
ɡōnɡ zuò qū
  • workspace;work area;manor
  1. 不能对工作区代理指定using子句。

    You may not specify a using clause against a workspace proxy .

  2. 在Main栏中的位置区域下面,选择一个工作区目录。

    On the Main tab , under the location field , select a workspace directory .

  3. 这样当我们下飞机的时候就不会再感到精疲力尽了,而是感觉恢复了活力,准备好重新进入工作区了。

    And when we get off the plane , instead of being depleted , we feel recovered and ready to return to the performance zone .

  4. ConfigurationManagement应用程序现在提供了对配置空间和工作区的访问控制。

    The Configuration Management application now provides access control for configuration spaces and workspaces .

  5. 选择一个合适的工作区,并点击Run。

    Choose an appropriate workspace , and click Run .

  6. 存储库工作区和团队的主开发流(Stream)通过子开发流(Flow)进行连接。

    A repository workspace and the team 's stream are connected by a Flow .

  7. 通过进入Project菜单并单击Clean以清理并构建工作区。

    Clean and build the workspace by going to the Project menu and clicking Clean .

  8. 它还提供了NewPortalProject向导,它在工作区中创建了一个新的门户项目。

    It also provides the New Portal Project wizard , which creates a new portal project in your workspace .

  9. Bill在其工作区中修改了一些文件。

    Bill has modified some files in his workspace .

  10. 向需要EnterpriseModelManager的创建流程添加范例模型拥有本地工作区的模型。

    Adding the exemplar models to a created stream requires that the Enterprise Model Manager have the models in a local workspace .

  11. 在工作区中点击右侧的透视图图标,切换到Web透视图。

    Once you are in the workspace , click the perspective icon on the right and switch to the Web perspective .

  12. 然后您可以单击Next以验证项目交换文件中的项目是否与工作区匹配。

    You can then click Next to verify that the projects in the project interchange file and the workspace match up .

  13. 您也可以在工作区首选项中的JavaCompilerSection下禁用该警告。

    You can also disable this warning under the Java Compiler Section in the workspace preferences .

  14. 在与您在RationalPerformanceTester载入源码控制项目相同的工作区内创建一个本地的项目。

    Create a local project in the same workspace where you loaded the source controlled project in Rational Performance Tester .

  15. 运行时所报告的所有例外情况都存储在ErrorLog(工作区的日志文件)视图中。

    Any exceptions reported during runtime are stacked in the Error Log view ( log file of the workspace ) .

  16. 当Bill在工作区中接受其变更时,他通常不得不解决冲突。

    When Bill accepts his changes into his workspace , he usually has to resolve the conflicts .

  17. 如果被选择的Java项目是一个已经存在于工作区中的项目,那么去掉这个复选框。

    If the selected Java project is an existing project in the workspace , this combo box is disabled .

  18. 让我们开始准备DOORS工作区。

    Let 's begin by preparing your DOORS workspace .

  19. 这样做打开了工作区对话框中的WSDL资源。

    This opens the WSDL resources in the workspace dialog .

  20. 构建程序的第二步,当然是将RationalApplicationDeveloper项目导入到新创建的工作区内。

    The second step when building an application is of course to import the Rational Application Developer projects into the newly created workspace .

  21. 到目前为止,我们一直在Chris的Eclipse工作区中工作。

    We 've been working in Marcus 's Eclipse workspace so far .

  22. 启动EclipseIDE并创建一个新工作区。

    Start the Eclipse IDE and create a new workspace .

  23. projectinterchange文件包含WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper重新创建工作区中每一模块所需要的足够信息。

    The project interchange file contains enough information for WebSphere Integration Developer to recreate each module in your workspace .

  24. 将WSDL导入项目工作区。

    Import the WSDL into the project workspace .

  25. 这个根目录下的所有目录都会显示在EC工作区管理中。

    All directories below this root can be displied in the EC Workspace Manager .

  26. 在RAD工作区创建Web或J2EE项目&最好是新项目。

    Create a Web or a J2EE project in a RAD workspace & ideally a new one .

  27. 在Intofolder区域中,选择工作区中的一个目录以保存导入的文件。

    In the Into folder field , select a directory in the workspace to save the imported file .

  28. 在这些基于Eclipse的产品之间共享插件和工作区可以节约时间,并避免一些升级带来的麻烦。

    Sharing plug-ins and workspaces between these Eclipse-based products can save you time and avoid some upgrade headaches .

  29. 您将接受传入变更集,以将其他团队成员的变更合并到存储库工作区和Eclipse工作区中。

    You Accept incoming change sets to incorporate their changes into your repository workspace and your Eclipse workspace .

  30. 下一步,Jason可以像以前一样创建他自己的储存库工作区。

    Next , Jason can create his own repository workspace as usual .