
  • 网络ethical decision;Ethical decision-making;Ethical Decision Making
  1. 炼油企业伦理决策模型初探

    A Tentative Discussion on Ethical Decision-making Model in Oil Refining Enterprises

  2. 现代企业伦理决策实证研究述评

    The Comments of the Empirical Research on Ethical Decision-making in Modern Enterprises

  3. 科技公司必须不断对伦理决策进行权衡:Facebook的默认隐私设置应该是什么样的,该容忍些许裸体影像的存在吗?

    Technology companies must constantly weigh ethical decisions : Where should Facebook set its privacy defaults , and should it tolerate glimpses of nudity ?

  4. 学生护理伦理决策能力的培养

    Nurturing of Decision-making Ability of Undergraduate Students in Nursing Ethical Affairs

  5. 浅议医院学科建设中医学伦理学决策从有限理性到有限道德论伦理决策的有限性

    Discussion of the Medical Ethics Decision-making in the Construction of Hospital Subject

  6. 医学伦理决策:原因、立场与方法

    Medical Moral Decision-making : Cause , Standpoint and Way

  7. 马克思主义哲学原理在护理伦理决策中的应用

    Application of the principles of Marxism philosophy in the ethical decision-making in nursing

  8. 文化维度普遍主义与特殊主义对营销伦理决策的影响

    The Impact of Cultural Dimension Universalism vs. Particularism on Ethical Decision-Making in Marketing

  9. 其中,伦理决策是伦理化管理的一个重要方面。

    Ethical decision-making is one of the important aspects .

  10. 论行政行为的伦理决策

    On Ethical Decision - making of Administrative Acts

  11. 信息伦理决策问题是信息伦理研究的一个基础性问题。

    The ethical decision of information activities is a fundamental issue in the study of information ethics .

  12. 本文以伦理决策理论为依据,通过对个人的伦理决策过程及其影响因素的分析,为我国企业经营管理者道德建设的提供建议。

    This paper analyses the ethical decision making process based on the issue-contingent model of ethical decision making .

  13. 因此,进行合理的“伦理决策”,是我们面临风险社会所要做的重要选择。

    Thus , suitable ethical decision-making is a vital choice people should make in facing the risk society .

  14. 道德强度六维度对灾难救援伦理决策的影响是本文研究的重点。

    This paper mainly studies the moral intensity of six dimensions of ethical decision making in the effect of disaster relief .

  15. 护理伦理决策是当前国际护理理论和实践研究的热门课题之一。

    At present , ethical decision-making in nursing is one of the popular topics in international nursing theory and practice investigation .

  16. 研究的结果表明文化维度普遍主义与特殊主义对营销伦理决策有很大的影响。

    The results show that the cultural dimension " universalism versus particularism " has a great influence on ethical decision-making in marketing .

  17. 在商学院,多数伦理学教学都倾向于集中在伦理决策的反面案例上,而不是围绕基本的诚实问题。

    Most ethics teaching at business schools tends to focus on cases where poor ethical judgments have been made , rather than issues of basic honesty .

  18. 本文综述了护理伦理决策的内涵,临床上经常面临的伦理困境及决策的一般程序。

    This article reviews the connotation of ethical decision-making in nursing , ethical dilemma to be faced usually on clinic and the general procedure of decision-making .

  19. 而要在伦理决策中实现伦理与决策的合理、有效的结合,则依赖于决策伦理评价这一手段。

    To bring about the reasonable and effective integration of ethics and decision-making in the ethical decision-making will depend on a tool named the evaluation of ethical decision-making .

  20. 超过80%的受访者不相信公司领导者能做出伦理决策&或是说出真相,无论真相有多么复杂,多么地不受欢迎。

    And over 80 % did not trust business leaders to make ethical decisions & or tell the truth , regardless of how complex or unpopular it is .

  21. 在伦理决策中人们具有有限道德,包括沽名钓誉、内隐偏见、内群体互惠、漠视未来以及利益冲突。

    In ethical decision making , man shows only bounded ethicality , like over-claiming credit , implicit discrimination , in-group favoritism , over-discounting the future and conflicts of interest .

  22. 因此,理解文化差异对伦理决策的影响对于避免潜在的商业陷阱和制定有效的国际营销管理项目显得愈加重要。

    Therefore , an understanding of the effects of cultural differences on ethical decision-making becomes increasingly important for avoiding potential business pitfalls and for designing effective international marketing management programs .

  23. 本论文分析了普遍主义与特殊主义这一文化维度对伦理决策三个阶段的影响,这三个阶段是伦理知觉,伦理判断,伦理行为意图。

    The dissertation analyzes the impact of the cultural dimension " universalism versus particularism " on the three stages of ethical decision-making including ethical perception , ethical judgment and ethical intention .

  24. 本论文尝试着通过比较中美两国营销专业的本科生探讨性地研究文化维度普遍主义与特殊主义对营销伦理决策的影响。

    This dissertation attempts to make an exploratory study on the impact of the cultural dimension " universalism versus particularism " on ethical decision-making in marketing by comparing Chinese and American marketing undergraduate students .

  25. 从理论上说,射电望远镜阵列的大小是不受限制的,但在实践上却有一定的局限性。从有限理性到有限道德论伦理决策的有限性

    Theoretically , there are no limits to the dimensions of a radio telescope-array , but there are practical restrictions . From Bounded Rationality to Bounded Ethicality & On the Bounded Rationality in Ethical Decision Making

  26. 本文试用唯物辩证法的观点从系统论、现象与本质、主要矛盾与次要矛盾等方面阐述了马克思主义哲学原理对护理伦理决策的重要指导价值。

    This article tries to explain the important guidance values of principle of Marxism philosophy in ethical decision-making in nursing with dialectic viewpoints from the aspects of system theory , phenomenon and essence , principal and secondary contradiction .

  27. 实验数据的结果经过分析后得出结论:压力、关系、损益知觉感知、筹码影响感知与伦理决策行为均有着显著相关性,实验数据检验了本研究想要的影响因素,得到了较好的效果。

    According to the data we got from the experiment , this study concluded that : pressure , Guanxi , perception of profit and loss , and perception of chips influence all perform significant correlation with ethical decision-making behaviors .

  28. 然而目前国内的政府伦理决策研究多关注于对伦理规范的思辨,对地方政府决策过程中的影响因素的描述型研究还开展得很不够。

    However , at present in China , government ethics decision-making research is mainly focusing on the speculation of moral norm , descriptive or empirical research of the influence factors in the decision-making process of local government is very insufficient .

  29. 强调指出公共卫生伦理决策应当树立科学健康观,并以此为基础,从转变政府职能、强化公共卫生信息系统和加大政府投入等方面详细论述了公共卫生伦理决策的一种新模式。

    On the basis of analysing the scientific view of health , to explicate a new ethics decision model of public health which includes following procedures such as government function , information system of public health and input from the government .

  30. 另外,现阶段,根植于中国本土文化的组织伦理决策研究还相对较少,缺乏对信用、人本取向、集体主义、关系取向等文化因素如何影响伦理决策的系统研究。

    In addition , at this stage , the ethical decision-making research rooted in Chinese local culture is also relatively small , lacking systematic study of how credit , people-orientation , collectivism , relationship-orientation and other cultural factors affecting the ethical decision-making process .