
  • 网络Menu Cost
  1. 基于菜单成本模型的货币政策非对称性效应检验

    Testing for the asymmetry of monetary policy 's effects based on the menu cost models

  2. 当经济受到不确定货币供给冲击时,企业通过比较菜单成本与扭曲成本决定均衡产量和价格。

    When the uncertain money shocks come , firm will decide its output and price in equilibrium by comparing menu cost with distortion cost .

  3. 法国洗衣房的大奖赛定势晚餐菜单成本250元,服务包括在内;

    The French Laundry 's prix fixe dinner menu costs $ 250 , service included ;

  4. 更进一步,由于存在降价刚性,企业降价比涨价需承受更大的菜单成本。

    Further , because of the rigidity of reducing price , firm will take on more menu cost in reducing price than increasing price .

  5. 菜单成本论、厂商声誉模型和具有搜索成本的非对称反应模型分别从价格调整的成本、厂商维持自身声誉以及垄断厂商提高和降低价格的非对称反应等因素说明了为什么会存在价格刚性。

    " Menu Cost Model ", " Producer Reputation Model " and " Asymmetrical Response Model with Search Costs " provide price stickiness with microeconomic behavior foundations respectively from three different aspects .

  6. 在两级价格策略的基础上构建了从量补贴和从价补贴背景下的动态定价模型,在考虑菜单成本的情况下给出了选择最优价格组合和计算最优变价时点的方法。

    On the basis of two-tier pricing strategy , we established the dynamic pricing model of corporations under pricing subsidies and quantity subsidies and gave a method of choosing the best price package and calculating the optimal variation point .

  7. 比较菜单的食品成本与售价。

    Compares menus vs food cost vs sales price .