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  1. 大部分人选择在夏季将纹身贴纸贴在裸露的皮肤,而美国美甲设计师SabellaSnyder已经把它们推广到了自己的美甲设计上,这样一年四季都可以使用美美的纹身贴纸了。

    While flash tattoos are mostly displayed on exposed skin during the summertime , American nail stylist Sabella Snyder uses them in other seasons by incorporating them into her nail art designs .

  2. 一个看似戴着精美黄金手镯的女孩很可能只是用了个纹身贴纸。纹身贴纸是本季潮流单品,它是一种临时性纹身,贴上首饰形状贴纸别人会以为你戴了珠宝。

    A girl wearing a delicate gold bracelet may just be decked out with flash tattoos , a trendy type of temporary tattoo that creates the illusion of wearing a piece of jewelry .