
  • 网络LSE;The London School of Economics and Political Science;London School of Economics
  1. 同时,新课程也会继续加强伦敦政经学院在提供管理学硕士课程方面享有的声誉。

    It will also continue to build LSE 's reputation as a provider of masters-level programmes in management .

  2. 她表示,除了牛津、剑桥和伦敦政经学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)等传统英国大学外,伦敦金融城也在越来越多地招募法国商学院毕业生。

    Increasingly the City is recruiting graduates from French business schools , she says , alongside the traditional UK universities such as Oxford , Cambridge and the London School of Economics .

  3. 最初巴苏觉得经济学枯燥乏味,但在伦敦政经学院期间,彻底迷上经济学创建基础的自由演绎推理,而以此为一生事业。

    Initially Basu found economics dry and unappealing , but while at the London School of economics he was completely taken in by the lure of the free-floating deductive reasoning on which economics is founded and decided to make that his career .

  4. 但是伦敦政经教育学院的学者却称,他们庞大的样本群体是由42个学校组成的,并且结合了2009年和2011年两年间参加测试的伦敦学校的数据结果。

    But academics at the UCL Institute of Education say they have produced a robust sample of 42 schools by combining the results of two year groups taking the tests in London in 2009 and 2012 .