
  1. ERP实施中的业务瓶颈与对策研究

    Research on Business Bottleneck and Solution in ERP Implementation

  2. 缓存技术是克服Web业务瓶颈的最有效方法,是当前WEB业务性能研究的一个热点。

    The technique of cache is the most efficacious method to tackle the bottle neck of Web services and it is a hot topic in field of web service performance research .

  3. 业务瓶颈已经严重制约了西安电信的进一步发展,如何尽快在业务创新上实现突破,是西安电信摆脱困境的一个重要课题。

    The business bottle-neck have already restricted the more development of xi ' an telecom , and it is a very important discussion to make xi ' an telecom break away from the jam how to find the entrance to business innovation .

  4. 本文试图通过人才市场的定位,法律、法规、政策、管理,以及社会经济因素等方面,来分析其业务发展瓶颈的原因。

    This paper attempts to analyze the reasons of its business development like " bottleneck ", through the talent market positioning , laws , regulations , policies , management , and socio-economic factors .

  5. 随着WTO协议的签署,我国信用卡行业竞争的加剧,信用卡管理系统发展的滞后给高速扩张业务带来了瓶颈。

    With the signing of WTO agreements and the fierce competition in credit card industry , the retardation in development of credit card management system becomes the bottle-neck in the rapid expansion business .

  6. 客户接入的建设周期长,接入方式主要以简单的2M接入为主,单一接入已成为全业务建设的瓶颈,阻碍全业务的发展。

    Long construction period of customers access , the single access methods of 2M access , has become a bottleneck in the construction of full-service , hindered the develop of it .

  7. 中小企业信贷业务的发展瓶颈与对策研究

    Small and medium enterprise credit business 's development bottleneck and countermeasure research

  8. 伴随着骨干网建设的日臻完善,接入网已经成为业务接入的瓶颈。

    When backbone network is gradually consummated , access network has become the bottleneck of service access .

  9. 接入网已经成为通信网发展的一个重点,同时它也是制约高速数字业务发展的瓶颈。

    Access network has become a focus of development of communication networks , while it is also the bottleneck of high-speed digital service development .

  10. 但近年来社会环境的变化,A公司的业务拓展遇到瓶颈,进一步发展的阻力甚大。

    However , in recent years , due to the change of social environment , the business expansion of A Company has met the bottleneck .

  11. 随着市场需求的迅速增长,公司的片剂车间的成长能力已经成为公司业务发展的瓶颈。

    With the dramatic increase of the marketing demands , the production capacity of the dry products workshop becomes the bottleneck of the business development of the company .

  12. 随着互联网快速发展,既使当前的网络带宽已持续提高,但新兴的应用领域的不断拓展,使得网络流量急剧增长,由此带来的网络拥塞成为制约网络应用和业务发展的瓶颈问题。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , even if the current network bandwidth has persistently being improved , the new applications continue to expand , making the rapid growth of network traffic as a network congestion , restricting the development of network applications .

  13. 提供全面的QOS保证机制对3G系统至关重要,其中无线接口是实现移动业务QOS保证的瓶颈。

    It is very important for 3G system to provide comprehensive QOS guarantee mechanism .

  14. 供应链管理基础薄弱是目前中国EMS业务发展的主要瓶颈。

    The weak supply chain management foundation is the main bottleneck of present China EMS service development .

  15. 但IMS未能推出有吸引力的杀手级应用,面临着业务不够丰富的瓶颈,蓬勃发展的互联网技术和丰富的个性化Web2.0应用给IMS带来了极大的挑战。

    However , at present IMS is still failed to put forward some attractive killer applications and has to face the lack of enough services , the booming Internet technologies and rich personalized Web 2.0 applications have brought IMS tremendous challenges .

  16. 已经成立的担保集团当中存在着集团与子公司之间委托代理与业务运作两大瓶颈问题。

    Group has been established which guarantee the existence of agency between the Group and its subsidiaries and two major bottlenecks in business operations .

  17. 如今,固定的频谱管理政策导致频谱利用率极低,频谱资源紧缺成为了限制无线通信业务持续发展的瓶颈。

    Nowadays , the fixed spectrum management policy has resulted in very low spectrum efficiency , and the shortage of spectrum resources is becoming the bottleneck to limit the sustained development of wireless communication service .

  18. 由于宽带多媒体业务多为非对称业务,传输瓶颈多集中于下行链路。

    On one hand , broadband multimedia services are always asymmetric , and downlink link is considered to be the bottleneck of data transmission .

  19. 通过批量处理的模式,可以有效的减轻银行前台业务压力,从而打破中间业务发展的瓶颈,为中间业务的进一步发展扫清道路。

    Through this mode , the pressure of the bank couter operations is lightened effectively , so it breaks the obstacles of the development of intermediate business and accelerates the development of intermediate business .

  20. 论文分析了保健品企业分销模式及其对分销管理信息系统的需求、保健品行业分销典型问题、保健品企业主要业务流程及其传统分销管理所带来的业务瓶颈问题。

    This thesis will analyze the distribution mode and the requirements for DMIS of health products companies , the typical problems in the health products industry , the main business flows and the bottleneck which the traditional distribution management will meet .

  21. 但现阶段国内传统呼叫中心系统不能很好的支持新技术和新业务,成为制约国内呼叫中心业务发展的主要瓶颈。

    But at present domestic traditional call center systems are not well supported by new technology and new business , as a constraint to the domestic call center business development major bottleneck .

  22. 通过借鉴OSI(开放系统互连)网络参考模型的理念,本文提出了一种7层通信业务模型,揭示了固网运营商业务创新的瓶颈所在&终端。

    Refer to the theory of OSI reference model , this paper proposes a seven layer communication services model , and based on this model , finds out the essential bottleneck of services innovation & the terminal .

  23. 票据业务在迅猛发展的同时,也逐渐呈现出业务的瓶颈:票据业务在商业银行间逐渐同质化,产品竞争越发激烈。

    Bill business in the rapid development at the same time , also gradually show business bottlenecks . : Bill business gradually liquidated for homogeneity between the commercial Banks , products more competitive .

  24. 然而,由于在现有的SIP-ALG实现中,ALG与SIP业务紧密绑定,使得SIP-ALG对SIP业务的支持能力成了SIP业务拓展的瓶颈。

    Because ALG and SIP business bond closely in the implementation of the existing SIP-ALG , lead to SIP-ALG supporting business expansion become a difficulty .

  25. 为了改变银行保险业务现有的简单经营模式,提高银保业务内涵价值,破解我国目前银保业务发展遇到的瓶颈,必须进行改革创新,努力寻求银保业务创新发展的方法。

    In order to change the existing simple to operate the business mode and improve the business became the value , cracking are silver in the business development bottlenecks , we must reform , trying to find the insurance business methods .

  26. 业务创新是固网运营商转型的关键所在,然而,网络的业务提供能力低下日渐成为业务创新的瓶颈。

    Services innovation is the key for the transition of China fixed-line operators , but the bottleneck of services innovation lies on the low service-providing ability of network .

  27. 随着XX联通的业务的发展和客户规模的逐渐增大,现有的营销服务渠道逐渐不能满足现有和未来的需求,成为XX联通业务发展的瓶颈。

    With the business expanding and the increasing of customer scale of China Unicom ( XX ), the current Sales & Service channel can not meet the requirement of market and customers , it has become a bottleneck to the growth of China Unicom ( XX ) .