
zhuān yè bǎn
  • professional edition
  1. 其专业版包括对正反向工程的支持,以及将建模工具嵌入到Eclipse的功能。

    The professional edition includes support for round-trip engineering and the ability to embed the modeling tool into Eclipse .

  2. 与现今存在的两类WindowsXP(家庭版和专业版)密切对应,WindowsVista。

    And today there are two categories of Windows XP ( Home Edition and Professional Edition ) closely correspond , Windows Vista .

  3. 作为NewRelic基本版本和专业版的一部分,它是免费提供的。

    And it 's free as a part of New Relic Basic or Pro .

  4. 如果企业想继续升级Windows7专业版或Windows7企业版,可以向微软付费。

    Businesses can pay Microsoft if they want to continue getting updates for Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Enterprise .

  5. 再往上是专业版(Professional),多了几项功能,对于在大公司上班或者使用一些特殊老程序的客户会特别实用。

    The next step up , called Professional , adds a few extras that may be especially useful for consumers who work at large companies or use older , specialized programs .

  6. ZendStudio的标准版需要US$99,专业版需要US$299。

    The standard edition of Zend Studio is US $ 99 , and the professional edition is US $ 299 .

  7. Windows10专业版的用户们还能使用微软最新推出的WindowsUpdateforBusiness项目,使得组织机构更便捷地管理他们从微软获得安全保障和其他更新的途径。

    Windows 10 Pro users can also take advantage of Microsoft 's new Windows Update for Business program , which makes it easier for organizations to control how they get security and other updates from Microsoft .

  8. 但是,它更应该属于所有的版本,尤其重要的是Express版本。当我在为你们将它增加到专业版的决定鼓掌的同时,我确实认为这还远远不够。

    However , it really belongs in all versions , most importantly Express * . while I applaud your decision to include them in Pro , I really do not think it is enough .

  9. 比如,Vista家庭高级版只能升级到Windows7家庭高级版,Vista商用版也只能升级至Windows7专业版。

    For instance , Vista Home Premium can only be upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium and Vista Business can only be upgraded to Windows 7 Professional .

  10. 许多大学已将Maple作为教授数学概念的标准工具;该公司提供此软件的学生版和专业版。

    Many universities have standardized on Maple for teaching mathematical concepts ; the company offers student and professional versions of the software .

  11. 在我写作本文的时候,这款IDE有个人版(US$29.95)和专业版(US$299.95)两个版本可选。

    At the time of writing , the IDE was available in personal ( US $ 29.95 ) or professional ( US $ 299.95 ) versions .

  12. 考虑数据传输的准确性与可靠性,本文引入了CAN总线技术。在故障诊断系统的软件设计方面,论文应用基于WindowsEmbeddedCE6.0平台的VISUALSTUDIO2005专业版编写程序,实现回转装置液压马达故障诊断。

    This paper chooses CAN-BUS to ensure veracity and reliability in data transmission and makes use of Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition based on Windows Embedded CE 6.0 to write program for achieving fault diagnosis of hydraulic motor of swivel gear .

  13. CodePlex同时包含这两个版本吗?或者说你还在销售这个工具的专业版吗?

    Does CodePlex contain both versions or are you still selling the professional edition ?

  14. 安装了Windows7之后,不怎么费力便可从家庭高级版升级至专业版,利用微软推出的WindowsAnytimeUpgrade程序,需要支付一点额外的费用。

    After you 've installed Windows 7 , you can move up from Home Premium to Professional with minimal extra effort , for an added sum , by using a program from Microsoft called Windows Anytime Upgrade .

  15. 如果您正在寻找这类中间产品,那么PHP设计器很值得考虑,因为IDE对于个人使用是免费的,而其专业版也只需US$55。

    If you 're looking for something in that space , it 's worth looking at PHP Designer , because the IDE is free for personal use and US $ 55 for the professional edition .

  16. 当CSC专业版得到足够自由的时间增加时,他的自己评论到这个基于杂志的正式地点,扇子能期望与跑和事业更改混合的某离奇的幽默。

    When the CSC pro gets enough free time to add his own comments to this journal-based official site , fans can expect some offbeat humor mixed with the racing and career updates .

  17. 该产品提供两个版本,一个是免费的标准版,一个是专业版订阅服务,目前价格为每dyno小时0.06美分。

    It is offered in two versions , a free standard version , and a professional subscription version that costs $ 0.06 per dyno hour .

  18. 如果专业版最终拥有单元测试将非常不错。

    It 's nice that Pro will finally have unit testing .

  19. 基本(标准)版和专业版的区别是什么?

    What is the difference between the Basic and Professional Editions ?

  20. 此即为「智慧型专业版」。

    " ipr ": This means the NVR Intelligent edition .

  21. 从家用版升级到专业版是非常简单的。

    Upgrading to the professional edition has never been simpler .

  22. 这是旧专业版更新。

    This is the update to the old Professional Edition .

  23. 这个支持只在专业版提供。

    This support is only available in the Professional Edition .

  24. 它有一个免费的社区版,还有一个专业版。

    There is a free community version and also a professional one .

  25. 升级至专业版的费用是200美元。

    It costs $ 200 for upgraders .

  26. 为什么不用专业版呢?

    Capture one DSLR professional edition ?

  27. 添加/删除程序中选安装/卸载,再卸载专业版。

    From the Install / Uninstall tab of the Add / Remove Programs control panel applet .

  28. 这个专业版还包含一个光盘碎尸功能,以节省光盘轨道到硬盘。

    This Pro version also contains a CD ripper functionality to save CD tracks to hard disk .

  29. 如果您使用的是4.8产品(家庭或专业版),更新是非常痛苦的。

    If you are using a4.8 product ( home or professional editions ), the update is pretty painless .

  30. 但是使用专业版,你可以进一步深入,在代码层面上,钻入到单个客户的交易事务。

    But with Pro you can go even further and drill down into individual customer transactions at the code level .