
  • 网络mature;maturation;physiological maturity;physical maturity;physiological mature
  1. 生理成熟了的雄性猪叫做boar。

    A sexually mature male is called a boar .

  2. 彩色甜椒生理成熟果果色红色对橙黄色是两对具有重叠作用的显性基因R1R1R2R2控制,且商品成熟果和生理成熟果果色为不同的基因控制。

    And the colors of fruit of marketable mature stage and those of physiological mature stage were controlled by different genes .

  3. 结果表明,蒸煮损失、熟肉剪切力值、粗脂肪含量及肌纤维直径随生理成熟度的增加而增加(P<0.05)。

    The results indicated that WBSF , cooking losses , crude fat content and fiber diameter of cooked meat increased ( P < 0.05 ) with the increase of carcass maturity .

  4. Robert解释说在男性生理成熟之前下巴或下颚区域往往较为柔和。上面有一层婴儿脂肪。

    Robert explained that before males reach maturity they often will have soften chin or jaw areas that have a layer of baby fat .

  5. 彩色甜椒果实中含有丰富的维生素C,随着果实的发育,维生素C的含量均不断提高,生理成熟果维生素C比绿果高3~4倍;

    The color sweet pepper contained a great deal of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid ) . The vitamin C increased with the development of fruit . The vitamin C in the red mature fruit is 3 ~ 4 times more than that in the green fruit .

  6. 研究了基于Ohta颜色空间的牛胸椎骨图像中软骨和硬骨区域自动分割技术,这为应用计算机视觉评定牛肉的生理成熟度提供了条件。

    The automated segmentation of the cartilage and bone areas in the thoracic vertebrae images based on OHTA color systems was discussed in this paper .

  7. 2个品种淀粉含量都在移栽后60d上升,在生理成熟期达到最高(HD在移栽后90d,K326在移栽后110d)。

    Starch content went up around 60 days after transplanting and reached its maximum at the physiological maturation of the cultivars , 90 and 110 days after transplanting for HD and K 326 , respectively .

  8. 供试材料生理成熟期一般在抽丝后50~55d,此时含水量在27%~42%之间。

    All the inbred lines tested reached their physiological mature stage at 50 to 55 days after silking and had the water content of 27 % - 42 % .

  9. 种子浸出液电导率值随盛花后天数增加而逐渐降低,盛花后45d种子达到生理成熟。进行了不同成熟度种子的萌发试验,结果表明授粉后九个多月的种子已达到生理成熟。

    The electric conductivity of seeds decreased with days after peak anthesis , seeds attained physiological maturity at 45 days after peak blooming . About three months before the dehiscence of the capsule , the seeds are ready for germination .

  10. 苜蓿种子的硬实率随着种子成熟而增加,并在种子生理成熟前后(盛花后29d~43d)达最高。

    The rate of hard seed increased as the seed mature , and up to the maximum before and after the seed physiological maturity ( full bloom after 29 days - 43 days ) .

  11. 试验结果表明,无芒雀麦种子发育过程中含水量呈现逐渐下降的阶段性变化,而种子干重则逐渐增加,在盛花期后29d达到生理成熟,含水量为57.5%。

    Seed moisture content dropped from about 70 % to about 16 % including two phases during the seed development of smooth bromegrass . Seed physiological maturity was comploted in 29 days after peak anthesis with seed dry weight increased gradually .

  12. 生理成熟是随着身体机能的生长而成熟。

    Physiology maturity is grow as body functionary and mature .

  13. 为什么我们的孩子达到生理成熟的年龄越来越早?

    Why are our children reaching biological adulthood at earlier and earlier ages ?

  14. 中国黄牛生理成熟度与脊椎棘突化学组成变化关系的研究

    Relationship of Chemical Composition of Vertebrae Thorn and Physical Maturity of Chinese Yellow Cattle

  15. 玉米种子的生理成熟期约为42DAP(授粉后天数)。

    Physiological maturity of seeds was at 42 days after pollination ( DAP ) .

  16. 中国黄牛生理成熟度研究

    A Study on Maturity of Chinese Yellow Cattle

  17. 人的成熟有生理成熟和心理成熟之分。

    The person 's maturity has physiology maturity and the branch with mature psychology .

  18. 大理石花纹、生理成熟度对牛肉品质的影响

    Study on Effect of Marbling and Physiological Maturity Degree on Meat Quality of Crossbred Yellow Cattle

  19. 其菌丝生理成熟的适宜温度为15-25℃,最佳为18-22℃;

    The temperature should be maintained at 15 to 25 ℃, optimum temperature is 18 to 22 ℃ .

  20. 糖类和有机酸在生理成熟期之前逐渐增加,以后则逐渐减少;

    Before the physiological maturation , the contents of carbohydrates and organic acids increased gradually , and then decreased gradually .

  21. 结果表明:籽粒干重随发育不断增加,生理成熟后又有所下降(0.4%~5.4%)。

    Dry weight of seed increased continually before PM and decreased little after PM ( 0.4 % - 5.4 % ) .

  22. 本试验研究了中国黄牛生理成熟度与脊椎棘突化学组成变化的关系。

    In this trail , the relationship of chemical composition of vertebrae thorn and physical maturity of Chinese yellow cattle was analyzed .

  23. 目的:当代大学生正处于性生理成熟、性心理趋于成熟的阶段。

    Objective : College students today are the ones who have already been physically mature , and tend to be mature in sexual mentality .

  24. 植物芽的生理成熟是对植物嫁接的基础,核桃生长期嫁接均采用半木质化为指标。

    Physiological mature of bud is the base of grafting , and semi - lignify is considered as the index of walnut grafting at growing stage .

  25. 对12个水稻品种生理成熟期的产量和叶型特征进行典型相关分析,结果表明:产量与叶型特征各性状的典型相关系数均达显著或极显著水平。

    This paper presents the result of canonical correlation analysis between leaf characters and yield of 12 paddy rice cultivars measured during the physiological maturing stage .

  26. 结果表明,甜椒商品成熟果和生理成熟果果色的遗传属于质量性状遗传,分别为不同的核基因控制。

    The results showed that the traits of fruit color belonged to qualitative characters at marketable mature stage and physiological mature stage and were controlled by nuclear genes .

  27. 结果表明,在玉米生理成熟期地上第二茎间髓部组织内蔗糖的含量与玉米对茎腐病的抗性密切相关,抗病的玉米杂交种的蔗糖含量明显高于感病的玉米杂交种。

    Corn hybrids resistant to stalk rot had higher sucrose contents in the pith tissues of the second internode above the ground than hybrids susceptible to the disease .

  28. 两种牧草种子的生活力在胚器官分化时期开始具有,并随着发育进程而逐渐提高,到生理成熟期达到最大。

    The viability of the seed obtained from the embryo differentiation stage , increased gradually with the seed maturation , and got to the maximum at physiological maturity .

  29. 独生子女兵正处于心理成熟落后于生理成熟的问题年龄,他们除了承受一般人的心理压力以外,还要承受军人特有的心理压力。

    They are in the problem ages in which their psychological maturity lags behind their physical maturity . Besides the ordinary psychological pressure , they have to bear the distinctive pressure from being servicemen .

  30. 第1个缓慢生长期与核的形成有关,第2个缓慢生长期的结束是形态成熟基本完成,生理成熟开始的标志。

    There is a connection between the 1st the slow growth and the nuclear , when the 2nd slow growth period is basically completed , it formed the signal of the beginning of physiology maturity .