
cān tīng
  • restaurant;dining room;canteen;dining hall;refectory
餐厅 [cān tīng]
  • (1) [dining hall]∶大型的餐室(如学院、机关中的)

  • (2) [restaurant]∶供应食物或有时供应饮料的地方(如房间或帐篷)

  • 新鲜水果在海船上的餐厅里是罕见的

餐厅[cān tīng]
  1. 他的工作之一是管理餐厅。

    One of his jobs was supervising the dining room .

  2. 科罗娜塔墙纸给餐厅增添了一种整齐有致的气氛。

    The Coronata wallpaper lends a formal air to the dining room .

  3. 自助餐厅有冷热食物供应。

    Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria .

  4. 这家饭店的餐厅以美味佳肴闻名遐迩。

    The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine .

  5. 这家酒店的新餐厅得到了人们的普遍赞扬。

    The hotel 's new restaurant comes highly recommended .

  6. 餐厅业正在复苏。

    The restaurant trade is on the upturn .

  7. 我们在餐厅吃了顿饭。

    We had a meal in a restaurant .

  8. 校园里有三个餐厅。

    There are three dining halls on campus .

  9. 船上有两个餐厅。

    There are two restaurants on board ship .

  10. 这家餐厅提供传统风味佳馔。

    The restaurant provides good traditional fare .

  11. 这个餐厅已换了新的东家。

    The restaurant is under new ownership .

  12. 他匆忙赶到餐厅去找指挥官。

    He hurried to the Mess to find the control officer .

  13. 我决定把我们餐厅的墙壁刷成赭黄色。

    For our dining room I have chosen ochre yellow walls .

  14. 只有非常有钱的人才能在米拉贝勒餐厅吃得起午餐。

    Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle

  15. 在餐厅里,打褶装饰物能营造雅致的氛围。

    In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance .

  16. 餐厅里已经摆好了自助冷食。

    A cold buffet had been laid out in the dining-room .

  17. 单位餐厅以前从没供应过像现在这样健康的饭菜。

    Workplace canteens are offering healthier foods than ever before .

  18. 我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。

    We ate in the restaurant , as opposed to the bistro .

  19. 这家餐厅氛围轻松,装修雅致,而且价格非常公道。

    The restaurant is informal , stylish and extremely good value

  20. 我听说他经常光顾汉普斯特德的卡津餐厅。

    I hear he frequents the Cajun restaurant in Hampstead .

  21. 在学校的自助餐厅里你会发现有很多饮食可供选择。

    You will find a wide variety of choices available in school cafeterias

  22. 这家餐厅小巧精致,绿意盎然,令人感到非常惬意。

    The restaurant is small and green and very welcoming .

  23. 餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。

    Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people

  24. 无论如何,那个保龄球场的餐厅证明还是很不错的。

    In any event , the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable .

  25. 我一有机会便去马克西姆餐厅吃饭。

    Whenever I get the chance I go to Maxim 's for dinner .

  26. 厨房最初夹在早餐厅和厕所之间。

    The original kitchen was sandwiched between the breakfast room and the toilet .

  27. 越来越多的餐厅开始辟出无烟区。

    More and more restaurants are providing non-smoking areas .

  28. 在客人们鱼贯进入餐厅之前,她核实了一遍座位安排。

    She checked the seating arrangements before the guests filed into the dining-room .

  29. 一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。

    A picture of Rory O'Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan .

  30. 棕榈泉有高档的餐厅和奢华的夜生活。

    Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife .