
  • 网络University of London;University College London;London University;UCL
  1. 伦敦大学专门研究南极洲的政治学者克劳斯·多兹说,“南极洲被欧洲、澳大利亚、北美白人的利益及愿望统治的日子结束了。”

    “ The old days of the Antarctic being dominated by the interests and wishes of white men from European , Australasian and North American states are over . ” Said Klaus Dodds , a politics scholar at the University of London who specialises in Antarctica .

  2. 在此之前,该所大学的学位由伦敦大学颁发。

    Previously , it had awarded degrees from the University of London .

  3. 她有伦敦大学生物化学的学位。

    She has a degree in Biochemistry from London University .

  4. 他要求转接到伦敦大学的电话总机。

    He asked to be connected to the central switchboard at London University

  5. 30多年前,我从伦敦大学毕业,取得了行医资格。

    I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago .

  6. 帕特里克现在就读于伦敦大学。

    Patrick is now at London University

  7. 伦敦大学学院的认知神经学家萨拉-杰恩·布莱克莫尔在去年发表了一篇评论中写道:“在教育领域冒险是一项至关重要的技能,它能够促进发展和创新。”

    " Risk taking in an educational context is a vital skill that enables progress and creativity , " wrote Sarah-Jayne Blakemore , a cognitive neuroscientist at University College London , in a review published last year .

  8. 这也正是为什么伦敦大学金史密斯学院的新任院长(WardenofGoldsmiths)——他们对负责人的称呼,决定采取这一举措。弗朗西斯·科纳教授表示,宣布气候紧急状态不能只是一片空话。

    Prof Frances Corner says declaring a climate emergency cannot be empty words .

  9. 这是丹娜法伯癌症研究所(Dana-FarberCancerInstitute)、哈佛医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的研究人员,以及来自英国弗朗西斯·克里克研究所(FrancisCrickInstitute)及伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的同事们正在进行的研究。

    That 's what researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School , along with UK colleagues from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London , are working on .

  10. 奥弗·拉哈夫教授�伦敦大学学院

    Professor Ofer Lahav , University College London

  11. 这项研究是由伦敦大学学院、赫尔辛基大学和约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的研究人员开展的。

    It was carried out by researchers from University College London , the University of Helsinki and Johns Hopkins University .

  12. 伦敦大学学院的研究发现,与工作日入院的患者相比,周末入院接受治疗的患者更不容易康复。

    Research from UCL shows that people who are admitted to hospitals at the weekend fair less well than those who arrive during the week .

  13. 来自伦敦大学学院的研究人员担心,由于杀虫剂和土地利用的变化,飞蛾数量仍在急剧下降。

    The researchers from University College London are concerned because moth numbers are still in serious decline due to pesticides5 and changes in land use .

  14. (伦敦大学(TheUniversityofLondon)决定不取消他的博士学位。)

    ( The University of London has decided not to revoke the PhD . )

  15. 女儿出事那年,我正在伦敦大学(UniversityofLondon)工作。

    When my daughter was killed , I was working at the University of London .

  16. 在英国读完中学后,他从伦敦大学学院(universitycollege,london)获得了法律学位。

    After secondary school in the UK , he gained a law degree at University College , London .

  17. 伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的研究人员调查了近6500名平均年龄为65.8岁的老年人。

    University College London researchers looked at nearly 6,500 older adults , with an average age of 65.8 for the study .

  18. 伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)塞米尔·札奇教授的一项研究发现,爱情的确会影响人类的大脑—让他们感觉棒极了。

    A study by Professor Semir Zeki of University College London has found that love does affect people 's brains - by making them feel great .

  19. 紧随其后的是牛津大学(Oxford)、伦敦大学帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)以及伦敦大学学院(UCL)。

    And Oxford , Imperial College London and University College London occupied the next three positions .

  20. 伦敦大学国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)的科学家发现,一份紧张而费力的工作可以使年轻职员患上抑郁症和焦虑症的可能性增加一倍。

    A stressful , demanding job doubles the risk of developing depression and anxiety in young professionals , scientists at King 's College London have found .

  21. 创建这种液体结构模型的第一次尝试是已故的伦敦大学的J。

    One of the first attempts to model the structure of a liquid was that by the late J.

  22. 除了商科课程以外,人们还可以收看牛津大学(Oxforduniversity)的中古英语讲座、麻省理工学院的科学与技术讲座、以及伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的神经科学讲座。

    Business aside , it is possible to view lectures in medieval English from Oxford University , science and technology from MIT and neuroscience from University College London .

  23. RichardTaylor是英国伦敦大学学院地质学系水文地质学讲师。

    Richard Taylor is a reader in hydrogeology at the department of geography , University College London , United Kingdom .

  24. JonathanWells是英国伦敦大学学院儿童健康研究所儿童营养研究中心的儿童营养讲师。

    Jonathan Wells is a reader in childhood nutrition , Childhood Nutrition Research Centre , UCL Institute of Child Health , London .

  25. 这项研究是由伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)和伦敦经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)的教授德内夫(Jan-EmmanuelDeNeve)和华威大学(UniversityofWarwick)经济学教授奥斯瓦德(AndrewOswald)共同进行的。

    according to research from University College London and London School of Economics professor Jan-Emmanuel De Neve and University of Warwick economics professor Andrew Oswald .

  26. 伦敦大学学院研究C反应蛋白的专家马克·佩皮斯指出:寻找一种对付C反应蛋白的药物来预防心脏病发作是没有意义的。

    Given the new data , Mark Pepys , a CRP expert at University College London , says it doesn 't make sense to look for a drug that targets CRP to prevent heart attacks .

  27. 但是,正如我的妻子、伦敦大学国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)的艾莉森?沃尔夫(AlisonWolf)在为教育政策研究所(EducationPolicyInstitute)撰写的一篇有关重塑高等教育的论文中所主张的,这一理念毫无依据。

    Yet , as Alison Wolf of King 's College London ( my wife ) argues in a paper on Remaking Tertiary Education for the Education Policy Institute , this is unjustified .

  28. 伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)是英国最富盛名的机构之一。作为其更加国际化的国际策略的一部分,它已经将外国学生的比例提高至三分之一左右。

    University College London , one of the UK 's most prestigious institutions , has increased its proportion of foreign students to about one third as part of an international strategy intended to make the university more global .

  29. 现年37岁、育有两个孩子的科恩・卡多什在以色列本-古里安大学(Ben-GurionUniversity)读完研究生之后到伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)做博士后研究,师从文森特・沃尔什(VincentWalsh)。

    The 37-year-old father of two completed graduate school at Ben-Gurion University in Israel before coming to London to do postdoctoral work with Vincent Walsh at University College London .

  30. 伦敦大学伯克贝克学院(BirkbeckCollege)就开设了一个名为公司治理与商业伦理的两年制硕士学位项目。

    London University 's Birkbeck College offers precisely this with a two-year Master of Science degree entitled corporate governance and business ethics .