
jiǎng xué jīn
  • scholarship;award;fellowship;bursary;exhibition;studentship
奖学金 [jiǎng xué jīn]
  • [studentship] 给予学习成绩优良的学生的奖金

  • 获得一笔750元的大学奖学金

奖学金[jiǎng xué jīn]
  1. 他已被列入斯坦福大学的美式足球奖学金等候者名单。

    He 's been wait-listed for a football scholarship to Stanford .

  2. 她获得了奖学金,得以在斯坦福大学求学。

    She won a scholarship to study at Stanford .

  3. 他获得了普拉特艺术学院的奖学金。

    He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art .

  4. 我获得奖学金时父亲欣喜若狂。

    My father was in ecstasy when I won my scholarship

  5. 他作为罗兹奖学金的获得者来到牛津学习法律。

    He came to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and studied law .

  6. 他们完全是凭体育特长才获得了大学奖学金。

    They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability

  7. 大使资助了一项100万美元的公共服务奖学金计划。

    The ambassador has endowed a $ 1 million public-service fellowships program .

  8. 关键是奖学金有限。

    The fact of the matter is that student finances are stretched .

  9. 你也许有资格获得大学奖学金。

    You could be eligible for a university scholarship .

  10. 但这不会威胁到他的奖学金。

    But this does not vitiate his scholarship .

  11. 学校向学业成绩优异者授予奖学金。

    Schools award scholarships for high academic achievement .

  12. 凭借那些成绩,他赢得了锡拉丘兹大学的奖学金。

    On the strength of those grades , he won a scholarship to Syracuse University .

  13. 格顿学院设立了一项研究奖学金,我提出申请并且成功获得。

    A research fellowship came up at Girton and I applied for it and got it

  14. 安杰拉将用奖学金支付今年7,000美元的大学学费。

    Angela 's $ 7,000 tuition at University this year will be paid for with scholarships .

  15. 她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。

    She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard .

  16. 奖学金仅根据成绩发放。

    Scholarships are given solely on the basis of grades .

  17. 谢谢你为奖学金基金慷慨捐款。

    Thank you for contributing generously to the scholarship fund .

  18. 那个获得奖学金的男孩是个相当杰出的学生。

    The boy who won the scholarship was a quite outstanding student .

  19. 奖学金包括100美元书籍费津贴。

    The scholarship includes an allowance of $ 100 for books .

  20. 我决定申请奖学金。

    I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship .

  21. 得奖学金的女孩是相当杰出的。

    The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding .

  22. 我们每年给十个研究生奖学金。

    We give ten research fellowships every year .

  23. 如果你想学一门新技术你可以申请一笔奖学金。

    You could apply for an award if you want to learn a new skill .

  24. 有些夏令营费用很高,比如三周的强化课程需要花费4500美元以上,但多数夏令营都提供奖学金。

    Some are pricey --- a three-week intensive program can cost $ 4,500 or more — but most offer scholarships .

  25. 我很幸运的获得了名为“希望”(在教育上帮助杰出学生)的彩票资助奖学金来支付自己的学费。

    I was lucky enough to have my tuition covered by a lottery-funded scholarship called HOPE ( Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally ) .

  26. 使得我的大学选择变得更为复杂的是我蒸蒸日上的径赛事业——我想继续跑步,但我的跑步速度还没有快到足以获得奖学金。

    Further complicating my college search was a flourishing stack career — I wanted to keep running but my times weren 't quite fast enough to secure a scholarship .

  27. 当我开始上大学时,希望奖学金得到了乔治亚州的资助,并颁发给平均学分绩点为3。0或以上的高中毕业生。

    When I started college , the HOPE scholarship was funded by the state of Georgia and offered to graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher .

  28. "现实情况是,很多低收入的孩子能够获得全额奖学金进入精英大学,但是他们甚至没有意识到这一点。"

    " The   reality   of   it is   that   a   lot   of   low-income   kids   could   be   going   to   elite   universities on a full ride scholarship and don 't even realize it . "

  29. 为了大学提供的会议、研究、实习和奖学金,申请吧!

    In order for you to take advantage of the conferences , research , internships , and fellowships that your university offers , apply !

  30. 获得奖学金。如果你在学校取得好成绩,你可以得到一些钱作为奖励。

    Win a scholarship . If you get good grades at school , you can get some money as prize .