
  • 网络Benefit Mechanism
  1. 本文通过建立三阶段博弈模型,揭示了供应链上、下游企业共同参与上游企业RD投资的利益机制,阐明了供应链上、下游合作投资上游企业RD将是双赢的策略。

    This paper studies the benefit mechanism of cooperative R & D investment in the upstream enterprise by building up a three-phase model of game theory , and proposes that it is a win-win strategy for both upstream and downstream enterprises to invest together .

  2. 林业企业制度中大力加强利益机制;

    The benefit mechanism should be strength in forestry enterprise regulation .

  3. 论文利用单周期连续型报童模型分析和比较了电子采购策略和传统采购策略的利益机制,量化了Internet在供应链采购管理中的作用。

    By exploiting single-cycle continuous newsvendor model , this paper analyses and compares the benefit mechanisms of e-procurement and traditional procurement , quantify the effect of Internet on procurement management in supply chain .

  4. 本文首先从国外ATM市场发展趋势入手,对成熟ATM市场特征进行了分析,仔细剖析了成熟市场下的利益机制与竞争格局。

    This paper start with the expatiating development trend of aboard ATM market , then analyzes the trait of mature ATM market , such as profit mechanism and circumstance of competition .

  5. 中国林业管理中利益机制的运用探讨

    Discussing about the Applying of Benefit Mechanism into Chinese Forestry Administration System

  6. 第五章研究了土地非农化的利益机制。

    The fifth chapter investigates the interests mechanism of land use conversion .

  7. 第六章论述农业产业化经营的利益机制。

    Chapter 6 explains benefit system in agricultural industrialization .

  8. 第二部分:农业产业化经营的经济学和利益机制分析。

    Second part : The economic and benefit mechanism analysis of Agricultural Integration .

  9. 风险机制,风险机制实质上是利益机制的延伸。

    Risk system is actually the extension of the interest and profit system .

  10. 关于可持续农业利益机制构造的探索

    Survey on structure of benefit mechanism of sustainable agriculture

  11. 建立符合时代要求的利益机制;

    Setting up the interests mechanism that accords with the needs of the times ;

  12. 营销管理中的利益机制分析

    An Analysis of Profit Mechanism of Sale Management

  13. 龙头企业与奶农利益机制问题的研究

    Study on the Problem of Profit Mechanism between Predominant Enterprise and the Milk Farmers

  14. 耦合则是发达商品经济和风险利益机制的必然要求。

    Coupling is the natural requirement of modern commodity economy and risk-interest tradeoff mechanism .

  15. 利益机制具有极其重要的功能。

    Benefit mechanism has very important function .

  16. 于是就需要建立利益机制,来创新政府绩效评估主体体系。

    Consequently , we need to construct an interest system to innovate government profit evaluation system .

  17. 江苏省林木种苗科技产业利益机制问题研究

    Study on the Benefit Mechanism Problems about the Technology Industry of Forestry Seeds in Jiangsu Province

  18. 分析了该集团采用的公司+农户的利益机制;

    The beneficial mechanism of " enterprise + peasant household " employed by the Group is analyzed .

  19. 产学合作利益机制的核心&知识产权保护

    The Key of Cooperation of Industry and University Is Based on the Protection of Knowledge Property Right

  20. 道德规范中蕴涵的利益机制

    Benefits in Moral Standard

  21. 第三部分:社会主义核心价值体系认同的利益机制构建的理论依据。

    Part 3 : the socialist core value system of constructing the identity of interests mechanism theory basis .

  22. 宏观利益机制主要有税收、财政补助和必要的价格管制;

    The macrocosmic benefit mechanism includes the tax revenue , the finance help and some necessary price control .

  23. 利益机制的核心是风险共担、利益同享,这是农业产业化经营组织(包括农户)必须共同遵守的原则。

    It emphasizes the core of benefit system , which shares the common risk as well as common interests .

  24. 最后,有针对性地提出完善产学研合作利益机制的对策和措施。

    Finally , it advances the way to optimize the benefit mechanism of cooperation in light ofthe analysis and research .

  25. 分析了农业产业化经营利益机制的形成和原则、类型、结构。利益机制的调节主要是通过政府行为和企业行为来实现。

    Formation , rules , types , construction , benefit arrangement and adjustment mode of benefit system of agricultural industrialization .

  26. 利益机制是绿色食品产业化的动力机制,也是最重要的运行机制。

    Interest and profit system is the engine system of the green food industrialization and the most important operation system .

  27. 微观层面的利益机制则要求激活林业建设的微观主体。

    Microcosmic benefit mechanism requires that let the microcosmic force of the forestry construction more active , arouse people 's enthusiasm .

  28. 因此,尝试从博弈论的角度来分析中国-东盟贸易自由化的利益机制和推动贸易自由化的条件。

    So , this paper tries to analyze the interest mechanism of China-ASEAN trade liberalization and the conditions of driving trade liberalization .

  29. 在此基础上,研究了农产品物流运行的组织机制、合作机制、利益机制和支撑机制。

    On this basis , this paper research agricultural logistics operation organization mechanism , cooperation mechanism , the mechanism of interest and support .

  30. 第五部分以政策创新理论与激励理论为基础,重新构建了小城镇用地合理、有序扩张的利益机制。

    In part 5 , According to the policy innovation and incentive contracts , this author restructures the land benefits distribution of small town .