
  • 网络Professional media;Trade Media
  1. 随着互联网上博客世界的出现,由博客从事的自媒体(WeMedia)信息传播,与专业媒体的报道之间形成了密切的互动关系。

    With the emergence of blogsphere in the internet , the communication conducted by bloggers with " we media " has been making interactive relations with reporting of professional media agencies .

  2. 亚太汽配商情杂志的完美设计、详细内容及其广泛的流通性,使之成为最被认可的专业媒体。

    Autoparts Source is the most recognized and professional media with detailed information , perfect design and huge circulation .

  3. 一个名为SavedYouAClick的推特账号就是其中之一,该账号的主人杰克贝克曼今年25岁,是一名专业媒体人。

    The Twitter account @ SavedYouAClick , run by 25-year-old media professional Jake Beckman , is one such example .

  4. 重审中国建筑专业媒体的走向

    Review on the development trend of the architecture of China

  5. 地方院校教育技术专业媒体类课程整合研究

    Research of the Courses Intergration of Medium Techniques in Education Technology Specialty in Local Colleges

  6. 专业媒体高峰对谈之一后配额时代的中国&孙淮滨接受《棉花展望》访谈

    China in Post - quota Era

  7. 一名违规的摄影师将因自己的行为而名誉扫地,而且永远失去为专业媒体效力的机会。

    A photographer who is doing it will loose his job at every professional media company and his reputation as a journalist .

  8. 科技期刊作为一种专业媒体,承担着传播科学技术知识,推动科学技术发展的使命。

    Science and Technology Journals , as a professional media in spreading scientific and technological knowledge , promote scientific and technological development mission .

  9. 比赛:商业或专业媒体之间的竞争可能会导致记者赞同新闻价值给予对手的一个故事。

    Competition : Commercial or professional competition between media may lead journalists to endorse the news value given to a story by a rival .

  10. 研究发现,专业媒体有偏向精英主义的报道模式,也有倾向商业主义的报道模式,都市报房地产专刊则采用中庸主义原则报道。

    The study found that professional media coverage biased elitist model and commercial model , newspapers for city use of the principle of moderation .

  11. 凯(音译)是一位2008年从北京前往英国的专业媒体人,先求学后就业。

    Kai , 26 , is a media professional who came to the UK from Beijing in 2008 , first to study and then to work .

  12. 我们将与众多行业协会及专业媒体合作组织一系列论坛和峰会,内容涉及行业标准、发展趋势、阻碍以及解决方案。

    Standards , trends , obstacles , and solutions will be covered through the different kinds of forums , conferences and summits that are organized with trade associations .

  13. 个人化传播从技术上打破了专业媒体组织的话语垄断,具有高度自由、开放的特征,却也容易引发非制度性参与和非理性化行动。

    Individualized communication breaks monopolization of specialty media , it features as extreme open and free , while it tends to bring non-institutionalized participation and irrational action as well .

  14. “国际足联金球奖”将由国际足联旗下的各国国家队主教练和队长,以及《法国足球》挑选的各国足球专业媒体记者投票产生。

    The final decision will be made by the captains and head coaches of the national teams as well as by international media representatives selected by the French Soccer Federation .

  15. 中央电视台、北京电视台、新华社、美联社、知名报刊、网络及专业媒体竞相采访、宣传报道本届展会。

    China Central Television , Beijing Television , Xinhua News Agency , Associated Press , well-known newspapers , networks and professional media scramble to interview , and report this expo .

  16. 本文着重分析两种常见于博客传播中的、由博客展开的基于专业媒体报道的后续报道形式,从一个侧面探究博客传播对新闻报道循环链可能带来的影响。

    This paper focuses on two forms of sequencing reporting carried by bloggers on the basis of professional media 's coverage , and tries to explore the possible impacts of blog communication on news reporting cycle chains .

  17. 从2002年以来,在北京、上海、广东、成都等经济较发达的省份或城市,商业地产或者购物中心这一概念成为业内和专业媒体最流行的话题。

    Since 2002 , commercial property or shopping mall has become popular topic in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangdong , Chengdu and other developed province or city . At the same time , various commercial property projects are being constructed .

  18. 为应对播放体制垄断,杭州动漫产业进行了建立专业媒体、拓宽产品宣传渠道等探索,一定程度上突破了播放垄断困局,使杭州动漫产业获得较大发展。

    Response to the playback system monopoly , Hangzhou animation industry to explore the establishment of professional media , expand product promotion channels , to some extent , a breakthrough play monopoly dilemma , Hangzhou animation industry for a larger development .

  19. 凯(音译)是一位2008年从北京前往英国的专业媒体人,先求学后就业。当我到达伦敦的时候,我想我开始切实的想念北京的食物。

    Kai , 26 , is a media professional who came to the UK from Beijing in 2008 , first to study and then to work . When I arrived in London I thought I was really going to miss Beijing food .

  20. 在新闻来源、题材和体裁甚至写作等方面,微博客新闻都表现出了与专业媒体不同的采编和表现形式。微博客新闻在主观与客观之间的把握上既彰显个性又不失新闻特色。

    In the development process , micro-blog news style is different from professional media in news sources , subject , genre , and writing etc. micro-blog news not only display personality but also has the news characteristic on the subjective and objective .

  21. 根据我国公民新闻的发展趋势和自身情况,依托专业媒体、完善网络信息发布环境、加强公民媒介素养培育,可以成为推动我国公民新闻良性健康发展的策略。

    According to the development trend of Chinese citizen journalism and their own situation , rely on professional media , perfect network information release environment , and strengthen citizen journalists foster , can become the effective strategy to impel our country citizen journalism healthy development .

  22. 并揭示了当前中国体育电视娱乐化的现状及存在的问题,通过对具体案例收视率的分析和媒介规制困境的现状,提出目前的娱乐化并不足以挽救中国体育专业媒体。

    And reveals the current Chinese sports TV more entertaining present situation and the existence question , through the analysis of the specific case of ratings and media regulation dilemma , the present situation of entertainment is not enough to save the Chinese sports media professionals .

  23. 希望通过我们专业的媒体推广将REI的优秀产品真正的传递到户外运动爱好者的手中。

    We look forward to combining our media expertise with REI 's superior product offerings to really reach and engage outdoor enthusiasts .

  24. 新闻学专业本科生媒体实践需要处理的几个关系

    Relationships Dealt in Media Practice for Undergraduates Majoring in Journalism

  25. 开放教育试点专业多种媒体教材发行工作管理模式初探

    Managing Models of Distributing Multi-media Teaching Materials to Students

  26. 这是一个专业的媒体评论员,有很多粉丝

    This is a pro-amateur , or pro-am media critic who has this high fan-out rate .

  27. 搜狐旺财是由搜狐金融事业部开发的证券投资理财专业手机媒体。

    SOHU Fortune is a mobile fiance & investment news service developed by Sohu Finance Business Divison .

  28. 作为专业的媒体服务机构,我们致力于成为海外媒体前往成都报道首选的媒体服务支持与交流互动平台。

    To be the foreign media 's first and better choice for news coverage and reporting activities in Chengdu .

  29. 北京九华互联科技有限公司创立于2004年,位于清华科技园,是一家专业从事媒体播放系统研发与推广的企业。

    Beijing99view Technology Limited was founded in Tsinghua Science Park in2004.The company is specialized in research and development of digital media player systems .

  30. 高校文化产业管理专业新媒体技能培养的探索与实践&以常熟理工学院为例

    On the New Media Disciplinary Skills of Cultural Industry Management Program in Colleges and Universities : A Case Study of Changshu Institute of Technology