold market for decades , the fix has been run by western banks since it started in 1919 , and used to take place on the premises of NM Rothschild .

  2. 他在伦敦黄金市场和白银市场上进行投机买卖。

    He made his money speculating on the London gold and silver markets .

  3. 研究表明,上海黄金市场和伦敦黄金市场之间存在长期均衡的关系,伦敦黄金市场在价格发现过程中居主导地位。

    The study shows a fact that SGE and LBMA have long equilibrium relationship and LBMA lies in a dominant position in the price discovery process .

  4. 但交易员警告,上海市场溢价反映的是该市场与伦敦场外黄金市场之间缺乏关联性,而非全球价格可能的走向。

    Traders , however , warned that the Shanghai premium was a reflection of the lack of connectivity between the Shanghai market and the London-based over-the-counter gold market , rather than a signal of the likely direction of world prices .

  5. 中资开发商在纽约、伦敦和悉尼等黄金市场建造的公寓,大多数也被直接销售给中国大陆买家。

    Most apartments being built by Chinese developers in prime markets such as New York , London and Sydney are also being sold directly to mainland Chinese buyers .

  6. 大部分黄金是交换,在墓穴存放在一个特殊的组织总部设在伦敦的监督下,伦敦黄金市场协会(或LBMA)支持。

    Most gold is exchanged and stored in vaults under the supervision of a special organization based in London , the London Bullion Market Association ( or LBMA ) .