
gōng qian
  • money paid for odd jobs;charge for a service;wage
工钱 [gōng qián]
  • (1) [charge for a service]∶对劳动或个人服务所支付的钱

  • (2) [money paid for odd jobs]∶做零活儿的报酬

  • 做套衣服要多少工钱

工钱[gōng qian]
  1. 我要求即时付工钱。

    I expect to be paid promptly for the work .

  2. 重要的是工钱,不要过于慷慨,但也没办法。

    It 's the wages that count . Not over-generous , but there you are

  3. 建筑工在现场干活时,让他额外做工的话工钱会便宜一些。

    It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site .

  4. 工钱由你们两人平分。

    Split the wages between you

  5. 一个公道的雇主在商定木匠的工钱时不会使劲压价。

    A fair employer , when arranging for the pay of a carpenter , does not try to beat him down

  6. “你们两个别指望拿到工钱,”他说。“你们太懒了!”

    ' Yous two are no ' gettin ' paid , ' he said . ' Ye 're too lazy ! '

  7. 我的雇主从我本周的工钱中扣除了十英镑。

    My employer deducted ten pounds from my wages this week .

  8. 经理把他到办公室去,告诉他每个星期都要扣他的工钱,直到赔偿够了为止。

    The manager summoned from his wages every week until the vase was paid for .

  9. 他就叫住穷人,讲好了工钱后,让穷人为他背米。

    He called this poor man , set the pay and let the poor man carry the rice for him .

  10. 工钱很少,但那并不重要。

    The money wasrt shit , but that wasrt the point .

  11. 我给这家伙工钱就是让他保护我的投资的。

    Protecting my investments is what I pay this fellow for .

  12. 拿到的工钱和小费之多让他吃了一惊。

    There the salary and the tips he received astonished him .

  13. 我给你现在所能拿的双倍工钱。

    I 'll pay you twice what you 're getting now .

  14. 由于下雨不开工,那农场主就停止支付我的工钱。

    The farmer stopped my pay because it was raining .

  15. 工钱是增加的,不过人太累了。

    Though we get extra pay I get too tired .

  16. 英格兰给苏格兰国王发工钱。

    England pays the wages of the king of scotland .

  17. 赖帐不还帐或不付工钱给他人从而欺骗他人。

    To swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager .

  18. 有工钱总比一分钱没得拿要好。

    Some money is better than no money at all .

  19. 工薪怎么办?你要把工钱返还吗?

    What about the work money ? Are you gonna return that ?

  20. 他总是设法尽可能少地支付工人们的工钱。

    He always tries to pay the workers as little as possible .

  21. 老板不听工人们要争取更多工钱的要求。

    The boss didn 't listen to the workers'demand for more money .

  22. 他们是从店主那儿那里获得招聘工钱的。

    They get paid by employers to fill open jobs .

  23. 他们催讨拖欠的工钱。

    They are urgent for payment of arrears of wages .

  24. 玛丽不得不为一点少得可怜的工钱整天做苦工。

    Mary had to drudge all day for poor wages .

  25. 我们干了三小时,得了八小时的工钱。

    I finished the job in three hours and got pay for8 hours .

  26. 你们给他钱是因为你们欠他工钱。

    You paid him off because you owed him .

  27. 那就是我爸爸付你工钱的方式。

    And that 's how Papa paid you for being attentive to me .

  28. 然后他竟然敢让我少要些工钱。

    Then he has the nerve to ask me to take less money .

  29. 他欠我20美元的工钱。

    He owes me $ 20 for my work .

  30. 料子和裁缝工钱要多少?

    A : What 's the charge for the material and the tailoring ?