
ɡōnɡ zī biǎo
  • payroll;pay sheet
  1. 我不知道你是否有时间能和我一起审查一遍工资表?B:可以。随时都行。

    I was wondering if you could get together with me to go over the payroll . B : Sure , anytime .

  2. 从工资表到应付税款:如何确保工作平稳变动

    From payroll to paying dues : how to ensure smooth job transitions

  3. 最近三个月的考勤记录、工资表、工资单。

    Time card record , payrolls & pay slip of last three months .

  4. 法定的或公司自定的最低工资表应公开张贴或可供雇员索阅。

    Legal and company minimum wage rates should be posted or available to employees .

  5. 根据注塑车间发现的工资表,有部分员工没有出现在评估当日。

    According to the payrolls collected from injection work floor , there are some employees not included on the audit dates .

  6. 工资表按工厂实际情况设计表格,但一定要把正常上班工资与加班工资分列出来。

    The payroll form can be designed in accordance with practical situations , but overtime compensation should be separated from regular working time pay .

  7. 不同工作支付工资的表。

    A schedule of wages paid for different jobs .

  8. 在工资等级表最低一级的人员薪水是多少?

    What is the salary for someone on the bottom rung of the pay scale ?

  9. 应课税的工厂工资汇总表

    Summary of taxable factory wages

  10. 例如,工资汇总表可包括员工姓名,他们的工资由他们的部门分组。

    For instance , a payroll summary may include employee names and their salaries grouped by their department .

  11. 其次对薪酬设计的工具进行了多方面的研究和比较,主要采用因素计点法完成对电力医疗的岗位评价、岗位归级及岗位薪点工资等级表的设计。

    Second on compensation design tools for a wide range of research and comparison , mainly uses the point method to complete post performance salary wage .

  12. 才开始上调员工薪资基准(用于确定工资的薪级表),平均等待期也达到了28个月。

    Before increasing their salary structures - pay scales that are the benchmarks for determining salaries - and the average had inched up to 28 months , according to worldatwork .

  13. 还有另一项调查,有时被称为"工资调查",根据企业报告的工资表对40万家企业进行评估。

    There is another survey , sometimes referred to as the " payroll survey " that assesses 400 000 businesses based on their reported payrolls .

  14. 使用dbase软件编制的工资发放软件,通过计算机计算和统计,自动生成并打印工资发放单和工资汇总表。

    This text discusses how to produce and print automatically the wages list and gathering sheet by the computer .