
  • 网络Return rate;reject rate
  1. 网络服装销售的增加,服装退货率也随之增加。

    With the increase in clothing sales network , apparel return rate has increased .

  2. 退货率的主要原因是消费者认为在网上购买的服装不合体。

    Return rate is mainly due to the clothing that consumer purchase online do not fit .

  3. 商品的退货率是多少?

    What are the rates of returns for items ?

  4. 造成退货率不断上升的一个因素是在线零售的增长。

    One factor behind spiralling return rates is the growth in online retailing .

  5. 中国的平均退货率也在10%以上。

    Rate of Re-nurture The average ratio in China is still over 10 % .

  6. 美国、日本、英国、加拿大等出版大国的平均退货率均超过30%。

    The average ratio of the returns has surpassed 30 % in America , Japan , Britain and Canada .

  7. 研究表明,企业在经营中最好能够将退货率控制在最佳退货率的范围内对增强企业竞争能力最为有利。

    The research shows it is most beneficial for strengthening the enterprise 's competition by controlling the ration of the returns .

  8. 我们接到的报告显示,他们大约有百分之十八的退货率和换货率.消息传出去后,他们的销售业绩就大幅下滑。

    We have reports of about an eighteen percent return and exchange rate , and sales fell off dramatically once word of that got out .

  9. 然后在供不应求的情况下采用基于零售商退货率的历史数据分配法来降低牛鞭效应。

    Then , the bullwhip effect is available to be restrained by way of a reasonable distribution based on the historical record of retailers goods return rate .

  10. 并采用数值实例分析了退货率和时间惩罚因子对最优允许退货时间长度、最佳订货量以及最大产品收益的影响。

    The influence of return rates and time penalty factors on optimal periods of returns , optimal order quantities and maximum profit are evaluated through using a numerical instance .

  11. 占据约80%中国网购市场的阿里巴巴则表示自己光棍节的退货率要低得多,不到10%。

    Alibaba , which controls about 80 % of Chinas online shopping market , says that its returns for Singles Day are much lower a single-digit percentage of total sales .

  12. 除更快地找出客户服务问题,及时采取行动之外,营销人员还能够在问题影响产品退货率或产品口碑之前化解问题。

    In addition to flagging customer service problems faster for action , marketers can build capabilities to resolve issues before they affect product return rates or negatively impact word of mouth .

  13. 对导致高退货率的出版产业现状进行深入的分析,并试图找出存在问题的解决对策,以期为图书出版业的发展找到更好的方向和道路具有现实意义。

    An analysis is made of the current high rate of book returns in this industry , and some countermeasures are put forward so as to find a better way for the development of China 's book publication industry .

  14. 在具体指标上,产品良率、样品设计能力、订单交付时间以及报价有效性这几个方面都取得了客户的认可,而在产品价格、样品速度、批次退货率上还有待改善。

    In the specific indicators , product yield , sample design capabilities , order delivery time and price effectiveness of these customers have achieved recognition in product prices , sample rate , rate of return on the lot to be improved .

  15. 摘要我国出版业承担着一个民族积淀、传承文化的重要职责,但近几年来图书出版业却呈现出高退货率、高库存积压等问题。

    Book publication industry plays an important role in accumulating Chinais national heritage and passing on china 's culture , but in recent ysare , there were some problems in this industry such as high rate of book returns and overstock of books .

  16. 由于我国出版业产业信息流不畅,市场变化带来出版社库存膨胀、退货率增长,传统手工订单的处理已不适应业务的快速发展。

    Because the information flow of the Chinese publishing industry is not so smooth , and the market changing has increased the stock and return rate of the publishing house , the manual order handling system has become not suitable for the rapid business growth .

  17. 也给出了最优期权契约下期权价和执行价的关系以及最优回购契约下批发价格和退货补偿率的关系。

    The model analysis discloses the relationship between option price and execution price of the optimal contract with options and the relationship between wholesale price and rebate credit of the optimal buyback contract .