
  • 网络Liverpool;The University of Liverpool;liverpool university
  1. 他的职业生涯是从利物浦大学开始的。

    His professional career started at Liverpool University .

  2. 我在利物浦大学以优异成绩获得了拉丁美洲研究方向的硕士学位。

    I did an M.A. at Liverpool University in Latin American Studies and got a distinction .

  3. 利物浦大学初级医疗保健的教授克里斯多弗·多利克说:“这是一个非常重要的、有警告性的信号,告诉我们不能过于相信电脑系统可以取代医生和治疗师。”

    " It 's an important , cautionary note that we shouldn 't get too carried away with the idea that a computer system can replace doctors and therapists , " says Christopher Dowrick , a professor of primary medical care at the University of Liverpool .

  4. 利物浦大学的专家布鲁尔博士说:"对吸引力的判断往往是无意识的,但我们都是这样做的,我们甚至可以对一些小事做出判断,比如某人看起来是累了还是不健康。"

    Dr. Brewer , an expert at the University of Liverpool said " Judgement of attractiveness is often unconscious , hut we all do it , and we are able to judge on even son thing small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy . "

  5. 利物浦大学的研究人员们创建了一个有亲缘关系的食虫类哺乳动物的基因家谱,包括刺猬和鼹鼠。

    The researchers from the University of Liverpool created a genetic4 family tree of related insect-eating mammals , including hedgehogs and moles5 .

  6. 迄今为止,该体系对7项课程进行了认证,最近是英国的利物浦大学(UniversityofLiverpool)。

    So far it has accredited seven programmes , the most recent at the University of Liverpool in the UK .

  7. 在英国,曼彻斯特商学院(manchesterbusinessschool)提供一个体育及重大赛事mba课程;利物浦大学(liverpooluniversity)有一个足球方向的mba。

    In the UK , Manchester Business School offers an MBA in sport and major events , while Liverpool University has a soccer-focused MBA .

  8. 规模较小的律所RiverviewLaw已与利物浦大学(LiverpoolUniversity)的计算机科学系合作研发人工智能产品。

    One smaller firm , Riverview Law , has partnered with the computer science department at Liverpool University to work on artifical intelligence products .

  9. 科尔巴赫现为苏州西交利物浦大学国际商学院的营销与创新学副教授,并将领导老龄化与社会研究所(ResearchInstituteonAgeingandSociety)。

    Now he is associate professor of marketing and innovation at the International Business School Suzhou , part of Xi ' an Jiaotong-Liverpool University , where he will head up the Research Institute on Ageing and Society .

  10. 在Facebook上发布的一封声明信中,利物浦大学副校长珍妮特·比尔教授说:“这种行为非常不合适,我全心全意地为它所造成的伤害道歉。

    In a letter posted on Facebook , Professor Janet Beer , vice chancellor of the University of Liverpool , said : " It was wholly inappropriate and I apologise wholeheartedly for the offence it has caused . "

  11. 由英国利物浦大学研究人员德克·林登鲍姆(DirkLindebaum)博士和彼得·乔丹(PeterJordan)博士编撰的关于工作中情绪的研究是《人类关系》杂志的一期特刊话题。

    The study of emotions in the workplace , edited by University of Liverpool researchers Drs. Dirk Lindebaum and Peter Jordan , is the topic of a Special Issue of the journal Human Relations .

  12. LuisCuevas是世界卫生组织和英格兰利物浦大学工作人员。他和他的同事对一种程序进行了测试。在诊所现场间隔一小时采集两次样本,第二天采集第三次。

    Luis Cuevas of the World Health Organization and the University of Liverpool in England and colleagues , taking two " spot " samples in the clinic an hour apart , and a third one the next day .

  13. 利物浦大学在医学教育中勇于创新,1996年医学课程全面转为基于问题的学习(PBL)模式,这为医学史课程的开设提供了契机。

    The University of Liverpool has always been innovative in its approach to medical education . The switch to a problem-based learning ( PBL ) from September 1996 offered an opportunity for the university to introduce the course of " history of medicine "( HoM ) into the medical curriculum .

  14. 在利物浦大学发起这项研究的乔恩·梅杰博士认为,

    Dr. Jon Major , who led the research at Liverpool University ,

  15. 利物浦大学的电子商务教育

    Electronic Commerce Education in the University of Liverpool

  16. 1995-2005年利物浦大学医学史课程的发展

    The Curriculum Development of " History of Medicine " in the University of Liverpool 1995-2005

  17. 利物浦大学研究小组创造了一种多孔晶体,它具有可作为分子容器的原子“墙”和孔穴。

    The Liverpool team created a porous crystal which has'walls'of atoms and cavities which act as containers for molecules .

  18. 狄苏文教授表示:我们当然希望西交利物浦大学会得到中国其他大学的效仿。

    We would certainly hope that our university would be emulated by others in China , says Prof Dixon .

  19. 著有《终身阅读》一书的菲利普·戴维斯教授在利物浦大学研究文学与书籍的作用。

    Professor Philip Davis studies the effects of literature at Liverpool University and is author of a book called Reading for Life .

  20. 在美国化学学会第24届年会上,来自利物浦大学的本·卡特解释了干水的潜在用途。

    At the24th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society , Ben Carter from the University of Liverpool explained the potential of dry water .

  21. 利物浦大学以研究和创新吸引了来自世界各地的学生和专家。

    The University of Liverpool is one of the great universities of research and innovation that attracts students and experts from around the world .

  22. 为了癌症研究的长远发展而进行的构建欧洲最强辐射源的计划正在利物浦大学实施。

    Plans to construct Europe 's most intense terahertz ( THz ) radiation source to further development of cancer research are underway at the University of Liverpool .

  23. 许多罗素大学集团(英国精英大学联盟)的成员也在缩减计划中,其中利物浦大学、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学、纽卡斯尔大学和南安普顿大学受到的冲击尤其大。

    Many members of the elite Russell Group are among those facing reductions , with Liverpool , Leeds , Manchester , Newcastle and Southampton being particularly hit .

  24. 一年后利物浦大学与中国最好的大学之一的西安交通大学合作,在距上海100公里(60英里)的地方开办了一所新的大学。

    A year later Liverpool University , in partnership with Xi'an Jiaotong , one of China 's best colleges , opened a new university100km ( 60 miles ) from Shanghai .

  25. 2008年8月12日《每日科学》:利物浦大学的研究发现,避孕药可能破坏女人选择和她们基因不相似的伴侣的本能。

    ScienceDaily ( Aug.12,2008 ) & The contraceptive pill may disrupt women 's natural ability to choose a partner genetically dissimilar to themselves , research at the University of Liverpool has found .

  26. 利物浦大学在1月考试之前向所有国际学生发送了关于考试行为的说明-但他们只将“作弊”一词翻译成中文。

    The University of Liverpool sent the note about exam conduct to all its international students ahead of January tests - but the institution only translated the word " cheating " into Chinese .

  27. “高个子男人比矮个子男人在繁育后代方面更为成功,这表明女人在选择男性配偶时非常注重其身高,”利物浦大学进化心理学教授罗宾敦巴博士如是说。

    " Taller men are reproductively more successful than shorter men , indicating there is an active selection for stature in male partners by women ," said Dr Robin dunbar , professor of evolutionary psychology at Liverpool university .

  28. 和利物浦大学的磁共振中心一同致力于此项研究的英文教授菲利普•戴维斯本周将在一次会议上宣称:“严肃文学的作用相当于大脑的火箭助推器。

    Philip Davis , an English professor who has worked on the study with the university 's magnetic resonance centre , will tell a conference this week : " Serious literature acts like a rocket-booster to the brain .

  29. 来自利物浦大学的科学家、心理学家和英文教授发现,阅读莎士比亚及其他古典作家的作品对心智发展大有裨益,这些作品能够抓住读者的注意力,引发读者的自我反思。

    Scientists , psychologists and English academics at Liverpool University have found that reading the works of the Bard and other classical writers has a beneficial effect on the mind , catches the reader 's attention and triggers moments of self-reflection .

  30. 利物浦大学的研究人员分析了以前的研究,结果表明二十几位体重正常的人如果他们之间有吃饭分心的人,他们不仅会吃掉面前更多的食物,而且之后会有加餐现象。

    Researchers at the University of Liverpool analyzed two dozen previous studies of normal-weight people and found those whose who ate while distracted not only consumed more of the food in front of them , but even more of a later meal .