
  1. 王春丽说菜市口的纯金饰品的销售额相当稳定。

    Wang said sales of pure gold jewellery at Caishikou were stable .

  2. “但是价格上涨之后,来这里购买黄金珠宝的人反而更多了,”北京菜市口百货商场的营业员李祥说。

    "( But ) more customers came here to buy gold jewellery after the price increase ," says Li Xiang , a clerk at Beijing Caishikou Department Store .

  3. 菜市口百货是北京最大的黄金珠宝零售商。在中秋前夕,售卖用作收藏或装饰的金月饼已成为该商场的传统。

    The selling of gold mooncake as collectors'items or decorations before the Mid-Autumn Day has become a tradition at Caishikou Department Store , the largest local gold and jewelry retailer .

  4. “由于人们并不甘愿从自己兜里掏钱,我们并不指望能够做的有多好。”王春丽,北京菜市口大众商品经理如是说。

    " We didn 't expect to do so well because people were reluctant to dig into their pockets ," said Wang Chunli , general manager of Beijing Caishikou General Merchandise .