
  1. 高层建筑多专业交叉施工时监理工作初探

    A preliminary study on the supervision of specialty-intersecting construction of multi-storey building

  2. 电化教育是多学科、多专业交叉的事业,因而全局观念显得尤为重要。

    The audio-visual education programme is the multi-disciplinary , multi-specialized undertakings that cross , therefore the overall point of view seems particularly important .

  3. 建筑施工工序多、相关专业交叉施工作业多,各专业、工序之间的协调管理和相互配合在施工过程中尤为重要,它关系到工程项目的工程质量、进度、成本、安全和现场文明。

    Because of much building construction process and much intercross construction of the correlative specialty , it is important that the coordination management and cooperate each other with the different specialty and process , which affect the project quality , progress , cost , safety and site civilization .

  4. 现代建设工程多数都是规模大、工期长、功能要求复杂、多专业相互交叉的项目。

    Most of the modern constructional engineering is the construction work of the big scale and the long time limit for a project and the complex need of the function and the many intersectional specialties one another .

  5. 探索风景园林专业教育中交叉学科间理论体系的建立

    A Discussion on the Establishment of Cross-discipline Theory System in Landscape Architecture Education

  6. 会计学专业课程间交叉渗透的研究与实践

    The Study and Practice on the Intersection and Penetration of the Specialized Courses in Accountancy

  7. 本文针对会计学专业课程间交叉渗透的研究与实践进行研究和探讨。指出:对专业课程教学大纲的改革是解决好专业课程间知识的交叉与渗透的关键;

    The article studies and expounds the intersection and penetration of the specialized courses in accountancy , and points out : the key is to reform the teaching programme ;

  8. 近年来随着纳米科学的飞速发展,纳米技术与专业技术不断交叉结合,在诸多领域都体现出巨大的优越性能。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of nano-science , nano-technology and nanophase materials are integrating with professional technology in many areas and appearing tremendous superiority compared with common technology and materials .

  9. 对200名临床医学专业本科生采取交叉对照的研究方法,比较分析多媒体教学法和传统教学法在心律失常教学中的应用,目的在于显示多媒体电化教学的优越性。

    200 medical students have been evaluated with cross-study method for comparing the traditional teaching approach with the multimedia technique approach in order to show the advantage of multimedia technique approach in arrhythmia teaching .

  10. 针对包装专业学科相互交叉和高度综合的基本特征,论述了包装专业课程体系中设置包装法课程的必要性,并对包装法课程具体内容的设置提出了初步设想。

    The necessity to open packaging law course for packaging specialty was explored and the contents of the course was advised according to the characteristics of packaging specialty , which are cross linked and highly integrated .

  11. 对科学研究表现出研究范围局限于本专业而跨学科交叉研究少,研究缺乏连续性,研究方法单一、合作研究少的特征。

    Their scientific researches are limited to the professional field , and inter-disciplinary study is less . And the lack of continuity is shown in their researches with single methods and less collaborative research . 5 .

  12. 跨专业、多学科交叉的研究已经成为世界科技突飞猛进的增长点,培养复合型研究人才或者通才业已成为工业设计专业研究生教育的重要任务。

    The research on the multi-discipline and cross-discipline has developed into the worldwide growth point of science and technology . It is an important task to train postgraduates majoring in industrial design to be interdisciplinary talents .

  13. 在研究过程中,应用财税学和信息学两个不同专业的角度相互交叉的办法,对影响税收综合征管能力提高的信息化和制约征管信息化发挥的税收征管体制相关部分内容进行研究。

    During the process of research , this paper apply fiscal and information two different professional perspective cross-cutting approach to a more in-depth study on the informatization productive forces which affect comprehensive tax collection capacity and related parts of tax collection management system which constraint play of informatization productive forces .

  14. 人力资源管理包括档案管理,对人力资源管理中的档案工作进行尝试性研究是对人力资源管理专业与档案管理专业进行交叉研究的全新尝试。

    HR managing includes archives management , to make a tentative research of the archives management work in HR managing is a brand-new trial in the crossed field of HR managing major and archives management major .

  15. 学术英语阅读理解是一个英语专业知识和专业背景知识相互交叉作用的过程。

    English for Academic Purpose reading is an interaction between knowledge of English language and academic background .

  16. 在某方向专题实习中,以深入解决生产中的专业问题、锻炼学生的能力为主,同时又在解决问题时使专业方向相互交叉和结合。

    In monographic study at a certain field , deeply solving professional problems of producing practice and fostering the ability of students is put first , and then making some fields of profession intersect and connect at the same time .