
  1. 车站收入生产经营指标信息管理系统设计

    Design of Information Management System for work operation target at station

  2. 书,根据公司下达的任务指标,对下属经营机构进行生产经营指标的测算;

    Book , according to the company assigned the task of indicators on subordinate operating agencies Indicators of the calculation ;

  3. 黄金矿山企业生产经营业绩指标评价考核体系探索

    On the elevation and feed back system of management performance of gold mines

  4. 文中对黄金矿山企业生产经营业绩指标评价考核体系进行了探索,仅供黄金矿业同仁参考、研讨。

    The paper discusses the elevation and feed back system of management performance of gold mines in order for the reference of other gold mines .

  5. 矿床工业指标既是圈定矿体计算矿产资源量的重要指标,也是矿产资源评估、项目建设可行性研究和影响矿山生产经营的敏感指标。

    Mineral deposit industrial targets is essential in calculating ore resource and selecting deposit , as well as a sensitive targets in estimating ore resource , project feasibility research and guiding mine 's operation .

  6. 陡帮开采对矿山生产经营及技术经济指标的影响

    Influence of steeper slope mining method on management & techno-economic indexes of mine

  7. 铁路分局要完成生产指标,也要完成生产经营指标。

    Railway Sub Administrations should fulfil both production indicators and indicators of production and operation .