
  • 网络London Stock Exchange;LSE;AIM;London Stock Exchange PLC;London Stock Exchange Group PLC
  1. 蒙交所去年聘用伦敦证券交易所的专家和技术人员来完善它的交易系统,软硬件设施,这一过程由于过于繁琐庞杂而被延迟,但还在实施中。

    The MSE hired the LSE last year to revamp its regulatory framework , hardware and software , a process that has been fraught with delays but is still under way .

  2. 它将以1.3亿英镑的市值于下星期在伦敦证券交易所上市。

    It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds .

  3. 10月22日,中国农业银行的绿色债券在伦敦证券交易所成功上市。

    Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC ) green bond was listed on the London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) Thursday .

  4. 蒙古证券交易所与伦敦证券交易所(londonstockexchange)的合作预计将于本月末公布。

    A tie-up between the Mongolian bourse and the London Stock Exchange is expected to be announced by the end of the month .

  5. 纽约证券交易所(nysw)、纳斯达克(nasdaq)和伦敦证券交易所(lse)的降幅最为明显。

    The fall was most pronounced at the New York Stock Exchange , NASDAQ and the London Stock Exchange .

  6. 据《星期日泰晤士报》报道,伦敦证券交易所正在考虑收购其美国对手纳斯达克OMX集团。

    London Stock Exchange Group plc is considering a takeover bid for its US rival Nasdaq OMX Group Inc , according to a report in the Sunday Times .

  7. 十年前,在OMGruppen收购伦敦证券交易所(LSE)失败后,落败的高管们为顾问们举行了一场庆祝晚宴:伏特加,海盗头盔鸡尾酒(Vikinghelmets),一应俱全。

    Ten years ago , after OM Gruppen failed in its bid for the London Stock Exchange , defeated executives held a celebratory dinner for advisers : vodka , Viking helmets , the works .

  8. 伦敦证券交易所(lse)昨日因技术故障,导致股票交易中断7小时,交易日大部份时间荒废,而这本应是全年最繁忙的交易日之一。

    A technical glitch brought share trading on the London Stock Exchange to a halt for seven hours yesterday , wiping out most of the trading day on what should have been one of the busiest sessions of the year .

  9. 国际证券交易所〔前称伦敦证券交易所〕

    International Stock Exchange [ formerly known as London Stock Exchange ]

  10. 塔瑟斯集团成立于1998年,并在当年于伦敦证券交易所上市。

    Tarsus Group PLC was founded and listed on the London Stock Exchange in1998 .

  11. 单词解释:证券交易所这家公司准备下个月开始进军伦敦证券交易所。

    eg.The firm is to start trading on the London Stock Exchange next month .

  12. 亚洲和大洋洲生物化学家联合会国际证券交易所〔前称伦敦证券交易所〕

    Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists International Stock Exchange [ formerly known as London Stock Exchange ]

  13. 伦敦证券交易所及英国上市局均不审理有关上市的文件。

    There is no vetting of the admission document by the London Stock Exchange or the UKLA .

  14. 上周,伦敦证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所的运营商宣布合并。

    Last week the operators of the London and Toronto stock exchanges announced a deal to combine their companies .

  15. 在世界金融市场上的骚动在伦敦证券交易所上交易方面导致一个激涨。

    Turmoil on the world 's financial markets leads to a sharp rise in trading on the London Stock exchange .

  16. 从咖啡馆到金融霸主记伦敦证券交易所莫斯科建筑1997年商贸·权力·新贵

    From A Cafe to the Financial Center Architecture in Moscow in 1997 - Trade , Power and The Noveau Riche

  17. 受到证券和货币市场波动的影响,伦敦证券交易所的交易额较周五大幅下降。

    Shares on the London Stock Exchange traded sharply lower than Friday , undermined by turmoil on bond and currency markets .

  18. 伦敦证券交易所因为技术问题提前三个半小时停止交易。

    Trading on the London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) was halted for three and a half hours earlier because of technical difficulties .

  19. 公司已经为伦敦证券交易所开发了一个通过发现投资者的超常规交易,限制内部交易的系统。

    It has developed systems for the London Stock Exchange to curb insider dealing by detecting out of the ordinary transactions by investors .

  20. 由于有来自城市的财政支持,他拒绝了外国公司收购的诱惑,最终使自己的公司在伦敦证券交易所上市。

    Bolstered by finance from the City , he resisted the lure of a foreign takeover , ultimately listing on the London Stock Exchange .

  21. 伦敦证券交易所正对多伦多证券交易所进行收购,而新加坡交易所正试图收购澳大利亚证券交易所。

    The London Stock Exchange is moving to acquire the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Singapore Exchange is moving to acquire the Australian Securities Exchange .

  22. 伦敦证券交易所计划利用它所谓的较低费率、不太繁多的监管条例作为卖点,吸引中国公司前来上市。

    The London Stock Exchange is aiming to lure Chinese listings using what it says are its lower fees and less onerous regulatory environment as selling points .

  23. 在联合交易所大证券交易所名古屋证券交易所东京证券交易所美国证券交易所纽约证券交易所或伦敦证券交易所上市的股份

    " Shares listed on the unified exchange , American stock exchange , London Stock exchange , Nagoya Stock exchange , New York Stock exchange , Osaka Securities Exchange or Tokyo Stock exchange "

  24. 自己也喜欢戴一两颗钻石的波拉·汉考克斯,从伦敦证券交易所抽出了一些时间,为我们报道英国珠宝商如何与钻石一起进行反击。

    Paula Hancocks , who likes a big rock or two herself , took some time out away from the London Stock Exchange to show how U.K. jewellers are fighting back with the diamond .

  25. 这似乎是对企业不利,但在周四,56位英国商界领袖支持总理的计划,包括伦敦证券交易所的负责人及一家国家主要银行。

    That would seem bad for business but , on Thursday , 56 British business leaders endorsed the prime minister 's plan , including heads of the London stock exchange and one of the country 's major banks .

  26. 在沪伦通机制下,在上海上市的公司现在可以通过全球存托凭证保险在伦敦证券交易所进行融资,而英国公司现在也可以在上交所签发中国存托凭证。

    Under the new system , companies listed in Shanghai can now raise funds on the London Stock Exchange via Global Depositary Receipts issuance , while British companies can issue China Depositary Receipts on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  27. 不仅如此,一直以来中国公司在海外上市通常会选择纽约或伦敦的证券交易所。

    And historically , when Chinese companies have done initial public offerings abroad , they have usually chosen New York or London .

  28. 跨大西洋证券交易所集团nasdaqomx计划在伦敦开设一个上市平台,与伦敦证券交易所(lse)就首次公开上市业务展开直接竞争。

    NASDAQ OMX , the transatlantic exchange group , plans to set up a listings venue in London in direct competition with the London Stock Exchange for initial public offerings .

  29. 昨天伦敦金属交易中,从咖啡馆到金融霸主&记伦敦证券交易所

    On the London metal exchange yesterday , From A Cafe to the Financial Center