
  • 网络thematic mapping;thematic cartography
  1. 因子分析模型在环境污染专题制图中的应用

    Application of Factor Analysis Model in Thematic Mapping on Environment Pollution

  2. 地学分析在遥感专题制图中的应用

    Application of geographic analysis to remote sensing thematic mapping

  3. 基于GIS的城市规划专题制图

    GIS Based Map Making for Urban Planning

  4. 基于SVG的网络专题制图研究

    Research on Thematic Web Mapping Based on SVG

  5. 专题制图中各有关专题要素求权方法的比较研究

    A comparative study on weighting the related thematic features in thematic cartography

  6. 现代专题制图系统中面状符号的软件研究

    The study of software of surface symbol in the modern thematic mapping system

  7. 地理信息系统可视化专题制图要素分级探讨

    Study on thematic mapping element classification of GIS visualization discussion on the visualization

  8. 基于VB+MO的专题制图系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of MO-based special cartography information system

  9. 基于影像图的震害专题制图

    Photomap-based thematic cartography for seismic hazards

  10. 基于模板技术的专题制图

    A Pattern-Plate-Based Technique for Thematic Mapping

  11. 在专题制图系统中,面状符号的自动绘制具有重要意义。

    The area symbol 's automatic plotting plays an important role in the thematic mapping systems .

  12. 详细讨论了各种滑坡灾害专题制图和滑坡体三维可视化建模的过程和方法。

    This paper discusses various methods for thematic map making and 3D modeling of the landslide hazard .

  13. 地质灾害专题制图是地质灾害系统研究成果的高层次综合。本文论述了地质灾害制图的目的、原则、特点、表示内容与方法,为规划决策提供地质灾害背景图件。

    The paper described the goal , principle , characteristic , content and method of map compilation of geological disaster .

  14. 结合北京市城市规划信息系统,阐述了专题制图模块的功能设计及实现过程。

    In this paper , the design and realization of the thematic maps module of ShenZheng Police GIS is introduced .

  15. 对不同分区的遥感地质背景参数进行分析,实现了遥感异常信息分区、分级量化及专题制图表达。

    Analyze different division of remote sensing geology background parameters , realized remote sensing anomaly information partition , grading quantification and thematic mapping expression . 4 .

  16. 经过对数据模型的转换以及专题制图要素的处理,建立了海洋底质专题数字图成图系统。

    After transformation of the data model and processing of the thematic mapping elements , the paper constructs a mapping system of the seabed sediment thematic digital map .

  17. 结合工程应用,本文研究的系统,为道路管理部门提供了数据交互式查询、统计分析、专题制图、桩号定位等功能。

    Combined with application , the thesis provided the road management department with functions such as interactive query , statistical analysis , thematic mapping , pile orientation and so on .

  18. 分析和阐述了计算机环境下专题制图分布协同控制的本质特征。

    Essence of step-by-step concurrence of thematic mapping in the computer environment , and basic concepts based on cybernetics , thematic mapping control characters of step-by-step concurrence are analyzed and expounded .

  19. 图式图例的设计是每项专题制图工作必不可少的基础工作,也为制图工作实现标准化、自动化的重要环节。

    The design of form and legend is the basic and necessary work to map-making for every special theme , also the key of standardization and automation for karst hydrogeology maps .

  20. 其中包括信息查询、模型库、数据库集成与更新、接口模型、数值模拟数据前后处理和专题制图等关键问题。

    The main topics are information inquiries , models base , data base and data renew , interface models , pre and post process of numerical simulation data and charting of special maps .

  21. 但是在实践当中,人们普遍感到,地理信息系统的应用还处在一个较低的层次,主要用于数据管理和专题制图方面,而空间分析功能发挥的较少。

    But in the actual practice , people realize that the application of GIS is in a lower level in which the use major in data management and special mapping , and lees in spatial analysis .

  22. 影像配准是遥感影像几何精纠正、镶嵌、分类、专题制图的基础,也是遥感应用研究的基础,在遥感影像的处理过程中处于重要的地位。

    Image registration is the foundation of image accurate correction , mosaic , classification , thematic mapping , as well as study of remote sensing application . It plays a very important role in the field of image processing .

  23. 阐述了军事地理研究与其技术系统主体的军事地理遥感技术、军事地理信息系统及计算机辅助军事地理专题制图技术的关系,进而提出了适合现代战争要求的军事地理技术系统构成框图。

    Mainly reveals the relationship between military geography study and its technology methods , such as military geography remote sensing technology , military geography information system and computer aid thematic mapping technology , then composes the frame of military geography technology system .

  24. 本文根据土地类型本质特征,在尚未有统一的专题制图规范可循情况下,设计了崇阳县华陂区1:2.5万土地类型图的编图程序,采用了求积仪配合方格网量算面积的方法。

    According to the essential features of land types and under the circumstance with no unified standards to follow , the cartographical programme and area measuring method for land-type map scaled 1 : 25,000 are devised with the help of planimeter and checking net-work .

  25. 遥感,凭借其宏观、快速、大面积监测的优势,早期用于植被覆盖类型的识别、分类与专题制图等。

    The RS , relies on its superiority of macroscopic , fast , and the monitoring for great range of area , . At early time it uses in the recognition of vegetation covering type , the classification and the special charting and so on .

  26. 医学地理制图是专题制图的一个新兴分支,主要任务是研究疾病与地理环境的关系。直接为防病、治病,增进人们的健康服务。

    Being a new branch of thematic mapping , disease mapping serves mainly for the study of relations between diseases and geographic environment , the prevention and cure of diseases , and the improvement of people 's health condition , thus having great vitality and broad prospect .

  27. 基本信息元图可用于地理数据库建立、专题系列制图的统一协调、计算辅助制图、GIS空间分析等。

    Study show that the BP can be used in geo data base building , computer assisted cartography , spatial analysis of GIS , etc.

  28. 专题地图制图数据处理系统(MDPS)研究

    The research on thematic map data processing system

  29. 符号构成元素设计及其在专题地图制图中的应用

    Design of symbolic constitution elements and it 's application of thematic mapping

  30. 专题统计制图统计分析模型库的建立

    Generating Model - base for Statistic Analysis in Thematic Cartography