
  • 网络agency bond;agency debt
  1. cme接受各种抵押品作为担保金,包括多数发达市场的现金、黄金、资产支持证券,以及机构债券。

    CME accepts a range of collateral for deposit including cash from most developed markets , gold , asset-backed securities and agency bonds .

  2. “对美国固定收益资产的购买主要集中在机构债券,表明海外投资者正静候第三轮量化宽松的出台,”野村证券(nomurasecurities)利率策略主管乔治贡萨尔维斯(georgegoncalves)说。

    " The only real buying of us fixed-income assets were primarily in agency bonds , suggesting that overseas investors were setting up for an upcoming qe3 announcement , " said George Goncalves , head of interest rate strategy at Nomura Securities .

  3. 的机构债券经理RajaBandopadhyay说,看起来央行肯定会将关键利率下调25-50个基点。

    A25-50 basis point cut in key policy rates looks a certainty .

  4. 非金融机构债券发行最近已相对强劲。

    Bond issuance by nonfinancial firms has been relatively strong recently .

  5. 外国投资者同时还增持美国政府机构债券和企业债券。

    Foreign investors also added to their holdings of US government agency bonds and corporate debt .

  6. 自那时起,外管局一直在抛售美国机构债券,并减少买入海外股票等风险较高的资产。

    Since then , safe has been dumping US agency bonds and scaling back its purchases of riskier assets , including global equities .

  7. 甚至承诺购买多达1.7兆美元的国库公债、房贷证券与机构债券,以便压低市场利率。

    The Fed even committed to purchasing up to $ 1.7 trillion of Treasury bonds , mortgage-backed securities and agency debt to reduce market rates .

  8. 虽然许多债务工具在香港交易所挂牌,但私营机构债券大部分是在场外交易市场买卖。

    Most of the private sector bond trading occurs in the OTC market , although many debt instruments are also listed on the Hong Kong exchange .

  9. 在金融危机爆发前的四年里,外国政府购买了约80%新发行的美国国债以及半官方性质的机构债券。

    In the four years leading up to the crisis , foreign official purchasers bought roughly 80 per cent of all new Treasury and semi-government agency bonds that were created .

  10. 自“两房”被接管以来,抵押贷款机构债券的收益率目前处于最高水平,与其历史最高水平仅一步之遥。

    Agency mortgage bonds are now at their highest yields since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken into conservatorship , and within a hair-breadth of their all-time highest levels .

  11. 推出这个计划的目的,是要提高债务工具中央结算系统下私营机构债券的流通性和结算效率,以及通过提高贷方的收益率,从而增加这些债券对投资者的吸引力。

    The programme aims to enhance the liquidity and settlement efficiency of CMU private sector debt securities , and increase their attractiveness to investors by enhancing the yields for the lenders .

  12. 交易员表示,对冲基金因为解除杠杆而被迫抛售,而投资者抛售两家公司的部分债券(即所谓的政府机构债券),是想把资金转移至美国主要银行发行的债券。

    Traders said hedge funds were forced to sell as they deleverage , and investors were selling some Fannie and Freddie bonds known as agency debt and shifting money into bonds issued by large U.

  13. 在过去一年里,格罗斯从美国国债和公司债券大规模撤资,转而投资于机构债券,押注于美国政府将为房利美和房地美纾困。

    Mr gross had made a big shift out of US Treasuries and corporate bonds over the past year and into agency bonds , betting that the government would support Fannie and Freddie Mac .

  14. 这些美元积聚在中国央行手中,后者把它们投资于证券、美国国债和机构债券、以及其它看似安全的美元基金其中一些基金最终也是由可疑的私营部门贷款作为担保的。

    The central bank accumulated those dollar holdings , which it invested in securities , Treasury and agency bonds , and other seemingly secure dollar funds , some of which were also ultimately secured by dodgy private-sector loans .

  15. 美联储(FederalReserve)目前仍持有1.14万亿美元的机构按揭债券,而且美国财政部向房利美和房地美累计投入的资金已达1500亿美元,以消化泡沫时代的按揭担保损失。

    The Federal Reserve continues to hold $ 1.14 trillion of agency mortgage bonds , and Treasury has put $ 150 billion and counting into Fannie and Freddie , mostly to soak up losses on bubble-era mortgage guarantees .

  16. 中国机构海外债券融资研究

    A Study of China 's Domestic Institutions ' Oversea Bonds Financing

  17. 全球公司债券发行额在2009年达到创纪录水平,而且首度超越了金融机构的债券发行额。

    Corporate bond issuance reached global records in 2009 and , for the first time , exceeded issuance by financial groups .

  18. 与在西方一样,信用评级机构给债券评级,债券承销商在投资者的反馈给债券定价。

    As in the west , credit rating agencies assign ratings to bonds and bond underwriters set prices based on investor feedback .

  19. 本文阐述了三大层次的问题,一是回顾了主流的债券评级方法并介绍了以穆迪、标准普尔和惠誉国际为代表的国际先进信用评级机构的债券评级技术。

    First level introduces the most important international bond rating methods and the bond rating technology of Moody 's , S & P and Fitch .

  20. 没有银行作后盾,基金被迫抛售债券时可能找不到足够多的机构买下债券。

    Without the banks to act as backstops , there may not be enough institutions prepared to buy bonds when the funds have to sell .

  21. 《新巴塞尔资本协议》的外部信用评估是在外部信用评估机构对债券(或债务)信用风险等级评定的基础上对银行风险的监管。

    According to Basel II , external credit rating process is based on credit rating agency ′ s bond / debt rating , which ensures bank risk management .

  22. 上周,一位著名的中国经济学家建议,中国应趁着美国国会放弃隐性担保之前,抛售所持的美国机构的债券,这个令人震惊的建议表明了中国的误解有多深。

    The alarming recommendation last week of a prominent Chinese economist for China to dump its agency paper before Congress removes implicit guarantees shows the level of misunderstanding .

  23. 市场对信贷紧缩可能进入一个新阶段的担忧昨日有所加剧,原因是评级机构对债券保险公司的财务能力表示质疑。这些保险公司为数十亿美元债券的偿付提供了担保。

    Fears the credit crunch might be entering a new phase grew yesterday as doubts rose about the financial strength of insurers that guarantee payments on billions of dollars of bonds .

  24. 如果你想加入某个国际金融机构的债券部,你应该熟悉影响这共计36万亿美金的庞大金融市场的一些决定性因素。有各种各样的债券评级公司评估金融市场的债券。

    If you are looking to join the fixed income division of a global financial institution , you should be familiar with the following key drivers of this massive US $ 36 trillion market .

  25. 只要资产价格不断攀升,每个人都感到高兴。但自从这些价格停滞不前,并掉头下行,所有的金融中间人从抵押贷款经纪人、产权保险代理人、信贷评估机构到债券保险商都处于外界的严密审视之下。

    Everyone was happy with that as long as asset prices kept rising but since they lurched to a halt and then fell , all the financial intermediaries involved - from mortgage brokers and title insurance agents to credit ratings agencies and bond insurers - have come under severe scrutiny .

  26. 据高西庆称,美联储(fed)在“定量宽松”计划(即该机构通过购买债券来增加货币供应)下每印1美元,其中40美分就会由中国接手。

    According to Mr Gao , for every dollar the US Federal Reserve prints as part of its " quantitative easing " programme , under which it increases the money supply through bond purchases , 40 cents end up in China .

  27. 欧洲央行已表示,其将购买德国的开发银行德国复兴信贷银行(KFW)等机构发行的债券,但本周将审议一份合格债务发行机构名单。

    It has already said it will buy bonds issued by agencies such as the KfW , the German development bank , but will this week review the list of agencies whose debt is eligible .

  28. 国际债券指由非本土机构发行的债券。

    International Bond bonds that are issued in a country by a non-domestic entity .

  29. 政府可以为这些机构发行的债券提供担保,作为回报,政府可以根据风险情况收取费用。

    The government could insure debt issued by these firms in return for a risk-based fee .

  30. 政府债券政府或政府机构发行的债券,目的是为公共项目募集资金。

    Bond issued by a government or government agency to raise money for public works projects .