
  • 网络ethnomusicology;Ethnomusicological;Applied ethnomusicology
  1. 译著《民族音乐学研究:31个论题和概念》及书评

    The Study of Ethnomusicology : Thirty-one Issues and Concepts Translation with a Book Review

  2. 20世纪80年代,民族音乐学这门学科开始传入中国,并得到中国音乐界学者们的普遍认可。

    In the early 1980s , the subject of Ethnomusicology began to spread into China and was widely recognized by the Chinese music scholars .

  3. 民族音乐学中的社会性别研究&一个新颖独特却依旧边缘的研究视角

    Gender Research in Ethnomusicology : A New but Still Marginal Angle

  4. 音乐史学与民族音乐学论域的交叉

    Intersection between the Domains of Music Historical Science and Ethnomusicology

  5. 城市音乐的民族音乐学研究价值

    On the National Music Science Research Value of Urban Music

  6. 近五年来中国民族音乐学研究综述

    A Summary of Ethnomusicology in China in Recent 5 years

  7. 民族音乐学理论的实践层面

    The Dimension of Practice for the Ethnomusicological Theories

  8. 城市音乐民族音乐学研究的必然性

    On necessity of Ethnomusicological study of City Music

  9. 民族音乐学发展至今,其研究领域以及研究方法都发生了很大的变化。

    With its development , the research field and methodology has changed a lot .

  10. 民族音乐学视野中的乐器研究

    Ethnic Instrumental Studies from the View of Ethnomusicology

  11. 他们是贵州的民族音乐学时期得以到来的两个基本条件。

    They indicate two basic conditions for the era of Guizhou " National Musicology " .

  12. 民族音乐学与贵州

    The National Music and Guizhou Province

  13. 民族音乐学的论文写作

    Writing of Papers on Ethnomusicology

  14. 希望民族音乐学界和音乐史专家关注发生在我们身边的民间音乐活动。

    The national musicology circle and experts in musical history should pay attention to folk music activities around .

  15. 民族音乐学的历史研究

    Historical Studies of Ethnomusicology

  16. 满族音乐研究的历程,始终沿着民族音乐学在我国传播、发展的踪迹而前行。

    The research of the Man nationality music has developed along with the progress of Chinese national musicology .

  17. 本文从民族音乐学角度着手,对当代民族民间乐舞中的萨满文化遗存做了剖析。

    This article makes an analysis of remains of shaman culture in contemporary folk dance with musical accompaniment .

  18. 民族音乐学田野调查的历史回顾及其发展容纳百川开拓立新&评刘正维著《民族音乐新论》一书

    History Review and Development About Field Work Of Ethnomusicology Review on LIU Zheng-wei 's New Commentary of the Ethnomusicology

  19. 对城市音乐进行的民族音乐学研究,体现出了现代民族音乐学学科的人文特征。

    The national music science research of the urban music embodies the human feature of the modern national music science .

  20. 并综合运用了民族音乐学、民俗学、社会学的研究理论,对浑源民间音乐有关文本进行分析。

    And integrated use of folk music , folklore , sociology studies theory , hunyuan folk music of the text .

  21. 地域建构的摧毁与本体研究的突围&关于民族音乐学问题症结的思考

    The Destroying of Regional Construction and Breaking out of Ontological Study & Pondering over the Crux of Problems on Ethnomusicology

  22. 学界在继续译介和引入西方民族音乐学基本理论的同时,也在不断的将其应用于音乐学术研究的实践,并开始有了自己的思考。

    While translating and introducing western ethnomusicology basic theory , scholars began to use it in research practice and started deliberation .

  23. 侗族民间合唱&侗族大歌,从20世纪50年代初始至今都是民族音乐学界十分关注的课题。

    The Dong polyphonic folk chorus - Dong Chorus has been a topic concerned among the realm of folk musicology since 1950s .

  24. 其中,第一部分导论对民族音乐学的定义、性质、发展脉络等问题进行了梳理。

    Part I " Introduction " sorts out all the basic issues in ethnomusicology , including definition , nature and historical development .

  25. 本研究主要是以民族音乐学的研究方法为主,结合文化人类学、民俗学等研究方法进行田野调查。

    This research mainly uses ethnomusicology method , combined with cultural anthropology , folklore and other research methods in conducting fieldwork survey .

  26. 汪平的新著《西北回族宴席曲概论》一书,以新的视角、方法与手段进行研究,真实及原本地显现西北回族宴席曲这一重要的民族音乐学课题。

    From the new angle of view , method and means , the writer made the research on this important ethnomusicology task .

  27. 民族音乐学不仅要研究音乐本身,还要注重地理环境、人文概况等文化背景的考察。

    Ethnomusicology not only focuses on music itself , but also pays attention to geography , human profile , and other cultural background .

  28. 民族音乐学虽然是一个学科,但更重要的是一种理念&把音乐研究的目光拓宽至整个文化的氛围内。

    Although Ethnomusicology is a subject , more importantly to the music & a concept study eyes widened to the whole culture atmosphere .

  29. 本文是从民族音乐学的研究角度对赣东北地区的民族传统器乐进行个别分类研究概括。

    This text summarizes specific sort research to the nationality traditional instrumental music in the Northeast of Jiangxi in terms of research of national musicology .

  30. 他是二十世纪上半叶西方最有影响力的作曲家之一,也是民族音乐学奠基人之一。

    He is one of the most influential western composers during the first half of twentieth century , and also one of the founders of ethnomusicology .