
cān yǐn yè
  • catering
  1. 现在路边小餐馆构成了餐饮业很大一部分。

    Roadside cafes are now a big part of the catering industry .

  2. 1729年,当乔纳森·斯威夫特提议爱尔兰人民吃自己的孩子时,他坚持认为这将同时解决三个问题:养活饥饿的民众,在严重的萧条时期减少人口,刺激餐饮业。

    When Jonathan Swift proposed , in 1729 , that the people of Ireland eat their children , he insisted it would solve three problems at once : feed the hungry masses , reduce the population during a severe depression , and stimulate the restaurant business .

  3. HACCP系统在餐饮业现榨果蔬汁管理中的应用

    Application of HACCP System in Management of Juice Making in Catering Industry

  4. HACCP管理体系在青岛市餐饮业的应用研究

    Application and Evaluation of HACCP Management System in Catering Trade in Qingdao

  5. SimplyThai作为目前流行于上海的泰国餐饮业先锋,它所提供的是经典传统的泰国食品。

    Simply Thai , a pioneer in the now-popular Thai restaurant business , offers diners the classics of Thai cooking .

  6. HACCP在餐饮业中应用的探讨

    The Discussion of the HACCP Principles on the Research of Food Service Industry

  7. 浅谈在餐饮业食品制作过程中HACCP系统的运用

    Application of the HACCP System in Food-making Process

  8. 应用HACCP原则在餐饮业中的作用

    Analysis on using of HACCP in catering trade

  9. GC-MS法鉴别食用油和餐饮业中废弃油脂的研究

    Study of recognition of edible oils and waste edible oils in the restaurants by GC-MS

  10. 浅析HACCP系统在餐饮业的应用

    Application of HACCP System in Restaurant Industry

  11. 建立餐饮业HACCP体系确保奥运食品安全

    Establishing HACCP system in catering sector , ensuring the food safety at the Olympic Games

  12. HACCP体系在餐饮业食品安全管理中的应用

    Application of HACCP in Catering Service

  13. ARIMA模型在批发和零售贸易餐饮业预测中的应用

    The application of ARIMA model in wholesale retail trade and catering services

  14. 餐饮业量化分级管理成效评价指标Delphi法应用

    Study on establishment of appraisal index system for food service industry 's pursuit of quantitative graded management by Delphi method

  15. 克雷格•威利斯(CraigWillis)说,他是上海餐饮业新成员MrWillis的老板。

    ' says Craig Willis , owner of Mr Willis , a fairly recent addition to Shanghai 's restaurant scene .

  16. 华彬集团由泰国籍华人亿万富翁严彬(ChanchaiRuayrungruang)所有。2014年,该集团斥资1.35亿英镑,从经营餐饮业的理查德•卡林(RichardCaring)手中买下了温特沃斯俱乐部。

    Reignwood , which is owned by Thai-Chinese multi-billionaire Chanchai Ruayrungruang - also known as Yan Bin - bought Wentworth from restaurateur Richard Caring in 2014 for

  17. 酒店餐饮业绿色消费TPB结构模型及其政策含义

    The TPB Structural Model of Green Consumption for Hotel & Catering Services and Its Policy Implications

  18. 他把经营百事休闲食品业务菲多利(Frito-Lay)的机会让给他人,这样他就能继续发展他在餐饮业的专长。

    He passed on an opportunity to run Frito-Lay , PepsiCo 's snack business , so that he could continue developing his restaurant expertise .

  19. 通过不同污染源污染当量负荷比分析,得出居民生活区、第三产业(餐饮业除外)、医院的主要污染物为COD,餐饮业的主要污染物为动植物油和COD。

    By analysis on load ration of equivalent of different sources , it is concluded that the primary pollutant of residential areas , tertiary industry ( exclude catering industry ) and hospital is COD and the primary pollutants of catering industry are animal and vegetable oils and COD .

  20. 最近麦当劳(McDonald’s)改组了领导层。正在努力跟上消费者口味变化的这家快餐业巨头,任命英国商业街连锁餐饮业老将史蒂夫•伊斯特布鲁克(SteveEasterbrook)为首席执行官,换下唐•汤普森(DonThompson)。

    McDonald 's shook up its leadership this week as it struggled to keep up with changing consumer tastes , appointing Steve Easterbrook , a veteran of UK high street restaurant chains , to replace Don Thompson as chief executive .

  21. 运用时间序列分析方法之一的单整自回归移动平均模型(ARIMA)法,对全国批发和零售贸易餐饮业进行时间序列分析。

    This paper applys ARIMA method which is one of the means of the time series analysis to analyse data of wholesale retail trade and catering services . It shows that the forecast of ARIMA ( I , 1,10 ) model is exact .

  22. 苹果谷——戴比縠伯茨(DebbieAlberts)是一名兼职餐饮业服务人员,在她家位于工薪阶层社区的两层楼房屋之外,她已经把大部分的草皮铲掉了。

    APPLE VALLEY , Calif. - Outside her two-story tract home in this working-class town , Debbie Alberts , a part-time food service worker , has torn out most of the lawn .

  23. 猫途鹰的发言人詹姆斯·凯伊(JamesKay)称:“TheClink餐厅是威尔士唯一一家上榜的餐厅。考虑到英国餐饮业竞争的激烈程度,这无疑显示了这家餐厅的员工们坚持带给顾客的高水准饮食及服务。”

    TripAdvisor spokesman James Kay said : " Given how competitive the UK restaurant industry is , the fact that The Clink Restaurant is the only winning Welsh restaurant demonstrates the incredibly high standard of food and service that the team consistently delivers to customers . "

  24. 据北京互联网咨询公司易观国际统计,在第二季度,线上到线下,或O2O,餐饮业交易达到82亿元(13亿美元),比上一季度增长89%。

    In the second quarter , online-to-offline , or O2O , catering industry transactions hit 8.2 billion yuan ( $ 1.3 billion ) , up by 89 percent from last quarter , according to Beijing-based Internet consultancy Analysys International .

  25. 餐饮业油烟气排放量的重量法监测

    Monitoring of Oil - smoke Discharge from Restaurants by Gravity Method

  26. 湖北省住宿餐饮业经济效益研究

    Research on Economic Benefits of Hotel and Catering Industries in Hubei

  27. 西部餐饮业发展思考

    On the Development of Food and Drink in Western Part Area

  28. 新建餐饮业施工图纸设计卫生学分析

    Hygienic Analysis on the Designed Drawings of New Buildings for Dining

  29. 餐饮业废油脂生产生物柴油的实验研究

    Making Bio - Diesel Fuel by Waste Oil From Restaurant

  30. 餐饮业油烟气中醛类化合物的荧光法测定

    The fluorometric determination of aldehydes in restaurants ' oil smoke