
  1. 目前各保险公司普遍使用收付实现制下的赔付率,它受业务增长率、费用率及分保状况等多种因素影响。

    At present , insurance company generally use claim ratio under cash basis of accounting . Many factors will affect it , including growth rate of business , expense ratio and status of reinsurance .

  2. 此前一周路威酩轩(LVMH)宣布,今年上半年其腕表及珠宝业务有机增长率(organicgrowth)仅为4%。

    The previous week LVMH said that first-half organic growth in its watches and jewellery business was just 4 per cent .

  3. 通过对主营业务收入增长率和净资产收益率在IPO前两年到IPO后一年的4个期间内的描述性统计和显著性检验,证明了我国创业板市场IPO效应的存在性。

    By year after the two years before the IPO , the IPO on the main business revenue growth and return on net assets within a period of four descriptive statistics and test of significance , proved the existence of the GEM IPO effect .

  4. 2005年第一季度电信业务收入增长率已经降到11.7%,而同期的电信业务总量增长达到25.6%,差距非常明显。

    First quarter in 2005 , the increment rate of telecommunication service income fall to 11.7 % , but at the same time , telecommunication trade amount growth rate achieved 25.6 % .

  5. 经分析得出,净资产收益率、净利润率、主营业务收入增长率和资产负债率这些指标对上市公司陷入财务危机具有较强的预警能力,并对这些预警指标作出合理的解释。

    Obtained by the analysis , ROE , net profit margin , the main business income growth and asset-liability ratio have strong early-warning for financial crisis of listed companies and these early-warning indicators are of a reasonable explanation .

  6. 研究表明,公司成长性、主营业务收入增长率、企业规模与融资效率之间显著正相关,资产负债率、非债务税盾与融资效率显著负相关。

    The research shows that the enterprises grows , the main business income growth rate and enterprise scale are positively correlated to financing efficiency , while the asset-liability ratio and non-debt tax shield are negatively correlated to financing efficiency .

  7. 这三个指标分别是:总资产收益率代表盈利能力,主营业务收入增长率代表上市公司的成长性和资产负债率代表偿债能力。

    These three indicators are : rate of return on behalf of the total assets of profitability , growth rate of main business income on behalf of listed companies and the growth rate of assets and liabilities on behalf of solvency .

  8. 通信业务总量的增长率约为通信业务收入增长率的2.2倍。

    The rate of increase in communication operation turnover is rough 2.2 times that of the communication operation income .

  9. 第三、随着信息技术和电子商务的快速发展,速递传统业务量的增长率正在日趋下降。

    Thirdly , the rapid development of information technology and e-commerce , traditional business courier that the rate of growth is declining .

  10. 如果按地区考察我们业务的潜在增长率,我们预计,在未来7至10年,这一数字将增至三分之二,甚至达到四分之三。

    And when you look at the underlying growth rates by Region in our business , we expect that number to be as high as two-thirds , maybe even three-quarters , in seven to 10 years .

  11. 随着facebook的业务增长,资产回报率应该也会改善。

    Return on assets should improve as Facebook grows .

  12. 这可能意味着谷歌有更多业务增长,但利润率会受损。

    This may mean more growth for Google but will take a toll on margins .

  13. 哈金斯把美国退货业务12%的年增长率看作是一个机遇,零售商可以借此从提高效率中获得收益。

    Mr Harkins sees the 12 per cent annual growth of the US returns business as a chance for retailers to make gains from improved efficiency .

  14. 通过快递需求量的回归分析,建立了需求预测模型,得出未来10年快递业务量年平均增长率。

    After the regression analysis of past years ' express demand , demand forecast model is founded . Then the average growth rate of next 10 years is drawn .

  15. 随着经济低迷的蔓延,汇丰和渣打银行(standardchartered)等受益于新兴市场业务的银行,有可能会面临亚洲业务增长放缓和坏帐率上升的局面。

    Banks such as HSBC and Standard Chartered , which have benefited from their exposure to emerging markets , are likely to face slowing growth and rising bad loans in Asia as the downturn spreads .