
cài pǔ
  • menu;cookbook
菜谱 [cài pǔ]
  • (1) [menu]∶推荐菜肴种类、价格的纸单

  • (2) [cookbook]∶详细介绍烹调技艺的书

  • 《家常菜谱》

菜谱[cài pǔ]
  1. 菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。

    The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from .

  2. 鸫鸟是受保护的物种,在菜谱上是找不到的。

    Thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu .

  3. 把菜谱上的量都增加一倍以够八人用餐。

    Double all the quantities in the recipe to make enough for eight people .

  4. 每种菜谱都具体规定了所用鸡蛋的大小。

    Each recipe specifies the size of egg to be used

  5. 尽管这个菜谱看上去很长,其实做起来很快。

    Although this recipe looks long , it is actually very quick to prepare

  6. 这些菜谱中很多都添加了极浓的调味料。

    Many of these recipes are highly flavoured .

  7. 省略菜谱中放盐这一步。

    Omit the salt in this recipe

  8. 营养搭配均衡的菜谱旨在不必忍受饥饿的前提下帮您每天减掉一磅体重。

    The nutritionally balanced menus are designed to help you lose up to a pound a day without hunger pangs .

  9. 当肯·霍姆为英国广播公司写第一本书的时候,他被要求在菜谱里少用些香料和大蒜。

    When Ken Hom wrote his first book for the BBC he was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes .

  10. 这门课每天都开课,提供完全亲自动手的个人烹饪体验,最长可达四小时,每堂课学习3-4个菜谱。

    The class runs daily and it is a completely hands-on personal cooking experience lasting up to 4 hours learning 3-4 recipes each lesson .

  11. 妙用时令蔬菜的菜谱

    recipes that make imaginative use of seasonal vegetables

  12. 我们先看看菜谱吧。

    Let 's look at the menu first .

  13. “食忆录”也有更感性的方式,作者在文中开启一段感人历程,返回老家寻根,其中很多也有菜谱。

    In more sentimental2 varieties of the foodoir , the author embarks3 on an emotional journey , returning to his or her ancestor ’ s roots . Many have recipes , too .

  14. 我在test菜谱中加入了一些数据。

    I put in test recipes just to have some data .

  15. 您需要确保每个元素都包含type属性,以对菜谱进行分类。

    You need to ensure that every element contains the type attribute in order to sort recipes .

  16. 如果要对文档分类,属性尤其有用,比如按照菜谱的type进行分类。

    Attributes are especially helpful if documents will be sorted & for example , by type of recipe .

  17. Web服务响应模板模式实现可以通过使用菜谱导入到RationalSoftwareArchitect中。

    The Web service response template pattern implementation can be imported into Rational Software Architect using the recipe .

  18. 这个特殊的模式菜谱使用SOA模式实现和优化服务。

    This particular pattern recipe uses SOA patterns to implement and optimize services .

  19. 现在您已经有了自己的菜谱了,使用RichSnippetsTestingTool测试。

    Now that you have your recipe , test it with the Rich Snippets Testing Tool .

  20. 这个特殊的菜谱处理如何应用和使用一系列SOA模式。

    This particular recipe deals with how to apply and use a series of SOA patterns .

  21. 菜谱还将使用RationalUnifiedProcess作为使用的方法,该方法是以用例为中心的方法,包含迭代开发和和可视模型。

    The recipe also assumes the Rational Unified Process as an approach which implies a use-case-centric approach , including iterative envelopment and visual model .

  22. 示例创建了一个Recipe内容类型,用于发布烹饪菜谱,可作为GoogleRichSnippets显示。

    The example creates a Recipe content type for publishing cooking recipes that can be displayed as Google Rich Snippets .

  23. 本文将对可重用资产、菜谱(recipes,本文中借用菜谱来喻意模板)和模式进行介绍。

    This first article of the series introduces reusable assets , recipes and patterns .

  24. CapeCodTimes曾举办了一项竞赛,要求读者提交款待总统的科德角菜谱。

    The Cape Cod Times has been running a competition asking readers to submit recipes of Cape Cod cuisine for the president 's delectation .

  25. 执行大厨南森·格林(NathanGreen)经常更新菜谱,推出更时髦的创意菜,比如用芝麻油浸泡过、裹在茉莉花茶冻里的油甘鱼。

    The executive chef Nathan Green frequently refreshes the menu to reflect more contemporary creations like sesame-oil-marinated hamachi wrapped in jasmine tea jelly .

  26. 在本系列前面的文章中,我们介绍了SOAImplementandOptimizeServicesRecipe,并对参考示例进行了讨论,以说明可以如何应用此菜谱。

    In the previous articles in this series , we introduced the SOA Implement and Optimize Services Recipe and discussed a reference example to show how the recipe can be applied .

  27. 下载一款菜谱软件,比如《我的烹饪书》(MyRecipeBook,99美分)或者《大烤箱》(BigOven,免费),然后只需把手机留在厨房柜台上。

    Download a cookbook app , such as My Recipe Book ( 99 cents ) or Big Oven ( free ), and just leave the device on the kitchen counter .

  28. searchajax()方法根据搜索参数查找菜谱并把数据发送给ERB模板格式化。

    The search_ajax () method finds the recipes based on the search parameter and sends that data to an ERB template for formatting .

  29. 此用例模型作为可重用资产规范(ReusableAssetSpecification,RAS)资产存储在dWRAS存储库中,可以从该菜谱进行访问。

    This use case model is stored as a reusable asset specification ( RAS ) asset on the dW RAS repository and can be accessed from the recipe .

  30. 她的菜谱博客“NomNomPaleo”每天有10万人次访问。

    Her recipe blog , Nom Nom Paleo , draws more than 100000 page views daily .