
  • 网络pension scheme;pension plan;retirement plans
  1. 此外,《华尔街日报》的这篇报道还称,微软公司(Microsoft)正计划与银湖投资集团(SilverLake)和加拿大退休金计划投资委员会(CanadaPensionPlanInvestmentBoard)联手竞购雅虎。

    And the WSJ reports that Microsoft is looking into a bid for Yahoo with Silver Lake and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board .

  2. 加拿大退休金计划投资委员会(CPPIB)高级合伙人PeterChen也参加了上述小组讨论。他表示,CPPIB在投资策略方面相对灵活,但也认为积极策略能够产生较高的回报。

    Peter Chen , senior principal at Canada Pension Plan Investment Board ( CPPIB ), another participant in the panel discussion , said his fund has relative flexibility in terms of investment strategies , but the organisation believes the active approach is capable of generating high returns .

  3. 以SEP,SIMPLE和合格计划(qualifiedplans)三类小企业计划为原型,比较了与不同退休工具结合下不同小企业退休金计划的特征。

    This chapter also compared these different small business plans which come from different prototypes including SEP , SIMPLE and qualified plans with each other .

  4. 美联储(fed)的一份讨论文件显示,50岁普通美国人在个人退休账户(ira)或401k退休金计划中拥有17.4万美元。

    According to a Federal Reserve discussion paper , the average 50-year-old has $ 174000 in IRA or 401k retirement plans .

  5. 或许是扣人心弦的奥运大戏让你忘记了自己的投资组合,也可能是汤姆•克鲁斯(TomCruise)和凯蒂•霍尔姆斯(KatieHolmes)同样引人入胜的高调分手让你忘记了自己的退休金计划。

    Perhaps the thrilling spectacle of the Olympics kept you away from your portfolio . Or the no-less-engrossing public split of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes made you forget about your 401 ( k ) .

  6. 将你的投资自动化,申请将工资扣减项自动转帐到401k退休金计划中这样的服务,以便在市场行情不好时仍然持续买进股票。

    Automate your investing , so you keep buying stocks during rough markets , by signing up for payroll deduction into your company's401 ( k ) .

  7. 做游轮提供福利,即带薪休假,退休金计划吗?

    Do cruise lines provide benefits i.e.paid vacation , pension plan etc. ?

  8. 个体经营者也把收入的一部分交给退休金计划。

    Self-employed workers also pay a portion of their earnings to the program .

  9. 我的公司已为我们提供了退休金计划。

    My company have offered us a pension scheme .

  10. 这和加拿大的退休金计划很类似。

    In Canada , a similar system exists in the Canada Pension Plan .

  11. 不,游船公司不提供带薪休假或退休金计划。

    No , cruise lines do not provide paid vacation or pension plans .

  12. 并且,比如退休金计划,雇主也可以投资钱到里面去。

    And , like pension plans , employers add money to them too .

  13. 20退休金计划&下一个会计灾难?

    Pension Plans - The Next Accounting Disaster ?

  14. 退休金计划的会计和报告

    Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans

  15. 在现收现付制退休金计划下,当期养老金缴费被用于同时期养老金的费用支付。

    In a pay-as-you-go pension scheme , contributions are immediately used to pay current pensions .

  16. 只有社会保障制度(公众退休金计划)得以正常运行。

    Only Social Security ( the public pension scheme ) would remain on its present trajectory .

  17. 报酬后置体系包括股票期权、企业年金、退休金计划等,且不同类型有不同的激励效果。

    Deferred compensation system includes stock option , enterprise annuity , retirement pension and fringe benefit .

  18. 福特之后向塔塔支付6亿美元用于捷豹和路虎的退休金计划。

    Ford then later contributed $ 600 million to Tata to cover Jaguar-Land Rover pension plans .

  19. 强制性老年退休金计划

    Mandatory Old Age Pension Scheme

  20. 该公司提供给员工的退休金计划,免费医疗保险和其他福利。

    The company offers its employees a pension plan , free health insurance , and other benefits .

  21. 该个由国家资助的退休金计划承担对退休雇员的所有退休金责任。

    The state sponsored retirement plans are responsible for the entire pension obligations payable to retired employees .

  22. 然而,传统的退休金计划支付退休人员的生活,作为一种长期固定数目。

    Still , traditional pension plans pay a set amount for as long as a retiree lives .

  23. 特别是,年长选民将反对任何修改医保和退休金计划的举措。

    Senior citizens , in particular , will vote against any changes to healthcare and retirement programmes .

  24. 第二章,从宏观的角度介绍和分析了美国小企业退休金计划的特点、分类以及各类小企业计划的优点和劣势。

    The second chapter analyzed the characteristic , types , advantages and disadvantages of the small business plan .

  25. 许多专家认为目前退休金计划没有提供足够的资金,以保证向职工许诺的利益。

    Experts say many current pension plans do not have enough money to provide the benefits promised to workers .

  26. 2013年,48.8%的美国家庭持有股票(但大多数都是通过退休金计划,而非直接持股)。

    In 2013 , 48.8 % of families owned stocks ( most through retirement plans rather than directly ) .

  27. 摘要美国是一个社会保障制度健全的国家,尤其在退休金计划上更是如此。

    The US is a country with developed social security system , especially in the fields of pension plans .

  28. 这里的“净资产”包括一切东西:自住房屋啦、艺术收藏品啦,甚至来日方长的退休金计划也都算在了里面。

    That includes everything : a home , an art collection , even the value of an as-yet-inaccessible pension scheme .

  29. 雇员通过工资单税的形式向退休金计划交钱,也就是在他们的工资中扣除一定的比例;

    Employees contribute to the pension plan through a payroll tax , which is taken as a percentage of their salaries ;

  30. 散户只能通过投资顾问机构或某些退休金计划、529大学储蓄计划来投资,费率各有差别。

    It is available to individuals only through their financial advisers or certain retirement and 529 plans , and fees vary .