
wén lǐ
  • texture;grain;lines;vein;stripes
纹理 [wén lǐ]
  • [lines;veins] 物体上呈现的线形纹路

  • 纹理细的木材

  • 这种大理石纹理清晰

纹理[wén lǐ]
  1. 然后采用Robert、Sobel等算法进行边缘检测,最后采用Fourier变换来提取贝壳纹花样的纹理特征值,实现计算机对疲劳断口的识别。

    Then uses the methods such as Robert , Sobel to detect the edge . Finally , uses the method of Fourier to extract the vein feature of the shell pattern so as to make computer identify the fatigue fracture .

  2. 底切一块有纹理的矿石。她把圣诞火鸡切成块。

    Undercut a vein of ore. She carved the Christmas turkey .

  3. 顺着木材的纹理刷上厚厚的一层漆。

    Brush the paint generously over the wood in the direction of the grain .

  4. 切肉时顺着纹理切最容易。

    It is easiest to cut meat in the direction of the grain .

  5. 这木头的纹理很好看。

    This wood has a beautiful grain .

  6. 如何才能在一个过程中绘制10层纹理呢

    So how to do texturing with 10 layers in 1 pass ?

  7. 让我明确了一点有关的纹理

    Let me clear up the point about the textures .

  8. 岩石的纹理特征

    the textural characteristics of the rocks

  9. 但是帏幕太沉重,太厚密了,它抹去了一切纹理,只除了它自己的

    A curtain is too heavy , too thick , and it obliterates every texture save its own .

  10. 离体猪肺动脉性纹理和静脉性纹理CT研究

    Computed Tomography Research About the Artery and Vein of Separated Pig Lung

  11. 一种适用于纹理图象的FIRE滤波器

    A FIRE Filter for Texture Images

  12. 基于流线纹理合成的2D矢量场可视化

    D Vector Field Visualization Based on Streamline Texture Synthesis

  13. materialType&返回一个数字,表明Material对象是否具有颜色(0)或纹理(1),还是两者都有(2)

    MaterialType & Returns a number that identifies whether the Material object has a color ( 0 ), a texture ( 1 ), or both ( 2 )

  14. 纹理分析方法在TM图像信息提取中的应用

    The Application of Texture Analysis in TM Image Information Extraction

  15. 用Bush型函数构造分形纹理图

    Fractal textures based on bush type functions

  16. 可查看、编辑图片和纹理,支持alphachannels和transparency。

    Viewing and editing of images and textures with support for alpha channels and transparency .

  17. 用OpenGL实现纹理自动生长

    The Realization of the Automatically Texture Growth by Using OpenGL

  18. 毫无疑问,纹理合成技术在GIS领域也肯定会有广阔的应用前景。

    Without a doubt , texture synthesize technique must also have an extensive prospect in the GIS domain in the future .

  19. 基于Gabor滤波器的遥感图像纹理查询方法

    Method for Remote Sensing Image Texture Retrieval Based on Gabor Filter

  20. 一种基于纹理能量的JPEG图像文本定位算法

    A Text Localization Algorithm Based on Texture Energy for JPEG Images

  21. 一种基于OpenGLPerformer的实时纹理替换方法

    A Realtime Texture Substitution Method Based on OpenGL Performer

  22. 应用PSO的快速纹理合成算法

    Fast Texture Synthesis Algorithm Using PSO

  23. 新算法克服了DCT纹理分析法和连接组件法各自的缺点。

    This new method overcomes the drawbacks of the DCT texture analysis method and the connected component method .

  24. 该文研究了基于K分布的海洋SAR图像纹理特征以及纹理参数的估计方法,并利用纹理参数判断海洋现象,为海洋环境监测和海洋现象识别提供途径。

    The paper studied the texture analysis method of SAR images based on K-distribution , then the method was used to estimate the ocean phenomenon .

  25. 文中根据SAR图像的纹理特征和相干斑噪声的统计特征,提出了一种基于区域分集的相干斑抑制算法。

    According to the characteristics of SAN image details and speckle distribution , this peper puts forward a speckle-reduction algorithm based on region division .

  26. 对于叶片的生成,本文采用Bezier参数曲线描述叶子中脉的形状,把树叶或草叶构成的星形结构纹理图象嵌入到叶脉参数曲线的局部标架中来实现。

    As for the leaves , we use Bezier curves to describe shape of leaf midrib .

  27. 设计了一种基于HSV空间改进的颜色纹理直方图,并将其作为输入特征向量,利用SVM学习分类算法进行训练。

    An improved color-texture histogram is developed based on HSV color space , which is used as the input of SVM .

  28. Hadamard变换图象纹理分析方法

    Hadamard Transform Image Texture Analysis Method

  29. 对纹理骨骼线图象进行Radon变换后,可绘制纹理角度的二维曲线图,纹理曲线图所反映的木材纹理角度朝向规律与人们日常印象相吻合;

    After Radon transform on the skeletal texture image , a two dimensional curve plot was drawn to represent textural directionality of wood .

  30. 提出了公路视景仿真的研究思路,建立了基于Brep的公路三维视景管理模型,对视景仿真中的多层次细节模型、纹理映射技术进行了应用研究。

    Based on B-rep model , the management model of highway three-dimension scene was established . The LOD model and texture mapping technology was studied .