
  1. 家庭养老服务网VS机构养老&一种选择机制上的融合

    The Service Net of Supporting The Aged at Home VS Family Security for Elderly & amalgamation of selecting mechanism

  2. 公共机构养老发展分析

    Analysis on the development of public old-age institution

  3. 本论文立足于中国北方地区,以辽宁省沈阳市、大连市的机构养老院为研究对象。

    It takes some elderly institutions in the city of Shenyang and Dalian as research objects .

  4. 第四部分是对国外机构养老状况的介绍和对我国的现实启示。

    The fourth part is the introduction of foreign bodies and the pension situation of the Apocalypse .

  5. 既可满足老年人居家养老的意愿,又能弥补家庭以及机构养老的不足,因而对解决快速老龄化背景下的老年保障问题有着非常重要的意义。

    It both satisfies the elderly home endowment intention , and compensates the family and institution endowment insufficiency .

  6. 而且机构养老也存在运营、监管、服务等方面的问题。

    On the other hand , Institutions endowment also has the problem of operation , supervision and service .

  7. 在我国,以往主要采取家庭养老模式和机构养老模式。

    In our country , family support of old age and institutions for old age are adapted mostly .

  8. 目前,我省主要存在的养老方式包括:居家养老、机构养老和社区养老等。

    At present , the main modes of pension including : home care , the aged and community care .

  9. 家庭养老、机构养老和社区照顾是我国养老的三种形式。

    Throughout the whole world , family pension , endowment and community care agencies are the3 main forms of national pension .

  10. 首先,从相关概念出发,对机构养老服务供给相关文献研究进行综述,分析当前研究的进展和不足。

    Firstly , reviewing the relevant literature studies on the supply of institutional care , and analyzing the progress and shortcomings .

  11. 要建立居家养老与机构养老的衔接机制,形成可持续发展的体系,提高服务水平。

    Home care and institutional pension bridging mechanism to establish a system of sustainable development , the level of services provided .

  12. 而居家养老,这样一种养老方式能够弥补传统的家庭养老以及机构养老方式的不足。

    But the way of Aged Caring at Home can compensate for the lack of traditional family caring and welfare Institute caring .

  13. 关于机构养老设施空间要素与行为类型关系的探讨&以大连市机构养老院为例


  14. 首先,通过调查问卷分析了陕西省机构养老服务的供给和需求存在的诸多问题。

    First of all , through the questionnaire analysis the institutions endowment service supply and demand of shanxi province has many problems .

  15. 我国现在实施的是以居家养老为基础,以社区服务为依托,以机构养老为补充的养老服务体系。

    China is now implemented by home care based on community service as support , supplemented by the aged in old age service .

  16. 机构养老在自理状况较差以及居家养老困难的老年人口中发挥着支撑作用。

    Institutional care plays a supporting role in caring the elderly who are in poor condition and those having difficult in home care .

  17. 老龄化程度的不断加剧,传统的居家养老模式逐渐弱化,机构养老服务的需求不断增长。

    The aging degree of deepening , the traditional family endowment patterns gradually weakened , the elderly of institutional pension service demand is growing .

  18. 同时,在国家养老政策的大力支持下,社会机构养老越来越受到重视。

    At the same time , under the strong support of National Endowment policies , pension social institutions are paid more and more attention .

  19. 对家庭养老和机构养老进行比较分析,认为社区居家养老更符合辽宁省的现实。

    Compared to the family-care and the institution-care for the senior citizens , community home-care is more accord with the reality of Liaoning Province .

  20. 而机构养老、社区养老面临缺乏经济支持、经营理念不完善、专业化程度低等问题。

    The aged , community care is facing a shortage of financial support , the imperfect of business philosophy , the low degree of specialization .

  21. 最后阐述社会工作者在机构养老中扮演恰当的角色对于我国机构养老事业的重要意义。

    Finally , described to play an appropriate role for the cause of the aged in China the importance of social workers in the aged .

  22. 与此相比,社区养老结合了家庭养老与机构养老的优势,必将成为养老方式的新选择。

    In contrast , community endowment combines the advantages of family supported endowment and institutions supported endowment , which will become a new choice for endowment .

  23. 而机构养老囿于政府财力、本钱、经营等原因,在数目、服务水平上难以满足日益增多的老年人的需要。

    However , institutional providing for the aged hardly fulfill the satisfaction of them on quantity and service level due to fiscal , cost and management .

  24. 所以,发现和解决机构养老存在的问题,提高老年群体的生活状况和社会地位,这在现实层面来看是迫切的。

    So , find out and solve the problems of pension agency problems are necessary , and improve elders living level and social statue are significance .

  25. 而机构养老在我国社会化养老体系中占有越来越重要的位置,成为很多空巢老人以及高龄老人晚年的归宿。

    The bodies of old-age pension system in our society plays an increasingly important position , as many empty nesters and senior citizens old age home .

  26. 当然,对于薪酬和人才一直颇为有限的机构养老基金来说,相对有限的资源是个大问题。

    Surely , there is a big issue with the relatively limited resources of institutional pension funds where compensation and talent have so far been limited .

  27. 目前,我国主要存在三种养老模式,即家庭养老、机构养老和社区养老。

    At this moment , there are three kinds of pension modes , that is , family supporting mode , agency pension mode , and community retirement mode .

  28. 随着老龄人口的增长,城市养老问题引发重视,而随着时代的发展,传统的家庭养老和机构养老又凸显各种弊端,使得发展型的第三种选择应运而生。

    With the aging population growth , we have to pay attention to the city pension issues . However , traditional family pension and institutional pension have various abuses .

  29. 然而,原有带有浓厚慈善救助性质的机构养老,无论是服务项目还是服务规模,都极为有限。

    However , original has " the charitable rescue " thickly the nature organization retirement , regardless of being the service items or serves the scale , extremely is limited .

  30. 其实,集中养老模式是多种多样的,并非机构养老,其二者是包含与被包含的逻辑关系。

    In fact , Centralized old caring model is varied , not the only the caring institution , the logical relationship between the two concept upon is included and contains .