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cài tāng
  • vegetable soup
菜汤[cài tāng]
  1. 给我们弄些菜汤吧,再拿些松脆的烘面包来。

    Let us have some vegetable soup and some nice crisp toast , please .

  2. 特别是在饭店就餐时,一不小心被油污、菜汤;

    Specially goes to eat when the hotel , incautiously by greasy dirt , vegetable soup ;

  3. 请您把菜汤中的油脂撇去好吗?

    Will you please skim the fat off from the soup ?

  4. 我想要些菜汤下馒头。

    I want some vegetable soup to go with the bread .

  5. 哦,一道浓汤或浓菜汤也不错。

    Oh , a nice puree or bisque would be nice too .

  6. 这让我点的意大利浓菜汤和鮟鱇鱼配樱桃显得有些太丰盛了。

    This makes my order of minestrone and monkfish with cherries seem racy .

  7. 罗宋汤是一种源自乌克兰浓菜汤,在东欧和中欧国家广受欢迎。

    Borscht is a popular soup of Ukrainian origin in Eastern and Central Europe .

  8. 不要舔食菜汤,孩子们,那样做不礼貌。

    Do not lap up your soup , children , it is not polite .

  9. 由于我在胡思乱想,倒翻了菜汤和肉汁。

    My fantasy spills soup and gravy .

  10. 他天黑回家,精疲力尽,一言不发,吃他的菜汤。

    He returned at night weary , and ate his broth without uttering a word .

  11. 一滴很大的檐水落在盆底,溅了他一脸菜汤。

    A big drop of water from the eaves had spattered the soup all over his face .

  12. 比如我好像永远都在吃甘蓝菜汤

    Such as , " I feel like I 've eaten nothing but cabbage soup forever . "

  13. 我要吃水芹菜汤和牛排。

    I will absorb water celery soup and beef cutlet . He has thinked they can give him the visa .

  14. 除了海鲜饭和西班牙两菜汤,还可品尝到由西班牙客座大厨坎普斯准备的创意餐前小食。

    Beyond paella and gazpacho , enjoy authentic Spanish gastronomy with a fresh twist , especially the delightful tapas by Chef Joaquin Campos .

  15. 就是在我那间屋里写的,看来你有些菜汤还给我的写作帮了忙呢。

    I wrote it in the room there , and I guess some few quarts of your vegetable soup went into the making of it .

  16. 鸡容茶餐室的鸡饭套餐从其美味的蒸鸡肉、香米饭和不放味精的菜汤,可以看出它质量的上乘。

    Kam Kee 's chicken rice shows quality all around with delicious steamed chicken , aromatic rice , and clear herbal soup with no traces of MSG

  17. 许多人说,美国就像一碗“菜汤”每一个民族都很重要,都增添了美国的“味道”。

    Many people say that America is like a " vegetable soup . " each national group is important and adds to the " flavor " of america .

  18. 他审视着面前这个备受折磨的妇女郎满是皱纹的脸,想起了她的菜汤和新出炉的面包,一种最为温暖的感激和悲悯之情便在他心里油然而生。

    Then he studied the deep-lined face of the toil-worn woman before him , remembered her soups and loaves of new baking , and felt spring up in him the warmest gratitude and philanthropy .

  19. 另外压力锅喷出的蒸汽所含的少量的菜汤或饭渣会被底锅盛住,这样就不会弄脏锅灶。

    In addition , a small quantity of jardiniere soup or bits of food contained the ejective steam of the pressure cooker is contained by the bottom cooker , therefore the pot and the stove are not dirtied .

  20. 有时她也叫她的小娃娃给他送一大罐热气腾腾的菜汤去,虽然心率也前咕着像这样从自己的亲骨肉口中夺食是否应该。

    And again , she would send one of her toddlers in to him with a great pitcher of hot soup , debating inwardly the while whether she was justified in taking it from the mouths of her own flesh and blood .