
  • 网络Industrial sludge
  1. 工业污泥发生量估算方法的探讨

    Approach on the Method for Estimating Amount of Industrial Sludge

  2. 混合工业污泥热解及动力学特性实验研究

    Experiment on pyrolysis and kinetic characteristics of mixed industrial sludge

  3. 高得率浆废水的高效生化处理&序列活性污泥法处理低污染意杨APMP废水反应温度与时间对铝型材厂工业污泥合成堇青石材料的得率与晶相结构影响

    High Efficient Biological Treatments of High-Yield Pulping Effluent Influence of Sintering Time and Sintering Temperature on Crystalline Structure of Cordierite Synthesized from Waste Aluminum Sludge

  4. 有关制浆造纸工业污泥利用的研究

    Research Projects about Utilization of Pulp and Paper Industrial Sludges

  5. 工业污泥处理与利用分析

    Analysis on the Treatment and Utilization of Industrial Sludge

  6. 工业污泥用于根瘤菌菌剂生产的新方法

    New Approach for Rhizobial Inoculant Production Using Industrial Sludge

  7. 施用工业污泥对棉花产量及土壤重金属含量的影响

    Effect of Industrial Sludge Application on Cotton Yield and Soil Heavy Metals Concentration

  8. 南京市城市污泥和工业污泥中典型矿质元素含量和形态分布研究

    Contents and distribution of mineral elements in urban and industrial sludges in Nanjing

  9. 工业污泥:无害化对决资源化

    Harmless and resourceful of waste sludge in China

  10. 不同行业产生不同的工业污泥。

    Different trades produced different industry sludge .

  11. 工业污泥制备氧化铝的实验研究

    Preparation of aluminum oxide from industrial sludge

  12. 制革工业污泥中Cr~(3+)的回收试验

    A Test of Recovery of Cr ~ ( 3 + ) in Sludge from Tanneries

  13. 反应温度与时间对铝型材厂工业污泥合成堇青石材料的得率与晶相结构影响

    Influence of Sintering Time and Sintering Temperature on Crystalline Structure of Cordierite Synthesized from Waste Aluminum Sludge

  14. 施用工业污泥和生活污泥作肥料,会影响棕壤和褐土两种不同土壤地下的水质.用土柱来模拟实际土壤,对土柱进行淋洗。

    The utilizing industrial and living sludge as fertilizer can influence the underground water quality of brunisolic and cinnamon soil .

  15. 本课题采用铝型材厂工业污泥合成堇青石材料及其应用,属于固体废弃物的综合利用和变废为宝的项目。

    Using waste slag of aluminum factory to synthesize cordierite is a way for comprehensive deposal and reusing the waste .

  16. 本研究主要探讨反应温度和反应时间对铝型材厂工业污泥合成堇青石材料的得率和晶相结构的影响。

    The influence of sintering time and sintering temperature on the crystalline structure of cordierite synthesized from waste aluminum sludge was studied in this paper .

  17. 采用盆栽土培试验,研究了工业污泥(化工厂底泥)及城市污水处理厂剩余污泥中重金属存在的形态与含量,以及两种污泥连续施用对潮土重金属含量及酶活性的影响。

    Pot culture experiments were conducted to study the effect of industrial and sewage sludge on some enzyme activities and heavy metal concentrations in alluvial soil .

  18. 讨论不同烧结温度和保温时间对利用铝厂工业污泥与硅石为原料合成的莫来石材料晶相结构的影响。

    Mullite was successfully synthesized with waste aluminum slag and silicon rock . The influences of different sintering temperature and time on the crystalline structures were discussed .

  19. 本研究是以铝型材厂工业污泥为主原料,一次性合成莫来石/堇青石复相材料,再以合成料研制窑具。

    In this study , mullite / cordierite composite materials was synthesized successfully by using waste slag of aluminium factory directly , and then used to develop the kiln .

  20. 根据物料平衡原理,推导出用于估算悬浮物污泥、有机污泥和重金属污泥等发生量的简便公式,并用某市工业污泥发生量的调查资料加以验证,结聚表明,估算值的相对误差仅为6.3%。

    Based on material balance , the simple equation for est mating amount of sorts of industrial sludge were established from which estimated amount of activated sludge has been verified .

  21. 在以焚烧方法处理城市生活垃圾、医疗垃圾、工业污泥日益增多的情况下,垃圾焚烧所产生的灰、渣等危险废物处理己成为亟待解决的问题。

    With the rising incineration disposal of garbage , medical refuse and industrial sludge , the disposal of dangerous wastes such as ash and slag , originating from refuse incineration , has become a problem requiring urgent attendance .

  22. 上海部分企业工业废水污泥的处理、处置现状

    Current Situation on Wastewater Sludge Treatment and Disposal of Industrial Enterprises in Shanghai

  23. 金属化合物对工业污水污泥燃烧的催化作用及机制

    Catalytic Actions and Reaction Mechanism of Compounds With Metal Elements on the Combustion of Mixed Industrial Sludge

  24. SBR法处理工业废水中污泥浓度对有机物降解速率的影响

    The Effect of MLSS on Organism Degradation Rate in the Process of Industrial Wastewater Treatment in SBR

  25. 重庆市凤凰电镀工业园电镀污泥资源化利用研究

    The Study on the Recycle Treatment of Electroplating Sludge in Chongqing Fenghuang Electroplating Industrial Park

  26. 介绍了采用A2/O工艺技术处理难降解焦化废水的工业应用、污泥的培养驯化及运行管理,并对该工艺处理焦化废水及发展趋势做了评述。

    The industry application of A 2 / O technology in handling coking waste water hard to disintegrate , cultivation and domestication of mud , and run management was introduced . In the mean time , the development trend of this technology was reviewed .

  27. 水泥工业回转窑处理污泥方案的研究

    Study on proposals of sludge treatment in cement rotary kilns

  28. 工业湾烟和污泥没有恐惧的法律后果或负面新闻。

    Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press .

  29. 近年来,国内外相关科研单位和企业在污泥热解法处置技术的开发方面开展了大量的工作,并取得了丰硕的成果,日本巴工业株式会社开发的污泥连续高速碳化技术就是其中的优秀代表。

    In recent years , domestic and foreign research institutes and enterprises have done a lot of work on sludge pyrolysis technology .

  30. 无机盐对工业废水常规活性污泥生化处理法的影响

    Comparison of the Characteristics between the MBR Unit and the Conventional Activated Sludge Technology Effects of inorganic salt on conventional activated sludge