
  1. 提出激励的措施应以政策激励、奖励激励、情感激励为主。

    Encouragement by policy , reward and emotion should be three main methods .

  2. 文章的主要特点在于将人本管理中的激励理论应用到加强教学秘书队伍建设中,通过情感激励、目标激励、奖励激励等手段提高他们的综合管理素质和水平。

    The feature of this article is to apply the motivation theory of people-centered management to the construction of the team of teaching secretary and improve their comprehensive management quality and level by means of emotional motivation , goal motivation , award motivation and so on .

  3. 以一个浩大的,潜在的奖励和激励系统

    by using a grand , underlying reward and incentive system ,

  4. 科技奖励边际激励效用的影响因素及其优化对策

    Influencial Factors and Optimization Strategies of the Effectiveness of Technology Incentives for the Marginal Returns

  5. 早上设一份奖励,激励自己爬出被窝。

    Have a reward waiting in the a.m. to motivate climbing out of the covers .

  6. 新的机制融合了薪酬规划、培训开发、劳动竞赛奖励等激励要素,新机制在实施中体现出了本次优化设计的作用。

    The new system combines the plan of payment and training , development , rewards and other incentive elements .

  7. 口碑营销中,营销管理者开始采用奖励计划激励现有消费者进行口碑推荐。

    In buzz marketing programs , managers began to provide rewards for existing customers to encourage their recommendation for the products .

  8. 研究了模糊综合评判法应用于学生素质评价系统的可行性,运用模糊综合评判法构建了人人都能从评价中得到奖励的激励模型。

    Therefore , every student is a seed of hope and can become qualified person.2.Study the feasibility of the indistinct evaluation method .

  9. 总之,通过假释这一法律奖励,激励罪犯加速改造,完善我国假释制度的对策,建立高效的再犯预测机制,是健全社会主义法制的一个重要方面。

    Above all , through parole system to motive criminals to speed reforming , to perfect China 's parole system , to establish effective forecasting recommitment mechanism , we can perfect socialistic legal system .

  10. 思政工作者在指导青年时必须在动员形式上从使动走向自动,评价模式上从奖励走向激励,管理方式上从单一走向全面,培训方式上从一元走向多元,进而改善教育方式。

    On this education phrase , educator should change the mobilization way from causative to voluntary , the evaluation from awarding to incentive , the management from simple to comprehensive , the training pattern from unitary to multiple , and finally improve the education pattern .

  11. 其中一项发现,在奖励的激励下,处于记忆力减退早期阶段的养老院老人能够在记忆力测试中获得更好的成绩。这说明,在许多情况下,对外界漠然被错误地当作大脑退化。

    In one , she found that nursing-home residents who had exhibited early stages of memory loss were able to do better on memory tests when they were given incentives to remember & showing that in many cases , indifference was being mistaken for brain deterioration .

  12. 从中小企业人力资源管理策略的现实调查分析入手,重点对企业高素质技术人才和管理人才及其服务的招募与雇用,员工技能培训,评估与控制,奖励与激励,沟通等方面。

    Combined with theoretical analysis of personnel networks , internal labor market , and sharing system of human resource , we start with investigations of SME HRM strategies , and discuss on recruitment , employment , skills training , evaluation , control , communication of technicians and managers .

  13. 这种源自国外的方法给发明者提供了奖章,现金奖励和其它激励机制。

    This approach , originated abroad , offered inventors medals , cash prizes and other incentives .

  14. 创设奖励平台构建激励体系

    Establishing Incentive Platform and System

  15. 科技成果鉴定、奖励制度具有激励、创造、调节公共利益的作用,促进科技成果向经济效益转化。

    Appraisal and award system for researeh results has the functions of encouraging creation and regulating shared benefits .

  16. 该机制从控制行业排污总量出发,通过对高污染企业实施惩罚,对低污染企业实施奖励,从而激励企业努力控制排污总量。

    The mechanism controls the industrial pollution gross by punishing the high polluted firms and guerdon the low polluted firms .

  17. 金钱奖励确实能激励科学家,但此类奖励需要与他们所属的团队的长期成功联系起来。

    Scientists do respond to monetary rewards , but they need to be linked to the long-term success of the group to which they belong .

  18. 中国古代皇帝常常会向贵族和臣属颁发一定的物质奖励,来激励他们为皇室效忠,提高整个统治集团的凝聚力,是为物质赏赐。

    In order to inspire the loyalty to the royal family and raise the entire reign group cohesion , the ancient Chinese emperor generally issued material grants to the noble and princes .

  19. 薪酬体系由基本收入、年度奖励、长期激励、职务消费和保障收益五部分组成。基本收入通过对教育培训、工作经历等因素进行多元线形回归确定;

    The SOE managers ' salary system is made up of five parts , basic income , annual reward , long term incentive , post consumption and insurance income , in which basic income is gotten through plural linear return analysis for the factors of educational training , work experience ;

  20. 高校科研奖励机制中的激励问题分析

    An Analysis of the Motivation Issues in the Reward System of University Academic Research

  21. 中小学学业评价奖励制度的去激励机制剖析主观业绩评价、高管激励与制度效果&基于我国企业高管评价的多案例研究

    Passive Mechanism of the Learning Achievement Evaluation System in the Middle and Primary School ; Subjective Performance Measurement , Incentive and Institutional Effects

  22. 代销商奖励方案是为了激励所有代销商而提供的以每个季度内销售水平为基础的奖金。

    The Affiliate Rewards Program is meant an incentive for all affiliates that gives affiliates a sales bonus based on the level of sales generated within a quarter .

  23. 补偿手段主要有行政手段干预、法律法规约束、经济手段调节(税费改革,市场价格调节,经济奖励)和荣誉激励等,在具体补偿途径中,应多种补偿方式、多种手段结合运用。

    Compensation approaches include administrative intervention , restriction by laws and economical regulations ( tax reform , market prices adjustment , economic incentives ), and the honor encouragement , in specific practices , several types of compensation and several approaches should be combined . 3 .

  24. 国内外典型的、有影响力的众包网站基本都在用货币激励来吸引参与者,这说明货币奖励对参与者的激励作用是有效的、显著的、普遍的。

    Typical domestic and abroad influential Crowdsourcing sites are basically attract participants by money . So it is an indisputable fact that money incentive is very important . So a reasonable and efficient prize incentive structure is the basic to improving overall Crowdsourcing innovation operating efficiency .