
jī chǎnɡ jiàn shè fèi
  • airport construction fee
  1. 说明:机票价格均不含机场建设费、航空保险以及燃油附加费。

    Note : he ticket prices do not include airport construction fee , insurance and the fuel additional fee .

  2. 论文即是以“机场建设费自助售票系统”为背景,进行了相关技术的研究。

    This dissertation just takes Airport Construction Fee Self-service Ticketing system ( ACF-STS ) as researching background , and some researching work is engaged on the corresponding technologies .

  3. 先生,你在登机前必须交纳机场建设费。

    You have to pay the departure tax before boarding the aircraft , sir .

  4. 请到对面的柜台交机场建设费,然后通过安全检查。

    Pay the airport-tax at the opposite counter , then go through the security check .

  5. 所有乘坐中国航空公司航班的中外乘客都要求支付机场建设费。

    All domestic and overseas passengers taking airplanes of Chinese airlines are required to pay airport fee .

  6. 机场建设费自助售票系统由自助售票机和自助售票数据库系统两部分组成。

    ACF-STS consists of two parts , Airport Construction Fee Self-service Ticketing Machine ( ACF-STM ) and Airport Construction Fee Self-service Ticketing Database System ( ACF-STDS ) .

  7. 机场建设费是进行民航机场基础设施建设经费的重要来源,它为实现机场现代化和提升机场服务水平提供了可靠保证。

    Airport construction fee ( ACF ) is one of the most important outlay of the infrastructure of airport , and it is credible guarantee to implement modernization and exalt service level of airport .

  8. 恐怕您得购买机场管理建设费票证。

    I 'm afraid you 'll have to buy airport management and construction fee .

  9. 在机场收建设费的服务人员可以不关收银柜就去接电话,老挝人停车吃饭甚至都不锁车。

    Service persons for collection construction fees in the airport can answer a phone even when the cash cabinet is open ; Laos people stop their cars for dinner even with their cars unlocked .