
  • 网络Industrial gelatin;industrial gelatine;XH-IG;g-m
  1. 据中国国有电视台中央电视台(ChinaCentralTelevision)报道,这些胶囊是用含有工业明胶的皮革下脚料生产的,制革厂在鞣制皮革时要使用含铬的化学制剂。

    The capsules were made from leather scraps containing industrial gelatin that uses chromium as part of the tanning process , according to China 's state-run China Central Television .

  2. 以工业明胶为原料,采用磺甲基化技术合成蛋白填料,并对其物化性能如溶解性、pH值等,和磺甲基化蛋白填料的用法进行了研究。

    The protein filling agent was synthesized by the technique of sulfomethylation based on the industrial gelatin . At the same time , the properties e.g. solvent , pH value etc , and the methods of application of the protein filling agent were studied .

  3. 工业明胶精细化作系列皮革化学品

    Modification of Gelatin for Series Leather Chemicals

  4. 报道指出,公众普遍认为工业明胶是作为增稠剂,改良食物的口味。

    From the reports , the public widely believed industrial gelatin was being used as an addictive to improve the food 's flavor .

  5. 某乳企也表示,大企业绝不可能使用工业明胶,而食用明胶对身体是无害的,而且是国家允许的添加剂。

    While an unidentified dairy company said big firms wouldn 't use industrial gelatin , adding that edible gelatin causes no harm to human consumption and is a nationally-approved addictive .

  6. 在三鹿奶粉、问题馒头、工业明胶等事件出现后,理论界对于此类罪名的修改进行深入探讨,对此发表各自的意见。

    After affairs happened like " Sanlu milk powder "" problem steamed bread "" industrial gelatin ", the revision of this accusation becomes a crucial topic which draw attention among the theorists with their various opinions .

  7. 制革副产物&工业明胶经多种技术改性可获得性能优良的、具有高附加值的系列皮革化学品用于皮革的复鞣、填充、荫伤和涂饰。

    By means of various modifying methods , series leather fine chemicals with special function and high additive value can be obtained from gelatin ( by products of leather ), and these materials can be used for leather finishing , retanning , dulling and filling .

  8. 在食品工业中,明胶作为一种胶凝剂被使用已经有很多年了。

    Gelatin has a long history of use as a gelling agent by the food industry .