
  1. 岸外活动环境目标和管理机制战略

    Strategy on Environmental Goals and Management Mechanisms for Offshore Activities

  2. 其中,自助战略,同盟战略和安全机制战略是日本新安全战略的三个支柱。

    " self-help " strategy , alliance strategy and security regime strategy are the three backbones in Japan 's new security strategy blue-map .

  3. 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)科学基金资助机制与战略分析

    Analysis of the Strategy of Funding Profile of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  4. 不仅从理论层面对SWFs投资战略进行分析,而且要考虑到理论的实用性和可执行性,要建立完备的投资机制促进战略的实施。

    Analyze investment strategies of SWFs not only in theory level , but also take into account the practicality and enforceability of the theory to establish a complete investment system to ensuring the implementation of the strategy .

  5. 信息化条件下制造业企业工艺创新机制与战略研究

    Study on Mechanism and Strategy of Process Innovation in Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Informationization

  6. 中国企业从事产品创新的机制与战略&对远大中央空调公司的分析

    China enterprise engaging in product innovation 's system and strategy & analysis of Yuanda central conditioner

  7. 完善党政一把手长效监督机制的战略思考

    Strategic Thoughts on Perfecting A Long-term Supervision Mechanism for Top Leaders of the Party and the Government

  8. 治理机制创新战略。以完善法人治理结构为主的体制创新战略;

    Administrant system innovation strategy .

  9. 这些极大的影响了高新技术产业化的速度,这也反映出缺乏一种推动高新技术产业健康发展的有效机制和战略指导。

    Meanwhile , it proves that there is not a effective mechanism to develop the high-tech industry healthily .

  10. 甘肃省高职教育工学结合办学模式及发展机制的战略思考

    Strategic thought on the Mode and Development of Combining Working with Learning for Higher Vocational Education in Gansu Province

  11. 企业持续学习机制包括战略、文化、组织结构和激励四个机制要素。

    Enterprise continual learning mechanism includes four factors , that is , strategy , culture , organizational structure and motivators .

  12. 形成大学个性是建立大学文化整合机制的战略对策。

    Forming the university 's personality is the strategy countermeasure of establishing the mechanism of the university 's culture integration .

  13. 本文认为在规范的市场经济条件下,建立起完善的成本管理体系及企业竞争机制是战略成本管理的核心。

    This paper thinks that the key of Strategic Cost Management is to build up perfect cost management systems and competitive mechanisms for enterprises under normative market economy .

  14. 本文研究的是在石油市场环境的不断变化下,石油企业如何通过自身的适应性机制调节战略和组织结构以适应变化后的市场。

    This article aims to study how oil enterprises adapt themselves to market through self-adjusting adaptability mechanism strategy and structure under the continuous movement of oil market environment .

  15. 进而深入探寻区域金融产业资本集聚均衡化发展的思路、模式、指导思想、机制和战略以及配套的政策框架。

    And then deeply explore the idea , pattern , guiding ideas , mechanisms , strategies and supporting policy framework of capital gathering the balanced development of regional financial industry . 1 .

  16. 本文在回顾了既往学者对绩效测评相关研究的基础上,着重探讨了企业绩效测评机制的战略导向性问题以及如何具体地建立战略导向的绩效测评机制。

    Based on the reviewing researches of performance measurement , the paper focuses on discussing the strategy-oriented problem of enterprise performance measurement and how to build a system of strategy-oriented performance measurement .

  17. 对基于信托模式的交易结构进行了再设计,引入了公开竞价机制、战略投资者、风险共担机制以及与员工持股计划相结合的管理层收购与员工持股计划结合的方案。

    This essay redesigns the transactional structure based on trust module , incorporating a package of schemes including open competition mechanism , strategic investors , risk sharing mechanism and EMBO combined with ESOP .

  18. 在建设创新型河南过程中必须摆脱机械成本论和静态比较优势论的束缚,按照科学技术运行的机制转变战略思维,强力实施正确的方略。

    In the process of construction of innovated Henan province , we must discard the limitation of mechanistic cost theory and static superiority theory and follow the mechanism conversion of strategy of science and technology .

  19. 西方管理会计的应用推动了全面预算管理在我国的发展,并提高到企业经营机制和战略管理的高度上加以认识。

    The application of western management accounting has promoted the development of master budget management in China . The understanding of the master budget management rose to height of managerial mechanism of enterprise and strategic management .

  20. 战略实施失败的原因有:对战略缺乏了解、缺乏控制/奖励机制;战略实施成功的关键因素为适合的企业组织结构、企业文化、战略领导。

    Reasons of cause strategic implementation defeat are lack the understanding to the strategy and the control / reward mechanism . Factors of cause strategic implementation success are suitable enterprise organizational structure , enterprise culture , strategic leadership .

  21. 其中,风险管理能力包括风险识别及有效规避机制;战略与组织支持包括企业的长期战略导向、高层管理的支持、接纳并鼓励创新的企业文化及企业组织的柔性/灵活度。

    Among them , Risk management competitiveness includes risk identification and effective risk-avoidance mechanism , Strategic and organizational support includes long-term strategic orientation , top management support , and flexible organization with open corporate culture that encourages innovation .

  22. 第4章,迁安市城镇化发展动力机制与战略研究,主要讨论了迁安市城镇化发展的动力机制,指出资源开发与工业化是迁安城镇化的核心动力。

    Chapter 4 , Qian ' an dynamic mechanism of urban development and strategic research , mainly discussed the Qian ' an the dynamic mechanism of urban development , resource development and industrialization that is the Core of Qian ' an town .

  23. 本论文在国内外研究基础上,综合运用产业经济学、国际经济学、新经济社会学、全球在地化等学科理论,探讨了制造业全球化与本土化的关联机理,运行机制,战略模式和制度环境;

    On the basis of foreign and domestic research , the thesis comprehensively applies theories such as industrial economics , international economics and new economic sociology in probing into correlation mechanism , operational mechanism , strategic pattern and institutional environment of globalization and localization .

  24. 双方高度评价两国总理年度会晤、经济财金对话、高级别人文交流机制和战略对话等高层交往机制的重要作用,愿不断丰富其形式和内容。

    Both sides spoke highly of the important role of high-level exchange mechanisms , including the Annual Prime Ministers Meeting , Economic and Financial Dialogue ( EFD ), High-Level People-to-People Dialogue and Strategic Dialogue , and agreed to further enrich their formats and contents .

  25. 最后,提出了操作战略转型的对策和思考,建议企业建立战略管理机构、战略预警机制和战略控制体系以正确操作战略转型、把握战略转型时机和识别战略转型的阵痛。

    In the end , this thesis put forward countermeasures for strategy transition , and suggest that companies establish strategic management institutions , strategy early warning mechanism and strategy control system to grasp transition occasions , to differentiate transition travail and operate strategy transition rightly .

  26. 通过分析本文认为,邢台市政建设集团核心竞争力的影响要素是资质资源、人才资源、战略信息资源、战略关系资源、组织与管理机制等战略资源。

    Through the analysis of this thesis , the influence factor of the core competence of the Xingtai Municipal Construction Group are qualification resource , talents resource , strategic information resources and strategic relationship resources , the organization and management mechanism and other strategic resources .

  27. 长期以来,由于两国在政治制度、意识形态、市场机制、战略利益等多方面存在极大分歧,常常成为干扰中美经贸关系顺利发展的障碍。

    For long time , there are many disputes between China and US in many areas , such as politic system , ideology , market mechanism , strategic benefits etc , which have been the obstacles of the smooth development of Sino-US economic and trade relationship .

  28. 定义了链管理的概念,总结出链管理的特征,明确其以提高链价值为目标,给出了链管理的5项管理原则和4项管理职能,并辨析了链管理的作用机制和战略思想。

    Then , the author introduces principles of chain management , defines its concept , sums up its characteristics , makes it clear to improve the value of the chain , concludes its five manage principles and four manage functions , and discriminates its mechanism of action and strategic concepts .

  29. 城市水业投融资机制与资本战略

    Investment and financing mechanism in urban water industry Vs capital strategy

  30. 农产品产业带形成机制与建设战略

    The agricultural products industrial area forming mechanism and construction strategy