
zhuān yònɡ fú hào
  • special symbol
  1. 物理学专用符号及词组库软件的研制与使用

    The software of special-purpose symbols and a WORD-TREASURY for physics writing

  2. Pro/E工程图模块中专用符号自动标注的实现

    The Realization of Automatic Marking of Special Symbols in Pro / Engineer Drawing Module

  3. 在计算机图形学中,由线、点、字符或专用符号绘成的图形。

    In computer graphics , the graphics composed of lines , dots , characters or specific symbols .

  4. 人名不仅是代表生命个体的专用符号,更是一种文化。

    Biographical names are not only a kind of symbols which represent individuals , but also a kind of culture .

  5. 该设计方法的主要思想是把一幅图形分为背景图形和动态图形,其中动态图形又分为常用图形部分和专用符号图形。

    The main idea is that a graph is composed of background and dynamic graph , and the dynamic graph consists of graph in common use and special sign .

  6. 本文从品牌译名的方式入手,分析品牌名称翻译这种具有特殊意义和功能的专用符号的翻译。

    This thesis concentrates on the study of the Chinese translations of foreign brands as well as the English translations of Chinese brands with the hope that it may help to name and translate brands .

  7. 在该项目中,需要识别的字符比较多,包括英文大写字母、阿拉伯数字、一些专用符号、部分汉字,这些字符集可能发生变化,要求识别精度比较高。

    The characters which are to be recognized include the uppercase English letters , digits , some special symbols and some Chinese characters , and the character-set may be changed in the future . The required recognition rate is fairly high .

  8. 它能够产生包括点、圆、弧、矢量、标准字符、专用符号及汉字在内的图形及符号,还可进行图象的旋转、缩放。

    All these signals are standardized by CCIR-D. The module can generate a set of symbols and graphics including dot , cycle , arc , vector , standard character set , special characters and Chinese characters . It can provide the operation of rotation and zoom .

  9. XML专用的符号完全与XML的结构匹配,很容易标志XML顺序、XML选择、元素和属性等等。

    XML-specific symbols are a perfect match for the XML constructs : It is easy to identify an XML sequence , an XML choice , elements , attributes , and more .

  10. Mathematica是一个计算环境,通过专用的符号语言为众多数值和符号计算提供支持。

    Mathematica is a computing environment providing support for numerous numeric and symbolic computations through a dedicated symbolic language .

  11. 所述的软件适用于带有各种专用数学符号以及上下标的数学公式。

    This software is adaptive to various expressions with professional math symbols as well as subscript and superscript .