
  • 网络genital area;germarium;zone of spermatognia;zone of spermatogonia;zone of germarium
  1. 慢性前列腺炎(chronicprostatitis,CP)是以排尿症状和生殖区疼痛为主要表现的临床综合征,是成年男性的常见病,约占泌尿男科门诊的33%。

    Chronic Prostatitis ( CP ), a commonly encountered disease of male adult , is a clinical syndromes with the main effect of dysuric symptom and bladder genital area pain .

  2. 在整个生命过程中,晶状体上皮细胞(lensepithelialcells,LECs)几乎都在持续进行分裂,其子细胞不断从晶状体的生殖区迁移到赤道区、延伸,最后分化为晶状体纤维。

    Lens epithelial cells ( LECs ) divide continuously throughout the life-span , and their daughter cells migrate from the germinative zone to the equatorial region , elongate and finally differentiate into lens fiber cells .

  3. 结果表明:蝎蛉卵巢由12根多滋式卵巢小管组成每个卵巢小管分为端丝、生殖区和生长区。

    The results showed that each of the two ovaries consists of12 polytrophic ovarioles , which can be differentiated into the terminal filament , a germarium , a vitellarium and a pedicel .

  4. 作者观察了鸡胚生殖新月区的原生殖细胞(PGC)的超微结构。

    The ultrastructure of the PGCs in the germinal crescent area were studied in the chick embryo .

  5. 结论在鸽旁听觉神经通路和控制生殖脑区中存在大量SP免疫阳性结构,推测SP可能参与了鸟类的发声控制及生殖内分泌调制。

    Conclusion There are many SP-ir structures in the accessory auditory pathway and brain regions related to reproductive control of the pigeon . Our results suggest SP may play a functional role in the vocal and endocrine regulation .

  6. 软下疳一种软而具高度传染性的生殖器官区的非梅毒性病溃疡,由细菌杜雷克嗜血杆菌引起。

    A soft , highly infectious , nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region , caused by the Bacillus Hemophilus ducreyi .

  7. 鸟类原生殖细胞的研究Ⅰ.鸡胚生殖新月区原生殖细胞超微结构的观察

    On the genesis of primordial germ cells ( pgcs ) in aves : ⅰ . ultrastructural observations on the PGCs in the germinal crescent area of the chick embryo

  8. 结果显示:雄螨主动从雌螨腹末钻入腹下,同时翘起、上卷腹末,直对雌螨生殖孔,与雌螨腹部在生殖区构成一直线形。

    The results revealed that males go into abdominal end of females actively , at the same time , tilt and volume abdominal end , and the female reproductive area in the abdomen has been linear composition .