
cài dān
  • menu;bill of fare
菜单 [cài dān]
  • [menu;bill of fare] 可以接受定购的(如在饭馆中)或专门准备上桌的(如在宴会上)已经印好或写好各种菜名的单子。也叫菜谱

菜单[cài dān]
  1. 每天的菜单上另有素食餐点。

    There is a vegetarian alternative on the menu every day .

  2. 这份菜单有受欢迎的传统菜,也有较为新奇的菜肴。

    The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes .

  3. 她把当天的菜单用粉笔写在黑板上。

    She chalked the day 's menu on the board .

  4. 菜单上有多种甜食可供选择。

    The menu has a good choice of desserts .

  5. 从菜单上选取“打印机”,然后点击鼠标右键。

    Choose ' printer ' from the menu and click with the right mouse button .

  6. 菜单随季节而变动。

    The menu varies with the season .

  7. 弗兰在仔细地看菜单。

    Fran was studying the menu .

  8. 菜单每周都有变化,通常包含可供严格的素食者选择的菜肴。

    The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option

  9. 点菜前先仔细看一下菜单。

    Before placing your order for a meal , study the menu .

  10. 那艘船的名字已经从选择菜单中删除了。

    The name of the ship had been effaced from the menus .

  11. 菜单是以经典的法国菜为主。

    The menu is based on classic French cooking .

  12. 伯克匆匆地瞥了一眼菜单,然后啪地合上了。

    Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu , then flapped it shut

  13. 菜单上的定价非常合理。

    There is a very reasonably priced menu .

  14. 这菜单上即便是制作最精美的菜品其热量也非常低。

    Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories .

  15. 厨师伊德里斯·卡尔多拉开出一份富有地中海特色的菜单,让人眼前一亮。

    Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean

  16. 菜单中包括了偶尔会有的非传统菜肴。

    The menu includes the occasional off-beat item .

  17. 菜单本可以做得更有新意。

    The menu could have been more adventurous .

  18. 一个服务生给他送上了菜单。

    A waiter offered him the menu

  19. 很多餐馆都提供价格固定的菜单。

    Many restaurants offer fixed-price menus .

  20. 弹出菜单后,须左击其中一个选项方可运行。

    When the menu has popped up you should left-click on one of the choices to make it operate .

  21. 让我们看看今天的菜单上有些什么菜。

    Let us see what is on the menu today .

  22. 厨师长每天改变菜单上的菜项。

    The chef changes items on the menu each day .

  23. 将鼠标光标移向菜单栏。

    Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar .

  24. 意大利面会重新出现在菜单上,一项新的研究表明,碳水化合物也属于健康饮食的一部分,甚至可以帮助人们减肥。

    Pasta is no longer off the menu , after a new review of studies suggested that the carbohydrate can form part of a healthy diet , and even help people lose weight .

  25. 在美国,这个快餐的发源地,伴随着快餐业的打折活动以及促销活动,例如推出l美元菜单和便宜的什锦饭,快餐店客流也变得兴旺起来。

    Traffic was boosted in America , the home of fast food , with discounts and promotions , such as $ 1 menus and cheap combination meals .

  26. 麦当劳的沃特·瑞克宣称其公司已经对菜单进行了改良,这意味着麦当劳与几年前相比会提供更多健康的食品。

    Walt Riker of McDonald 's claims the change it has made in its menu means it offers more healthy items than it did a few years ago .

  27. 今年美国国会通过的健康改革法案要求拥有20家及以上连锁店的餐馆将它们所供应的食品卡路里含量印制在菜单上。

    America 's health-reform bill , which Congress passed this year , requires restaurant chains with 20 or more outlets to put the calorie-content of items they serve on the menu .

  28. 其想法是,通过在菜单上涵盖更广的范围,“我们可以卖给消费者他们一整天都需要的食物,”百胜集团首席财务官瑞克·卡如茨说道。

    The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu , " we can sell to consumers products they want all day , " says Rick Carucci , the chief financial officer of Yum ! Brands .

  29. 尽管如此,这家公司可能还是要咒骂其做出的促销便宜菜品而不是更高价菜品的决定,因为这些“实惠菜单”上的菜品在销售总额中所占的比例从去年10月的12%上升到了现在的20%。

    Nevertheless , the company may still be cursing its decision to promote cheap choices over more expensive ones because items on its " value menu " now account for around 20 % of all sales , up from 12 % last October .

  30. 在1804年前后,塔利朗向卡莱姆提出了一份挑战,为他的个人城堡制作一份完整的菜单,并且让这个年轻的烘焙师必须使用本地的当季水果和蔬莱,而且还要求一整年的主莱都不能重复。

    Around 1804 , Talleyrand challenged Car ê me to produce a full menu for his personal castle , instructing the young baker to use local , seasonal fruits and vegetables and to avoid repeating main dishes over the course of an entire year .