
  • 网络salary
  1. 外籍人员的工资薪金收入扣除标准是多少?

    What is the deduction standard for foreigners ' salary income ?

  2. 工资薪金收入的税率是多少?

    What is the tax rate for salary income ?

  3. 个人工资薪金所得税是我国个人所得税的主体。

    Tax planning of personal income tax for college faculty salary ;

  4. 对工资薪金所得与劳务报酬所得合并征收个人所得税的探讨

    On Levying Personal Income Tax Combining Salaries Income and Labor Income

  5. 对资本利得和工资薪金同等征税,可不是什么怪异的左派做法。

    The equalisation of taxes on capital gains and salaries is not some kooky leftist scheme .

  6. 此外,在关注工资薪金所得费用减除额之余,相关配套的措施也应当加以完善。

    In addition , relevant measures should be improved besides the deduction of income from wages and salaries .

  7. 我国现行个人工资薪金所得税的税制设计,在一定程度上制约着其功能的发挥。

    The tax system design of our current individual salary income tax limits the function of our individual salary income tax .

  8. 工资薪金所得免征额(费用扣除标准)一直以来都是个人所得税法改革的重点。

    Wage and salary income tax exemption ( Expense deduction standard ) is always the focus of the reform of personal income tax .

  9. 工资薪金个人所得税,是个人所得税收的主体组成部分,由支付工资、薪金所得的单位和个人负责代扣代缴。

    Individual income tax of the wages or salary is the main part of individual income revenue , withheld by units or individuals actually paying wages .

  10. 建议在完善我国个人工资薪金所得税功能定位的基础上,结合我国城乡居民的实际收入状况,对个人工资薪金所得税做进一步改进。

    Therefore , the individual salary income tax is suggested to improve by perfecting the function of the individual salary income and combining the real income from the urban and rural residents .

  11. 在与税法中工资薪金的概念进行比较分析的基础上,对我国税法中有关工资薪金的改革目标和方向提出了几点个人建议,以尽量缩小税法与会计的差异。

    The author described the concept of wages and salaries tax by comparative analysis , and thus made a number of proposals of the tax reform objectives and direction about our wages .

  12. 近几年学术界针对工资薪金的九级超额累进税率提出了提高免征额、减少级次、降低税率的调整意见,笔者认为其中有欠妥当。

    The academia put forward the adjustment of " nine grades excess progressive rates " in recent year , namely : " increase tax exemption , reduce tax bracket , reduce tax rate " .

  13. 税收减让措施也应该这样做以减少雇佣成本,特别是对新进来的额外工人—这就是为什么对于美国来说扩大甚至扩张减少工资薪金税有意义。

    So do tax incentives that cut the cost of hiring , particularly for extra new workers - which is why it makes sense for America to extend , and even expand , its payroll-tax cut .

  14. 企业管理者可以通过三种力量来影响员工的工作行为,调动他们的工作积极性:一种是外在的经济力量,主要是指工资薪金等经济手段,也包括工作环境等。

    Business managers can use three forces to influence the behavior of employees and mobilize their enthusiasm in work : One is the external economic forces , mainly referring to wages and salaries and other economic measures , including the work environment .

  15. 通货膨胀的压力往往来自于工资和薪金。

    Inflationary pressures have tended to come from wages and salaries .

  16. 浅谈工资、薪金所得的纳税筹划

    Talk about Income Tax Planning on Salary and Allowance

  17. 工资、薪金个人所得税的计算

    The Method of Calculation for Personal Income Tax

  18. 工资、薪金个税扣缴及年终奖计税公式缺陷的思考

    Defects in Withholding Tax of Wages , Salaries and Tax Formula of Year-end Awards

  19. 从中国境内两处或者两处以上取得工资、薪金所得的;

    Obtaining wages and salaries from two or more sources within the territory of China ;

  20. 工资、薪金所得;

    Income from wages and salaries ;

  21. 这些议案包括要求,使工资和薪金支付,并继续其他方面的利益为其雇员。

    Those motions include requests to make wage and salary payments and continue other benefits to its employees .

  22. 工资、薪金所得,适用超额累进税率,税率为百分之五至百分之四十五五、资薪金所得如何计算个人所得税?但同时应计入个人当期工资、薪金收入计征个人所得税。

    Income from wages and salaries shall Be taxed at progressive rates ranging from 5 % to 45 %

  23. 首先,个人从两处或两处以上取得的工资、薪金要申报纳税。

    Firstly , if the individual receives wages from more than two sources , he must file the tax return .

  24. 租金在一九九九年进一步大幅下调,令营商成本得以纾缓,而工资及薪金亦偏软。

    Rentals had come down considerably further in 1999 to ease business cost . Wages and salaries had also been moderating .

  25. 新受到激励的经理人摆脱了禁忌的束缚,他们认为有权赚取数倍于他们雇员工资的薪金。

    Newly " incentivised " managers , free from inhibitions , feel entitled to earn vast multiples of their employees ' wages .

  26. 虽然这样会使森林狼下赛季的工资超过薪金上限,同时也是获得利益的必然选择。

    While doing this would certainly subject the Wolves to an equally humongous over-the-cap surcharge , necessity is often the forerunner of humongous profits .

  27. 论个人所得税工资、薪金费用扣除标准制度鲍勃每周净薪(:扣除税金、会绩等后的钱)300美元。

    Study on the Exemption Deducting Standard System of Wages and Salary in Individual Income Tax Bob makes $ 300 a week in take-home pay .

  28. 工资、薪金所得按我国税法规定计算的应纳税额:规定速动资金短欠数额

    The amount of payable tax calculated in accordance with the stipulations of China 's Tax Laws on the income earned from wages and salaries : required liquid capital deficit

  29. 工资、薪金所得,按每月收入减除费用八百元,就超过八百元的部分纳税。

    For income from wages and salaries , a monthly deduction of800 yuan shall be allowed for expenses , and that part in excess of800 yuan shall be taxed .

  30. 企业年金的个人缴费部分,不得在个人当月工资、薪金计算个人所得税时扣除。

    I.Personal contributions to the employer 's annuity may not be deducted for the purpose of calculation of personal income tax on personal wages and salaries for the current month .