
  • 网络Catering operations;food and beverage management
  1. 酒店餐饮经营面临的问题及对策

    Problems and Measures in the Management of Hotel Food and Drink

  2. 创造性和强烈的市场感知力在2004年的餐饮经营中极其重要。

    Creativity and strong marketing sense will be of utmost importance in2004 .

  3. 关于酒店餐饮经营的研究

    On Hotel Cuisine Operation Research

  4. 影响饭店选择餐饮经营方式的因素研究

    The Study on the Determining Factors in Choosing the Way of F & B Operation in Hotel

  5. 由于市场竞争加剧、消费观念的改变以及我国反腐倡廉运动的开展,旅游饭店餐饮经营近年来出现滑坡现象。

    Many hotel 's food & beverage income has been declined recently because of the tough competition , changed consumer concept , and the anti-corruption campaign of the government .

  6. 物质资本、技术资本对清真餐饮经营的成功与否起着重要的作用,但制度资本影响作用最大。

    Third , the material and technical capital play an important role to the successful management of enterprise . However , the system capital is even more important than the above two .

  7. 以融合变革为突破口,优化菜点质量,提高菜点的科技含量,加强餐饮经营和人才队伍建设,乃是21世纪陕菜发展的战略目标。

    The strategic goal of the 21st century for Shanxi Dish is to begin with reformation , improve the quality and tighten up the management in catering trade and the construction of personnel .

  8. 餐饮特许经营权已授予一家私人公司。

    Catering has been franchised to a private company .

  9. 基于WEB的餐饮连锁经营管理信息系统

    Chain Restaurant Management Information System Based on WEB Mode

  10. 现代酒店餐饮的经营方向与对策

    Strategies and Development in Modern Hotel F & B Management

  11. 提出了解决中式餐饮连锁经营中存在问题的对策。

    Solutions to these problems are presented .

  12. 当代素食观念与餐饮业经营

    Contemporary Vegetarian Idea and Catering Business Management

  13. 中式餐饮连锁经营中的问题分析与对策中式快餐服务包的解析

    Problems in the Development of Chinese Food Service in the Form of Chain Management Analysis of Chinese Fast Food Service Package

  14. 近年来,国内餐饮特许经营取得了巨大的发展,众多的餐饮特许品牌如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现出来。

    In recent years , the franchise restaurant systems have made tremendous development , a large number of franchise food brands have emerged one after another .

  15. 1987年肯德基进入中国,拉开了我国餐饮连锁经营的序幕,我国餐饮连锁行业呈现快速发展的态势,尤其是快餐连锁业。

    A prelude to management for the chain catering occurred in China when KFC entered Chinese market in 1987 , and then it has been developing rapidly , fast food chain in particular .

  16. 本文首先介绍特许经营的起源及发展过程,对其定义作了阐述,并介绍了餐饮特许经营目前在中国的经营状况,也说明了研究目的和意义。

    First , this paper introduces the origin and developing course of franchise management and its definition , provides a survey of franchise management in China and shows the significance of this paper .

  17. 研究了基于WEB技术的餐饮企业连锁经营信息系统,采用B?

    This paper has studied the chain restaurant management information system based on WEB mode .

  18. 西方餐饮业跨国经营中的文化营销理念分析

    Analysis on cultural marketing concept in western food industry 's multinational operation

  19. 餐饮业连锁经营的选址模式分析

    An Analysis of Electoral Address for the Restaurant Chain Management

  20. 中国餐饮业特许经营战略研究

    The Strategy Study of Chinese Franchising in Catering Industry

  21. 从洋快餐看中式餐饮企业连锁经营之不足外贸产业价值链的重构模式探讨

    On the Reconstruction of Value Chain in Foreign Trade

  22. 新世纪餐饮企业品牌经营战略

    Strategic Thinking about Brand Management for Food and Beverage Enterprises in the New Century

  23. 困扰餐饮集团化经营的六大难题

    Six Problems Bothering Catering Group Operation

  24. 在全面分析的基础上,尝试对休闲餐饮企业连锁经营发展体系进行构建。

    Based on the comprehensive analysis , attempted to build the development system of casual dining chain operation restaurants .

  25. 结构,可以有效实现餐饮企业连锁经营信息管理,有一定先进性、实用性、可靠性和安全性。

    We adopted the B ? S techniques to achieve information management of chain restaurant , and this techniques are advanced , practical , reliable and safety .

  26. 在大饭店里,经理协调管理客房,广告和促销,餐饮和其他经营部门负责人的工作。

    In a large hotel the manager coordinates the work of the department heads who supervise housekeeping , advertising and promotion , food services , and the rest of the operation .

  27. 最后从整个行业面分析中国餐饮业特许经营的发展状况,对中国餐饮连锁的健康稳定的发展提出了对策。

    At last , this paper analyses the development condition of Chinese catering franchise management from the respect of the whole industry and give some advice for steady development of Chinese catering franchise management .

  28. 我国餐饮业发展特许经营的SWOT分析和对策

    SWOT Analysis & Suggestions of Restaurant Enterprise in China Carrying on Franchising

  29. 随着社会的发展,餐饮业的整体经营管理水平和员工素质有了很大提高,食品安全问题依然存在。

    With the social development , although the management and employees ' level have significantly improved in Catering industry , food safety problems still remain .

  30. 该模式类似目前广泛应用于餐饮服务的特许经营模式,并在全国复制成功模式而遍地开花。

    The league-cooperation marketing model is similar to the franchise model in catering trade now , which is been copied successfully all over the country .