
  1. 关于崇明县工资集体协商制度的调研

    Survey of the System of Earnings Collective Negotiation in Chongming County

  2. 第五部分,针对上述问题和原因,提出进一步发展和完善工资集体协商制度的具体建议。

    Part five gives some detail suggestions of improving the collective wage consultation system .

  3. 对推行工资集体协商制度有关问题的思考

    Some Thoughts on Boosting the Collective Bargaining System

  4. 在这个背景下,我国引入了工资集体协商制度。

    Under this background , our country has introduced the collective salary negotiation system .

  5. 第四部分,介绍了重庆民营企业实行工资集体协商制度存在的主要问题和原因。

    Part four introduces the major problems and reasons of the collective wage consultation system .

  6. 推行工资集体协商制度是市场经济发展的必然趋势。

    To the development of market economy , the wage system by collective consulting will be an inevitable trend .

  7. 为解决此问题,我国政府选择了建立和推进工资集体协商制度。

    In this case , our national government chose to establish and promote the system of the salary collective bargaining .

  8. 本文着重阐述了应如何构建适合中国国情的工资集体协商制度

    The article explains how to make up the wage system of consulting with the collective of adjusting to China national conditions

  9. 上海市是我国经济发展的中心,是改革开放的前沿阵地,其工资集体协商制度在全国处于领先地位,但在实施中尚存在一些问题。

    The city of Shanghai is the economical development center of our country , as well as the forward position of reforming and opening-up .

  10. 从保护劳动者最基本的权益的角度出发,论证工资集体协商制度在维护劳动者合法权益中的作用。

    From the angle of the basic rights and benifit , the paper analyzes the role of the collective negotiation system of wage plays .

  11. 第二部分,介绍我国工资集体协商制度的相关理论和经验。主要侧重于工资集体协商制度的相关理论、工资集体协商的经验以及成效。

    Part two introduces the theoretical analysis and experiences of the collective wage consultation system , which mainly focuses on the theories , experiences and results .

  12. 因此,发挥工资集体协商制度的维权作用尤其重要,研究此问题有着重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , expressing the system of collective wage negotiations plays the role of rights is particularly important . Investigating this issue has important and practical significance .

  13. 继续试行工资集体协商制度,规范工资支付行为,保障职工的劳动报酬权益。

    Efforts shall be made to continue the experiments in the collective wage consultation system , standardize the payment of wages and guarantee the legal rights and interests of employees with respect to their work remuneration .

  14. 我市工资集体协商制度取得一定成效,职工工资适度增长、民营企业吸引力加强、民营经济得到长足发展。

    The collective wage consultation system in Chongqing has achieved certain results , such as the appropriate growth of the workers ' wage , the strength of the private enterprises ' attraction and the improvement of the private economy .

  15. 工资集体协商制度渊源于集体谈判制度,集体谈判制度是现代工业社会,特别是市场经济国家处理劳动关系的一种基本形式。

    The collective salary negotiation system springs from the collective bargaining system . The collective bargaining system is a kind of basic forms of dealing with relationship between laborers and capital in modern industrial society , especially in market economy countries .

  16. 针对上述问题,文章提出了工资集体协商制度法制化的路径在于完善劳动力市场、发挥政府职能、强化工会职能和加强法制保障。

    In response to these problems , the paper proposes a legal path for the system of collective bargaining for wage , that is to improve labor market , exert the government functions , strengthen functions of trade union and strengthen the legal system .

  17. 考虑到目前我国推行工资集体协商制度仍处于摸索的阶段,于是,本文把研究的重点定位在工资集体协商的约束条件分析以及我国应如何构建工资集体协商制度的基础条件上。

    Consider that it is at the still fumbling stage at present for our country to carry out the collective salary negotiation , therefore the author put key localizations at the analyzing of the restraint conditions of the collective salary negotiation and how our country constructs basic terms of .

  18. 深化企业和机关事业单位工资制度改革,推行企业工资集体协商制度,保护劳动所得。

    We should deepen reform of the wage and salary system in enterprises , government bodies and public institutions , promote collective bargaining on wages in enterprises , and protect income earned through work .

  19. 金融危机冲击下工会推动企业进行工资集体协商的对策建议对推行工资集体协商制度有关问题的思考

    The Countermeasures and Suggestions on Collective Wage Negotiations Promoted by the Trade Union under the Impact of the Financial Crisis Some Thoughts on Boosting the Collective Bargaining System

  20. 我国企业工资制度的一种创新模式&工资集体协商制度,是与市场经济相适应的工资决定机制。

    The wage system of consulting with the collective-a new model of enterprise wage in our country , is a wage deciding system of adjusting to market economy .