
cài dān lán
  • menu bar
  1. 将鼠标光标移向菜单栏。

    Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar .

  2. 流程编辑器菜单栏中的DiagramSettings功能使您可以对流程图外观拥有更强的控制。

    The Diagram Settings function in the menu bar of the process editor enables you to have greater control over the look and feel of the diagram .

  3. 在工具箱内,从菜单栏选择File>Importproject。

    In the toolkit , select File > Import project from the menu bar .

  4. 单击菜单栏中的Help,然后选择Installnewsoftware。

    Click Help in the menu bar , then select Install new software .

  5. 使用您新创建的管理员菜单栏,选择UserManagement>Roles。

    Using your newfangled administrator 's menu bar , choose User Management > Roles .

  6. 从菜单栏中选择Query>Run或单击工具栏中的Run来执行查询。

    Select Query > Run from the menu bar or click the Run icon in the tool bar to execute the query .

  7. 整套系统监测管理软件采用Windows风格的左侧菜单栏,它提供了方便的快捷键列表以及信息面板。

    The system software uses left menu bar in Windows ' style , and provides convenient shortcuts lists and information panel .

  8. 您可以根据需要自定义位于Eclipse窗口顶部的工具栏和菜单栏。

    You can customize the toolbar and menu bar at the top of the Eclipse window to your liking .

  9. 按alt以选择菜单栏。

    Press ALT to select the menu bar .

  10. 要查看保存附加配置文件的位置,如菜单栏自定义,请参阅“请参阅”部分中的“outlook文件位置”。

    To see where additional configuration files are saved , such as menu bar customizations , see outlook file locations in the see also section .

  11. 如果要退出程序,你必须在最左边的菜单栏中选择Quit指令,或者按Command+Q键。

    To quit the program , you must either select Quit from the leftmost menu or press the Command and'Q'keys together .

  12. 该调试系统包括:用户操作界面的设计(其中有菜单栏、常用工具栏的制作及调试操作所需的控件等)、C语言执行程序的编写、运行、调试和生成软件包。

    The debugging system includes : design of user operating interface ( menu bar , toolbar and widget ), writing of C language executive program , run , debug and produce software package .

  13. 这段示例代码则向我们展示了如何使用Ruby的methodmissing和Block来使得我们可以使用非常精炼的代码,创建出一个菜单栏,上面包含了拥有一个菜单项的菜单。

    This shows how Ruby 's method_missing and Blocks are used to allow for some very compact code creating a component tree consisting of a menu_bar holding a menu with one menu_item .

  14. Rails的layouts使包含标题、菜单栏和版权信息在内的公共元素能够在所有页面中重用。

    Rails layouts enable reuse of common elements for all pages , including headers , menu bars , and copyright information .

  15. 它还利用了许多相同的基本UIWidget,例如功能区转换开关、菜单栏和分隔条等。

    It also leverages many of the same base UI widgets , such as the functional area switcher , menu bar , and splitter .

  16. 此RCP项目将创建具有GUI视图的FrogAcrossRiver游戏,使其能够使用鼠标和键盘在菜单栏和画布上输入。

    This RCP project will create the Frog Across River game in a GUI view that enables mouse and keyboard input on the menu bar and canvas .

  17. 要导入在一个项目互换文件中包含的HATS项目,从菜单栏选择File>Import。

    To import the HATS project contained in a project interchange file , from the menu bar select File > Import .

  18. 利用Windows窗体设计器设计了PLUS定位系统的主控界面,包括菜单栏、工具栏、状态栏、跟踪区域、标签栏以及报警栏六个模块。

    The master control interface of PLUS locating system is developed with Windows form designer , including menu bar , toolbar , status bar , tracking area , tag bar and alarm bar .

  19. 本文分析了纺织品CAD设计系统绘制工具中存在的问题、菜单栏中一些命令的欠缺和软件中的其他不足,并提出了今后研发的目标和建议。

    This paper analyzes the problems and some command in the menu in such CADsystem from a point of view of designer , and brings forward some useful suggestions and the target of CADsystem .

  20. 而在Mac系统中,只在屏幕上方设置了一个菜单栏,用于当前处于激活状态的程序;如果程序切换了,菜单也会随之发生变化。

    On the Mac , there 's a single menu bar at the top of the screen that changes , depending on which program you are actively using .

  21. 菜单栏是使用ZK的menubar小部件实现的。

    The menu bar is implemented using the menubar widget of ZK .

  22. 如在word中,Applieatic,n对象就表示word应用程序,它的子对象包容了word的菜单栏、工具栏、word命令等的相应对象,以及文档对象等等。

    Such as in word , Application target express word application program , sub target of it contain menu fence , tool fence , corresponding target that word order etc. of word , and the file target , etc.

  23. 你能在菜单栏选择自己喜欢的幻灯片演示设置(我自己喜欢3DCube),或在自己的收藏列表中添加某个演讲、查看其它相关的演讲。

    In the menu bar , you can choose your favorite slide transitions ( 3D Cube is my favorite ), or add a talk to your favorite list and view other related talks .

  24. 单击菜单栏上的Updater链接。

    Click the Updater link on the menu bar .

  25. 但是,有时您希望内容启动程序可以以更加“集成”的方式显示在LotusNotes客户端中,比如,通过将其链接到LotusNotes菜单栏中的某个菜单项。

    Sometimes , though , you want to make your content launcher display more " integrated " into the Lotus Notes client , for example , by linking it to a menu entry in the Lotus Notes menu bar .

  26. 使用在屏幕顶部附近的绿色菜单栏中提供的选项,我们能够选择查看更加详细的测试报告,比如,页面访问、CPU负载和平均负载时间。

    Using the options provided in the green menu bar near the top of the screen , we could have chosen to see more detailed reports covering , for example , page access , CPU load , and average load times .

  27. 要让它们出现,进入菜单栏GUD项中的GDB-windows或GDB-Frames,然后选中你想要的buffer。

    To do this , select GDB-windows or GDB-Frames from the menubar under the heading GUD and then choose the desired buffer .

  28. EWB是一个优秀的电子电路设计与仿真的软件,主窗口由菜单栏、工具栏、元器件库和仪器仪表栏、控制按钮栏、电路工作区组成。

    EWB is a excellent software of electronic circuit design and simulation . Its main window consists of menus 、 toolbars 、 parts bin toolbar 、 control pushbutton and drawing area .

  29. 新的Yosemite包含大量的设计升级,比如新的桌面图标,以及将菜单栏和任务栏调成深灰色的黑暗模式。

    The new operating system includes design updates such as new desktop icons as well as a dark mode that switches menu bars and the dock to a darker gray color .

  30. 新的Yosemite包含大量的设计升级,比如新的桌面图标,以及将菜单栏和任务栏调成深灰色的“黑暗模式”。

    The new operating system includes design updates such as new desktop icons as well as a " dark mode " that switches menu bars and the dock to a darker gray color .