
  • College Students;junior college student
  1. 专科生思想教育工作中三个结合的作用

    The Function of Three - combination in the Ideological Education of Normal College Students

  2. 专科生就业的现状分析与对策

    Analysis and Policy for the Present Employment Situation of College Students

  3. 本研究以O'Malley和Chamot的认知学习理论为框架,通过问卷的形式对河西学院英语专科生元认知听力计划策略进行了调查。

    According to O'Malley and Chamot 's cognitive theory , the study investigates the planning strategies in listening of three-year English majors .

  4. 我叫,一名毕业于西北大学的专科生。

    My name is , a degree from northwestern university firstly .

  5. 高师英语专科生的听力计划策略探讨

    On the Plan Strategies in Listening of the 3-year English Majors

  6. 高等师范专科生马列原著选读课教学探讨

    On the Normal College Students Marxism-Leninism Original Work Selected Readings Teaching

  7. 师范专科生核心自我评价与心理健康状况的关系

    Relationship Between Core-self Evaluation and Mental Health of Normal School Students

  8. 提高高职专科生就业率初探

    How to Raise the Employment Rate of Junior Vocational College Students

  9. 专科生如何适应新的就业形势

    How to Adapt Students From Training School to New Employment Situations

  10. 护理专科生实习前心理健康状况及其影响因素分析

    Transactional Study on Mental Health of Nursing Students Before Practice

  11. 专科生体育素质教育的研究

    Study on Quality Education of Physical Training at Junior College

  12. 浅议学校图书馆导读工作五年制专科生的阅读指导

    Guided Reading for Five Year College Students Directly from Junior High Schools

  13. 体育与非体育专科生健康素质的比较研究

    Comparative Study on health quality between college PE majors and non-PE majors

  14. 护理专科生社区实习教学模块的构建

    Construction of Community Practice Teaching Module for Professional Nursing Students

  15. 1988年开始招收二年制地理专科生。

    The department started recruitment of two-year college students in1988 .

  16. 听力学习策略的培训对英语专科生的影响

    On the Effects of Listening Strategy-training on College English Majors

  17. 医学专科生导师制的实施及效果评价

    Implementation and Evaluation of Tutor System for Medical Students of Junior Colleges

  18. 如何加强专科生英语应用能力培养之我见

    On how to strengthen the development of College Students ' English proficiency

  19. 非英语专业一年级专科生词汇学习策略调查与研究

    Investigation and Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by

  20. 将管理案例教学法引入普通专科生课堂的探讨

    Bring Teaching Method of Business Case to the Teaching Process of Junior College

  21. 关于加强高职学院专科生人文教育的思考

    On Strengthening Human Culture Education for Vocational College Students

  22. 护理本科生与专科生综合能力的差异调查分析

    The Difference in Comprehensive Abilities of Nursing Students between Undergraduates And Junior College Students

  23. 通过分析近年来专科生就业难的问题,对将来的前景做出预测。

    This article predicts the employment prospect of college students by analyzing recent situation .

  24. 关于专科生心理健康教育的思考

    Mental Health Education to the Professional Training Students

  25. 医学专科生考试作弊现象的分析

    An Analysis On Examination Cheats in Medical College

  26. 浅谈师范专科生心理健康的环境要求

    A Tentative Discussion on the Environmental Requirement of Mental Health of Students in Normal School

  27. 模拟训练法在护理专科生妇产科实习前的应用

    Application of Simulating Discipline in the Nursing Junior College Student Before Gynecology and Obstetrics Practice

  28. 本文旨在探讨医学专科生创新教育的主要内涵。

    The aim of this article is to search new trails for college medical education .

  29. 本课程的教学对象是高等学校非英语专业的专科生。

    This course is part of the three-year program for non-English majors in our university .

  30. 我们对2002级本科生及专科生进行了病理学部分章节形成性练习的教学尝试,同时对该届学生进行了问卷调查,共取得653份有效问卷,分析如下:学生要适应练习,积极参与;

    We have tried PFE on college students of grade 2 and made a questionnaire inquiry .