
zhuān yè chénɡ bāo
  • Professional contracting;responsibility contracts for specialties
  1. 与Wright的目标相反,许多房主都开始找专业承包人来建房。

    Counter to Wright 's goal , many homeowners turned to professional contractors for construction .

  2. 为了更好地为洁净室客户服务,专门设立了洁净部门,具有洁净工程专业承包资质。

    Specially for cleanroom customers , T-Chuang set up T-Clean department for Cleanroom , with qualification of cleanroom construction contracting .

  3. 以职工为主体组建劳务分包企业对劳务分包市场的有序发展以及提升大型建筑企业的总承包、专业承包能力和项目管理水平将起到良好的促进作用。

    The labor enterprises taking the staff as the main body play a promoting part in the healthy development of the labor market . They can also advance general contract ability , specialized contract ability and project management level of large construction enterprises .

  4. 我国传统的分阶段分专业平行承包有其自身的缺点,造成了目前工程问题的原因所在。

    Traditional parallel contract by special work in our country has its disadvantages and has made the problems of construction .

  5. 国际通行的项目建设体制分为工程总承包、专业分承包、劳务分承包3个层次,形象地称之为梯型模式。

    The international conventional system for a construction project is divided into three levels , total project contract , sub-contract of specialties and sub-contract of services , which is called a " succession mode " .

  6. 如果不需要专业知识,承包方将需要适时修理过和更换后的部件发给买方后便完成了补救义务。

    If such special knowledge is not required , the Contractor has fulfilled his obligations in respect of the defect when he delivers to the Purchaser a duly repaired or replaced part .

  7. 协助专业监理工程师检查承包单位投入工程项目的人力、材料、主要设备及其使用运行状况,并做好检查记录。

    Assist discipline engineer to check labor power , material and main equipment inputted by the contractor in construction projects and their operating condition , and get done with records ;