
cài yuán
  • vegetable garden;vegetable farm;bed
菜园 [cài yuán]
  • [vegetable garden] 种蔬菜的园圃

菜园[cài yuán]
  1. 1857年,孟德尔开始在修道院的菜园里用豌豆做实验。

    In 1857 Mendel started experimenting with peas in his monastery garden

  2. 家庭菜园里种满了新鲜蔬菜。

    The kitchen garden was full to overflowing with fresh vegetables

  3. 最近他们把很多精力投在种植大菜园上了。

    Recently much of their energy has gone into planting a large vegetable garden .

  4. 为了打发等待的那几个小时,安在菜园里干些活。

    To kill the hours while she waited , Ann worked in the garden .

  5. 他右边是一个生机勃勃的菜园,菜园的另一边是一个小小的苹果园。

    On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of apple trees .

  6. 我们在菜园里自己种菜。

    We grow our own vegetables in the garden .

  7. 洋葱苗长壮后,我们就可以把它们移植到菜园里;这些苗很快就可以移植。

    When the onion plants have hardened off , we can plant them in the garden ; they should be ready soon .

  8. 奶奶的玫瑰园和爸爸的菜园是好是坏也未可知,但那并不重要。

    Grandma 's rose garden and Dad 's vegetable garden might be good or bad , but that 's not what 's important .

  9. 尝过之后,你就会同意直接从菜园里吃的蔬菜和水果比你在超市买的任何东西都好吃。

    When you have tried it , you will agree that vegetables and fruit that are eaten straight from the garden taste better than anything you can buy in a supermarket .

  10. 自我施肥的菜园也可以在苗圃床中种植

    The self fertilizing garden can also be planted in raised beds .

  11. “从菜园到餐桌”,形容自己在菜园种出的食物,或与此相关的事物。

    Garden-to-fork is an adjective describing or relating to food grown in a person 's own garden .

  12. 上周我吃了第一个莴苣头,太好吃了。原来关于“从菜园到餐桌”的那些说法都是真的(自己种菜真的更好吃)。

    Last week I ate the first head of lettuce it was amazing , all that garden to fork crap is true .

  13. 从那天起,每天他们把哈罗德绑在菜园里的一根竿子上,用来吓跑那些麻雀,然后晚上再拿进屋来。

    Day after day , they would tie Harold to a pole in the garden to scare away the birds . They brought it in the house every night .

  14. 他们的所有工作就是白天看着牛群,晚上回到小木屋,吃完晚饭去菜园干一会儿活儿,然后就睡觉了。

    All they did was tending their cows all day . They would return to their tiny hut at night . Every night they ate supper , worked in the garden , and went to sleep .

  15. 洞庭湖区菜园土N、P养分径流淋失及其与蔬菜施肥的关系

    N and P Leaching and Its Relations with Fertilization in Vegetable Soils in Dongting Lake Area

  16. 冲积菜园土中,随着温度的升高尿素水解速度加快;pH升高幅度速度变大,峰值提前;

    In alluvial vegetable garden soil , with the increasing of temperature , the urea hydrolysis speed became faster .

  17. 采用盆栽试验研究了3种不同pH值菜园土施肥对莴笋硝酸盐含量及营养品质的影响。

    A pot experiment was conducted , in which lettuce was grown in vegetable soils with different pH values .

  18. 钙镁磷肥和石灰对受CuZn污染的菜园土壤的改良作用

    Melioration Effect of Calcium Magnesium Phosphate and Calcareousness on Vegetable Garden Soil Polluted by Cu and Zn

  19. 土壤保肥-供肥机理及其调节Ⅲ.棕壤型菜园土的N素保持与供应

    Mechanism of nutrient preservation and supply by soil and its regulation ⅲ . N preservation and supply by brown earth type vegetable garden soil

  20. 菜园土除Cd外,其他重金属元素均有不同程度污染。

    For the vegetable soils , except for Cd , other heavy metal contents are all less or more over the critical level .

  21. 有专家指出,有公司扶持的员工菜园成长迅速,因此无论小公司还是《财富》美国500强(Fortune500)大企业,都纷纷踊跃尝试。

    Corporate-backed employee gardens are growing like weeds , experts say , with small firms and fortune 500 companies both buying topsoil and seeds .

  22. 这次意外事件充实了她的种植理念,成就了她的新书《室内厨房园艺:把你的家变成四季菜园》(IndoorKitchenGardening:TurnYourHomeIntoaYear-RoundVegetableGarden,由CoolSprings出版)。

    The accident fed the philosophy behind her new book Indoor Kitchen Gardening : Turn Your Home Into a Year-Round Vegetable Garden ( Cool Springs Press ) .

  23. 这次意外事件充实了她的种植理念,成就了她的新书《室内厨房园艺:把你的家变成四季菜园》(IndoorKitchenGardening:TurnYourHomeIntoaYear-RoundVegetableGarden,由CoolSprings出版)。

    The accident fed the philosophy behind her new book " Indoor Kitchen Gardening : Turn Your Home Into a Year-Round Vegetable Garden " ( Cool Springs Press ) .

  24. 南宁市郊菜园土壤除Cr外,Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、Ni的平均值均高于南宁市土壤背景值。

    The average contents of QK Zn Cd Pb Ni except Cr in Nanning city suburbs ' vegetable garden soils were higher than the background values of Nanning city soils .

  25. 在草甸菜园土上,采用311&B最优回归设计方案,进行了平衡施肥对大白菜Vc及No3--N含量影响的研究。

    It was studied that effect of dressing balanced fertilizers to content of vitamin C and nitrate nitrogen in cabbage by using 311 B optimum regression design programme on meadow vegetable soil .

  26. 通过对重金属复合污染红壤菜园土和水稻土的培育试验,研究施用有机肥和石灰对红壤中生物有效性重金属(Cd、Cu、Pb)含量、土壤微生物和植物生理过程的影响。

    A pot experiment was conducted to study the bio environmental effects of lime and organic manure application on red soil and paddy soil derived from red sandstone and polluted by multi heavy metals .

  27. 市郊菜园土壤受Zn、Cd污染,其中以Cd污染较为突出,超标样点占全部样点的38.6%,Zn为10.5%。

    The vegetable garden soils have been polluted by Zn and Cd . Cd pollution was critical , and rate of exceeding standard of Cd and Zn was 38.6 % and 10.5 % , respectively .

  28. 对于像加利福尼亚伯克利大学教授MichaelPollan这样的倡导者来说,白宫菜园标志着一个胜利。

    The White House garden marks a victory for people like Professor Michael Pollan of the University of California , Berkeley .

  29. 但从Pb平均含量来看,果园和城市土壤较高,而在菜园土壤、乡村土壤和林业土壤中的平均含量相差不大。

    However , the fruit soil type and urban soil type had the highest Pb contents . The average Pb contents in vegetable soil type , rural soil type and forest soil type were lower .

  30. 用蒙脱石、稻草、鸡粪作为改良剂,研究不同改良剂对铜矿尾矿砂与菜园土混合土壤pH、有效态重金属含量、脲酶和磷酸酶活性以及混合土壤上种植的黑麦草生长的影响。

    Effects of different soil amendments ( montmorillonite , rice straw and chicken manure ) on the characters of mixed soil ( copper mine tailing and garden soil ) and on the growth of ryegrass on the soil were studied .